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My uncle was a city police officer for many years. When I was in high school I did a ride-a-long with him.

We got called to a bomb threat at a hotel. He went in, left me in the car. He said, "If I blow up, find enough pieces of me to bury me!"

I'll never forget those words.

He didn't blow up, but I pass tho words of wisdom on whenever I can.

mac 'enough of me to go around' gyvr
My uncle was a city police officer for many years. When I was in high school I did a ride-a-long with him.

We got called to a bomb threat at a hotel. He went in, left me in the car. He said, "If I blow up, find enough pieces of me to bury me!"

I'll never forget those words.

He didn't blow up, but I pass tho words of wisdom on whenever I can.

mac 'enough of me to go around' gyvr

i needed to grab a couple baby things after we were already outside. i decided to go back in and told my wife if i am not out within 5 mins call 911

she is a worry wart, so that just freaked her out as i walked in the house with a smile.

made sure not to turn any lights on or off while in there.
appliances like that are dirt cheap to repair


is where I get all my appliance parts.

87 'fears no household appliances' manche

over the last 6 months my washer has broke 3 different times. drain pump, then drain hose, then lid switch and i kept buying new parts off amazon and fixing it. it got to the point that none of the rusty old screws and even hold the thing together and now it is flashing out the back of it. screw that 100 bucks for a used one.

i may look at replacing this switch for the oven. since im sure that is the problem. we don't use it much in the summer because of the grill(keep all that heat out of the house) but i use the stove top daily for my eggs. so since we didn't notice anything until we tried to use the oven, im sure that is the problem.

buuuuuuuuut we may have needed this push to get a nice oven that matches the other appliances. also the kitchen updated officially started a couple days ago when i pulled wallpaper and primed a wall.

my wife failed to mention earlier in the day that on her lunch break she went home and was going to warm up some food in the oven but it never got warm.

apparently she did not think that was abnormal:twak:.
So camping in nyc is a little strange, but also kind of neat. The campgrounds is at the edge of the city on an old military airfield...all of the markings are still on the runways. Had drive down a runway to get to the campsites. The sites are crammed in there, but luckily no one is at the sites next to me. In fact I have yet to see other people. There are 3 tents set up next to where you walk in...only 2 other cars in the lot. If you search Floyd Bennett Airfield on Google earth you can see the overhead view of the old base and runways. They are a little rough since they got hammered from sandy
They do. i did not smell it right away. but once i stepped into the kitchen i knew something was up. opened the oven and a wave of stank came pouring out.

when the washer went out last week i said a cheap used washer from this local store will work.

i always told my wife that if the oven ever breaks then i want a nice new one to match the microwave and fridge which all have been replaced.

problem is... the fact that i dont have 500 bucks to drop on an oven.

fix is... i have a nice grill and can cook anything right on that.

rather wait and get the oven i want than buy a cheap one right now.

Most likely its an ignitor. Move the one from your broiler to underside and you should be good to go, just no broiler capabilities.

These bastards are brave...I need a crossbow. Venison anyone?
Cheap limit straps. Check out ass-vault.

Goofy name, $17 a pair quad wrapped.

Don't waste your money with you know who...
My dog sitter just told us that he can't watch the dogs during the NACfest and Crawl trip...its her brother, he's early 20's and hasn't had a job in over a year...managed to get one last week...

So now the scramble to find someone.

I can't imagine that taking four dogs on vacation would be that much of a vacation.

mac 'the last detail in the trip' gyvr
I HATE their lack of adjustability for sound, they have all these stupid things. What happened to Bass, treble, mid, fade blah blah.

The sound is junk, I've had better luck with Sony and Kenwood

That's odd. I've always bought Pioneer for their sound adjustability. Every one I've had has had the adjustable multi band EQ.


These bastards are brave...I need a crossbow. Venison anyone?

I saw a little one last night at work. Damn thing couldn't have been more than a day or so old. Thought it was dog till I got close enough. Lol

Speaking of work. Get there and I hear hissing when I get out of my truck. Got a GD cut in the back tire. It's in the tread, but kinda up on the side wall. Hoping they can patch it. Got an extra tire, but it's brand new and the others are 3/4 shot. Wandering if it would mess with the antilock, or the auto 4x4. Its an 04 Tahoe Z71. Anyone got an opinion?
You have 3 too many dogs.

I like two dogs.

Four got out of control.

I'm not sure how long one of them is going to be around, he has a degenerative pain syndrome...

mac 'and an attitude' gyvr
That's odd. I've always bought Pioneer for their sound adjustability. Every one I've had has had the adjustable multi band EQ.

this one does have all manner of adjustments in every band from 80hz to 500 or whatever.

I don't care to much, I listen to talk radio most of the time.

I am a 60 year old man.