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If you believe what AZ is doing is right,

I would agree, if I wanted the US to sink to the lows of the countries you named.
But....since I enjoy the freedom that living in the US has brought me I can't.

The US IS better than Mexico, Russia, China & either of the Koreas and needs to remain so. Adopting laws of third world sh*tholes will not help the US, only lower us to their standards.
I have to agree.

Just because a bunch of totalitarian states do that doesn't mean we should.

I still think we should kick illegals out and not let them come back till they do it the legal way though.
It was a grand parade on Saturday, thank you for hosting.

Is California the only state that counts illegals?

No, that is supposedly required under the 14th Amendment--it was put in to force the inclusion of freed slaves that were born in the U.S. How it got transmogrified to include illegals I have no idea.
I would agree, if I wanted the US to sink to the lows of the countries you named.
But....since I enjoy the freedom that living in the US has brought me I can't.

The US IS better than Mexico, Russia, China & either of the Koreas and needs to remain so. Adopting laws of third world sh*tholes will not help the US, only lower us to their standards.

Bottom Line: I think holding up what other countries do is a weak if not plain silly agruement.

Well, before we rise upon our collective high horses, lets remember that sometimes you have to walk a mile in the other guy's shoes.

Mexico has strict immigration laws because they are constantly being overrun by illegals from countries to the South of them. Sorry, tough laws with strict enforcement is the answer for them as well as us.

What pisses me off is Mexico's horse crap holy indignation that one of our states, Arizona (God bless them!), should take steps to enforce the law.

Our police won't rape, kidnap, or murder illegals like the Mexican police routinely do. We won't imprison illegals for 2 years for the first offense, 10 years for the second offense, like the Mexican's do.

No, we aren't Mexico, no matter what La Raza and Mecha believe. We believe in human rights, unlike the Mexicans.

The answer to this mess is the employers--arrest them, jail them, convict them, imprison them, and confiscate their property under the RICO statutes. No jobs = no illegals.

Usually there are no simple answers to complex issues, however, this time it really is just that simple. We don't have to chase them, we don't have to catch them, we don't have to hold them, and we don't have to transport them. No jobs, no food, no place to live, well, they will leave of their own accord.
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The answer to this mess is the employers--arrest them, jail them, convict them, imprison them, and confiscate their property under the RICO statutes. No jobs = no illegals.

Joe, I agree.... The most frustrating part of this whole thing is the tactics involved....

For years the OBL's tried to stand up to things like 287g and now AZ1070, complaining that it's a federal issue and the states can't do anything about the problem.

Then as soon as ICE stepped in and started doing workplace enforcement, the OBL's started whining about us "tearing apart families". So of course the enforcements have almost stopped.

Kind of hard to take control of the situation when they keep changing the rules.....
"What's essentially happening is you're legalizing racial profiling; legalizing racism," said Estela Ortega with Centro de la Raza.

La Raza, the most racist organization in the U.S. since the Ku Klux Klan.
It gets better! LA is Boycotting AZ for a law that contains provisions almost identical to CALIFORNIA law.
Section 834b in the California Penal Code:

(a) Every law enforcement agency in California shall fully cooperate with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service regarding any person who is arrested if he or she is suspected of being present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws. (b) With respect to any such person who is arrested, and suspected of being present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws, every law enforcement agency shall do the following: (1) Attempt to verify the legal status of such person as a citizen of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted as a permanent resident, an alien lawfully admitted for a temporary period of time or as an alien who is present in the United States in violation of immigration laws. The verification process may include, but shall not be limited to, questioning the person regarding his or her date and place of birth, and entry into the United States, and demanding documentation to indicate his or her legal status.
Link to story at Hotair.Com

I wonder if LA will boycott California too,...

Oh, I forgot, they don't enforce the laws they don't like ,...
Plans to major in political science.

As far as I can tell, she already has all the education she needs on that front.

She does seem like a real go-getter though, the kind of person who really should be a citizen :( If she goes forward with the ROTC I'm pretty sure being in the armed forces is an easy way to become a citizen AND gets you a free ride in college.

Hmmm...God has a plan for her. Maybe that plan is to return to Mexico and help establish a viable government and improve the lives of that country's citizens.

The illegal immigrants made a huge error in their quest for immigration reform and an upgraded status when they march waving mexican flags, there by alienating US citizens that were fence sitting on the immigration issues.
La Raza, the most racist organization in the U.S. since the Ku Klux Klan.

Even more than the NAACP, UNCF, and Rainbow Coalition (or whatever it is that Jesse and Al head up...)?
I would agree, if I wanted the US to sink to the lows of the countries you named.
But....since I enjoy the freedom that living in the US has brought me I can't.

The US IS better than Mexico, Russia, China & either of the Koreas and needs to remain so. Adopting laws of third world sh*tholes will not help the US, only lower us to their standards.

Bottom Line: I think holding up what other countries do is a weak if not plain silly agruement.

Actually we adopt a universal law, we treat the chinese under the same law that china does, same with Mexico, Russia, etc in regards to immigration.
Do unto others as they would have done to themselves or something like that.
Actually we adopt a universal law, we treat the chinese under the same law that china does, same with Mexico, Russia, etc in regards to immigration.
Do unto others as they would have done to themselves or something like that.
Wrong way around... the golden rule is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Wrong way around... the golden rule is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

No, it's kind of the reverse or offshoot of the golden rule, if you were going to golden rule a muslim with a BBQ you would not serve your favorite pork rib bbq.
The trick is knowing what is the standard to them.
Actually we adopt a universal law, we treat the chinese under the same law that china does, same with Mexico, Russia, etc in regards to immigration.
Do unto others as they would have done to themselves or something like that.

If that were true than there is no need for AZ's law.