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lesslimited said:
I'm just a middle aged fart.
Les is the olde farte.
I saw all these posts ... even yours, John, commenting about grade school in 1975. Hell, I graduated from High School in 1971!

Now, If you guys will excuse me, I have to go change my Depends undergarment.

Les' first fabrication project was "dirt".
Live remote from HOME!!!

You know its not been a good trip, when your thrilled to hear the flight crew say' Welcome to O'Hare International Airport'.
LBEXJ said:
I saw all these posts ... even yours, John, commenting about grade school in 1975. Hell, I graduated from High School in 1871!

Now, If you guys will excuse me, I have to go change my Depends undergarment.

Come on Les, be honest!
seanR said:
Come on Les, be honest!
If I was honest, you young dudes would not let me wheel with you. :rattle:

You ever miss the target with the BFH, but...

hit your hand?

Dirk Pitt said:
You ever miss the target with the BFH, but...
hit your hand?
Ever run a 1/4-20 Tap through your finger?

real sharp, didn't even feel it

Until it came to reverse the drill :(
wow 135 pages of absolutely nothing

if you have read this thread all the way through then you have just wasted a few days of your life :laugh3:
Just looked back at page one - I was the first one to reply so I guess I'm partly to blame for all this :D

And there a few pages of good content here, but I'll be damned if I can remember where or what they are...
Although this thread really has very little "good content", it has served it's purpose. At a point where there was a lag in posts in the Midwest Chapter Forum, OT spurred everyone into getting involved with this thread. As Rev has so eloquently described, it is compared to an ongoing MWC Meeting.


BTW, there have been over 26,000 views ... cannot say it has been worthless.
LBEXJ said:
Although this thread really has very little "good content", it has served it's purpose. At a point where there was a lag in posts in the Midwest Chapter Forum, OT spurred everyone into getting involved with this thread. As Rev has so eloquently described, it is compared to an ongoing MWC Meeting.


BTW, there have been over 26,000 views ... cannot say it has been worthless.
well said wildman! :patriot:
Well I guess I'll hold down the fort while you guys are at Winterfest. Pop one for me. I'll see you at BOTMW (hopefully)
Pretend that I threw up the cheers smiley because it doesn't work anymore from my work computer. cheers queers.