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If you believe what AZ is doing is right,

Signed. AZ has chosen to do what our own govt cant. And that is to protect the american people and this country. Its time for all states to follow on this bill.
This is on the front page of today's paper here:


The Daily Breeze said:
L.A. City Council Approves Economic Boycott of Arizona

In a move partly spearheaded by Councilwoman Janice Hahn, the Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday voted to boycott the state of Arizona over its new law cracking down on illegal immigration.

Making comparisons to Nazi Germany, segregation in the South and the plight of California's migrant farmworkers in the 1960s, the council supported the plan on a 13-1 vote with little dissent.


I love this state but I can't stand the people who run it, or most of the ones in it for that matter.
You could also argue that California and its cities have no room to talk, using the very same arguments that people are making against the Arizona law.

California passed prop 8 and limited the rights of homosexuals. Therefore, they shouldn't be telling Arizona that its wrong when it limits people's rights.
You could also argue that California and its cities have no room to talk, using the very same arguments that people are making against the Arizona law.

California passed prop 8 and limited the rights of homosexuals. Therefore, they shouldn't be telling Arizona that its wrong when it limits people's rights.

Which is funny - because I see no reason to ban homosexual marriages, and that probably has to do with the fact that I view marriage in a sociopolitical sense, and not a religious sense (the closest I would get to any particular religion would be Deism, if anything. Apart from that, I'm more of a mild-mannered Agnostic. "I don't want to talk to God, I just want to see His face."

(My faith is better served - and derived - elsewhere. I don't need a two thousand-year-old book to tell me how to live a moral and ethical life, and I seem to be doing just fine without it.)

Since I'm essentially Libertarian, that explains why I don't have any trouble with homosexual marriage. Or pretty much any other arrangement of marriage, really, when it works for all participants. And damn the government - they'll just have to rewrite (or better - scrap) the Internal Revenue Code to accommodate everything.

26CFR is probably the biggest abrogation of the people's rights anyhow. Scrap it, go to a Flat Tax (7-10%) or an NRST (3-7%,) and make the cuts needed to live within that budget. It should be doable - most of the unneeded socliast programmes (long-term social welfare,) all of the government "pork" (why do the Feds pass money to the states? The states already collect taxes...) and the Federal programmes that don't do anything (National Endowment for the Arts, anyone?) can be chopped first. Congresscritter pay can be sharply reduced, and no retirement benefits.

Then, cut various Federal bureaucracies - especially since they also infringe on people's rights. IRS and ATF can go first - they're the biggest problem of all.

But, I digress.

I support what AZ is doing, simply because they're doing what the Federal government does not or can not. They're simply making what is already illegal at a Federal level illegal at a State level, which gives them the easier ability to do something about it, and do so directly.

It's easy enough to carry documentation already that will show you belong here (passport, positive ID + birth certificate,) and LEOs can then call the issuer of those documents and verify them. If this means that I have to carry a copy of my birth certificate, I'll fold it into my wallet right next to my DD214 (which I still carry.) I just can't carry the Long Form - White County Health Department had the big fire in 1975, and my Long Form was destroyed. But, it's no trouble to confirm anyhow - just takes a phone call.

They want to check me, I hand over my CA DL, my SSAN card, my DD214, and my IN birth certificate. They can then call whoever they like. It doesn't add anything significant to the load in my wallet, and it doesn't mean I have to go drop $100 on a passport (haven't had to have one of those in years.)

If you're visiting, you'll have a passport - just carry it with you. Resident alien? You've got a green card - carry that. Both of those may be readily verified with minimal effort that day or the following day.

I am normally for limiting the size and power of government - I'm more Libertarian than anything else. However, one of the duties of a government to its citizenry is to secure its borders against threats from without - and the current problem of illegal immigration is a threat - and, apparently, to both our security and our economic health. Which gives two very good reasons to secure the border.

What to do with illegals?

- If they're Latino, drop them off in Tierra del Fuego. Maybe into the Straits of Magellan - monkey-on-a-string from 8,000 feet, about a mile offshore. Gets damned cold in the water there, you'll warm up if you swim faster.

- If they're Asian, airlift them into the Sea of Japan. Er - the Sea of Japan, as I recall, does have a shark problem. Swim fast!

- European? Airlift them into the North Sea, same deal. You'll stay warmer if you swim faster...

Harsh? Perhaps. But, they were taking their chances just coming over here without following the rules - and it's probably better than their country would treat us if we went there illegally. This gives them a fighting chance, but doesn't make it easy for them to come back.

Yes, it's a risk. No, it's not certain death (drop life rafts separately in the North Sea and Straits of Magellan, if you like. Give them more of a chance. Food in the life raft? Geez - these guys want everything! I know that the Coast Guard-approved emergency lifeboat food bars aren't bad, and will fuel you if not fill you up. They can have some of those.) But, it's not going to be easy to try to come back here - and it should not be. Dammit, I'm tired of coddling lawbreakers - when just the act of coming up here is breaking the law, I don't see any reason why you should be coddled for anything else.

If you come up here illegally and then start committing crimes, we drop you five miles offshore in one of the above locations, and - wups! - forgot to drop the life raft. Damn, I knew we forgot to load something on this plane before we took off... Hey - quitcher bitchin'! You still got the parachute, didn't you? No sense paying to keep them in prison, then dropping them somewhere more convenient for them than for us.

I figure if we've got to make the trip, we may as well decide where you're going. And we're not going to keep you in prison before you go - you get your trial, you get your status verified, and then you get a little beach vacation. Good luck - you're going to need it...

Malum prohibitum vice malum in se. Illegally crossing the border into another country borders on malum in se in the first place - doing so and then starting to commit crimes (murder, kidnapping, distribution of narcotics - kidnap for ransom, and other crimes against the person) most definitely becomes malum in se, and thse are acts that damned well should be punished.

You've all heard me discuss the difference between malum prohibitum and malum in se before. We could simplify the legal system greatly if we could get rid of most of the malum prohibitum statutes currently on the books. It would require some training of the public at large (for instance, an awful lot of driving regulations are malum prohibitum - but most of them have also resulted from having decreased competence in the American motor vehicle operator. Since many states also now issue DL literature and testing in languages other than American English, the problem has gotten considerably worse. Throw in the state-funded translators, and we have a problem!

(Sorry - but if you're going to be here long enough to require a driver's license, you're also going to be here long enough to require a working knowledge of American English. A "working knowledge" of a language means: 400-600 words, essential grammar, and ability to express past/present/future tense. This isn't rocket surgery or brain science people - you can pick up a "working knowledge" of most languages after about a month's immersion...)
What to do with illegals?

- If they're Latino, drop them off in Tierra del Fuego. Maybe into the Straits of Magellan - monkey-on-a-string from 8,000 feet, about a mile offshore. Gets damned cold in the water there, you'll warm up if you swim faster.

- If they're Asian, airlift them into the Sea of Japan. Er - the Sea of Japan, as I recall, does have a shark problem. Swim fast!

- European? Airlift them into the North Sea, same deal. You'll stay warmer if you swim faster...

What to do with Cubans? More-or-less, they already swam here.
Reminds me - you know why Cuba never wins anything in the summer Olympics? All the Cubans who can run, jump, and swim are already in Miami :roflmao:
Yes, it's a risk. No, it's not certain death (drop life rafts separately in the North Sea and Straits of Magellan, if you like. Give them more of a chance. Food in the life raft? Geez - these guys want everything! I know that the Coast Guard-approved emergency lifeboat food bars aren't bad, and will fuel you if not fill you up. They can have some of those.) But, it's not going to be easy to try to come back here - and it should not be. Dammit, I'm tired of coddling lawbreakers - when just the act of coming up here is breaking the law, I don't see any reason why you should be coddled for anything else.

If you come up here illegally and then start committing crimes, we drop you five miles offshore in one of the above locations, and - wups! - forgot to drop the life raft. Damn, I knew we forgot to load something on this plane before we took off... Hey - quitcher bitchin'! You still got the parachute, didn't you? No sense paying to keep them in prison, then dropping them somewhere more convenient for them than for us.

I figure if we've got to make the trip, we may as well decide where you're going. And we're not going to keep you in prison before you go - you get your trial, you get your status verified, and then you get a little beach vacation. Good luck - you're going to need it...


DD214 as far as I recall doesn't show citizenship, citizenship isn't required to join the armed forces. All I carry is my license, that proves legal citizenship, or at least legal residency.

As far as illegals? For illegals from our southern neighbors, divie them by general locale and then ship em to the furthest point in each locale. Farthest south point of central America, tip of South America, etc.

Canadians? Send them up north of the Hudson bay.

No need to drop people in the ocean, most Hispanic illegals will have eaten up any and all money they had getting here the first time, send them far away and they'll spend whatever money they've saved getting home and not have anything left to get back here again. Most illegals from across an ocean are illegal due to student visas, work visas, etc. Send them home, or to avoi d people taking advantage of free airfare home, send them to random points in their home continent.
I say we employ the 180 rule for illegals.

We drop them off on the planet 180 degrees from where they came from, and let them figure out how to get home on their own from there.
This is on the front page of today's paper here:


I love this state but I can't stand the people who run it, or most of the ones in it for that matter.
Yep, LA is boycotting AZ. That'll teach us!

Except,.... They still want access to that big ole' nuclear power plant just west of Phoenix.
So, a total boycott! (Except for electricity)

And the water.
Defiantly a total boycott! (Except for electricity and water)

Oh,... and Tazers. Not going to stop doing business with Tazer International.
So a full boycott! (Except electricity, and water, and the electro-whips,...)

I wonder if they know that Intel makes chips here. And Honeywell,...
CA is so full of chit...They count the votes from illegals. This is why they don't say anything about it..Hell if we bit ch about them, we are told to shut and go to work to pay our taxes...Hell the mayor of LA has to fly first class to mexico all the time...
i still don't think its appropriate at all for a local govt to publicly protest the policies of another state.

if the citizens want to have a rally, go for it.
if the mayor wants to show up and support it, good for him.

but... voting on it and passing a motion to boycott the state? thats waaaay over the line I think. (n)
Look, the real issue is simply this: CA benefits from the presence of illegals for the following reasons:

1. Illegals are counted in the Census, the Census determines allocation of the House of Representatives seats.

2. CA gets extra representation in the U.S. Congress by counting the illegals.

3. CA gets extra money based on its illegal population.

4. With some exceptions--many present on NAXJA--CA is truly awash in moral decay and ball-less acceptance of the Progressive Socialist agenda.
4. With some exceptions--many present on NAXJA--CA is truly awash in moral decay and ball-less acceptance of the Progressive Socialist agenda.

agreed 100%.

Love the weather, the wheelin, and the bikinis on the beach here..... but i can't stand the people:gee:
It was a grand parade on Saturday, thank you for hosting.

Is California the only state that counts illegals?
i still don't think its appropriate at all for a local govt to publicly protest the policies of another state.

if the citizens want to have a rally, go for it.
if the mayor wants to show up and support it, good for him.

but... voting on it and passing a motion to boycott the state? thats waaaay over the line I think. (n)

I agree with you here. Things like this only continue the division of this country.
L.A. Mayor Villar has an agenda.... But what else would you expect from a radical with racist ties....

As I'm sure most of you know, Villar was a leader of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, or MECHA.

And MECHA's motto is:

Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada--"For the Race everything. Outside the Race nothing."
Here is another reason I agree with 1070.....

"Article 67 of Mexican law states: "Authorities, whether federal, state or municipal are required to demand that foreigners prove their legal presence in the country before attending to any issues."

"You do not want to break the law in Mexico," said Linda Gorman of AAA. "Unlike here, there you are guilty until you prove your innocence."

Gorman said that those traveling to Mexico should make sure they have their identification with them at all times.

She also said that travelers should get familiar with laws before traveling south of the border. For example, she stated that if you drive in Mexico without Mexican auto insurance you could end up in jail."

I think Mexico's laws on immigration should serve as a model here in the U.S.

We should prbably look at some of the other countries around the world as well.... Perhaps Russia, China, or Soth Korea...

I think Mexico's laws on immigration should serve as a model here in the U.S.

We should prbably look at some of the other countries around the world as well.... Perhaps Russia, China, or Soth Korea...

I would agree, if I wanted the US to sink to the lows of the countries you named.
But....since I enjoy the freedom that living in the US has brought me I can't.

The US IS better than Mexico, Russia, China & either of the Koreas and needs to remain so. Adopting laws of third world sh*tholes will not help the US, only lower us to their standards.

Bottom Line: I think holding up what other countries do is a weak if not plain silly agruement.
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