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If you believe what AZ is doing is right,

But I suspect that if the law survives at all, police are going to be treading very carefully, and the whole thing could end up being a big noise over very little.
I hope this is the case.

Also - yeah, I don't really go for the whole birther thing. The best argument I've heard so far is that his father was a British citizen at the time and his mother was a legal immigrant (not sure how long she'd held that status), and somehow this means he's not qualified. Haven't looked into it further and it's not really something I put much stock in. It also has very little bearing at this point; what's done is done.
Yeah, I am not a "Birther".

Father was a British citizen, mother was a natural born U.S. Citizen, however, her age at the time of Mullah Stinky's (BO) birth, IF that birth was outside of the U.S. physical borders, Mullah Stinky (BO) would not be a "natural born" U.S. Citizen, but would probably qualify to be a "naturalized citizen by statute".

Now, I have ONE question for EVERYONE reading this: with the American peoples' insane and insatiable desire for the "15 Minutes of Fame", why has not ONE single person come forward to claim they were there when Baby Barack was born? Not one doctor. Not one nurse. Not one nurse's aid or maintenance man or administrative clerk or director of the hospital or member of the hospital's BOD. Not a single one.

Could they all be dead? If so, then that is the largest coincidental die-off of eye witnesses since, well, Bill and Hillary's time in the WH.
Yeah, I am not a "Birther".

Father was a British citizen, mother was a natural born U.S. Citizen, however, her age at the time of Mullah Stinky's (BO) birth, IF that birth was outside of the U.S. physical borders, Mullah Stinky (BO) would not be a "natural born" U.S. Citizen, but would probably qualify to be a "naturalized citizen by statute".

Now, I have ONE question for EVERYONE reading this: with the American peoples' insane and insatiable desire for the "15 Minutes of Fame", why has not ONE single person come forward to claim they were there when Baby Barack was born? Not one doctor. Not one nurse. Not one nurse's aid or maintenance man or administrative clerk or director of the hospital or member of the hospital's BOD. Not a single one.

Could they all be dead? If so, then that is the largest coincidental die-off of eye witnesses since, well, Bill and Hillary's time in the WH.

I think one or two people have, but they're not important, or not anti-Obama, so they're dismissed by the birthers. The obstetrician and parents and grandmother are all dead. It may be that few other people took particular note of an ordinary baby being born. Why would they? There was nothing noteworthy about it. It would be more surprising and suspicious, I think, if a bunch of people came forward and said that after 45 years they remembered the day baby Barack was born. A person truly intending to bamboozle the public in the way the birthers seem to suspect would more likely have planned ahead better. Now you may well be right that B.O is a crappy president, but you'll have to work harder to convince me he's dumber than Orly Taitz.
I think one or two people have, but they're not important, or not anti-Obama, so they're dismissed by the birthers. The obstetrician and parents and grandmother are all dead. It may be that few other people took particular note of an ordinary baby being born. Why would they? There was nothing noteworthy about it. It would be more surprising and suspicious, I think, if a bunch of people came forward and said that after 45 years they remembered the day baby Barack was born. A person truly intending to bamboozle the public in the way the birthers seem to suspect would more likely have planned ahead better. Now you may well be right that B.O is a crappy president, but you'll have to work harder to convince me he's dumber than Orly Taitz.

Orly Taitz is President? WTF? I missed that election! (apples and oranges!)

Actually, what I am asking is why hasn't someone, anybody, stepped forward? How about this, lets start a non-profit charitable organization to raise pennies from all the little school children so that a plaque can be placed at the birth sight of Mullah Stinky (BO), and we can have a public ceremony and invite all the workers of the hospital that were on duty that momentous day. Where do we place the plaque? Who do we invite? Mullah Stinky (BO) is the 44th President of the U.S., born and living in the "modern age", and we know less about him than any other President in our Nation's history. Just seems a bit odd to me.

Well, the final answer will come out in 2012 if enough states pass laws requiring candidates for the office of President of the U.S. to provide certified copies of original birth certificates and other papers to show their eligibility to serve BEFORE their names can be placed on a state's ballots.

Hey, now there is a "Show me your PAPERS!" moment I can get behind and support!!
Quote #1:
"The driving force behind our increasing diversity is a new, large wave of immigration. It is changing the face of America. And while most of the changes are good, they do present challenges which demand more, both from new immigrants and from our citizens. Citizens share a responsibility to welcome new immigrants, to ensure that they strengthen our Nation, to give them their chance at the brass ring.

In turn, new immigrants have a responsibility to learn, to work, to contribute to America. If both citizens and immigrants do their part, we will grow ever stronger in the new global information economy."

Quote #2:
"But now we are being tested again by a new wave of immigration larger than any in a century, far more diverse than any in our history. Each year, nearly a million people come legally to America. Today, nearly one in ten people in America was born in another country; one in five schoolchildren are from immigrant families. Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within 5 years, there will be no majority race in our largest State, California. In a little more than 50, years there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time.

What do the changes mean? They can either strengthen and unite us, or they can weaken and divide us. We must decide."

States are already dividing up, some supporting AZ and attempting to get similiar laws pushed through their own legislature while other states condemn AZ and try to get out of contracts and start boycotts of AZ.

Interesting times. I cut -n pasted the quotes from here
Looks like San Fransisco is on AZs side. In recognition of the new law here and they way they feel about it in SF, they've decided to give us a little gift!


That was so nice of them. If that law gets results like this before it's even in effect, wow!

And I had so many misgivings about this before it was passed,...
A bigger part of the problem is cheap ass Anglos hiring the non documented workers. This includes factory owners, construction company owners, fast food places and lazy fat white women that don't want to do their own housework.

The AZ law seems to put some teeth in the laws against that. It's supply and demand and if we quit providing jobs and benifits whether is in Phoenix or San Franciso or Boise Idaho those workers will have no reason to stay.

Except of course those that are involved in unlawful activities and they should be deported in a box.

A bigger part of the problem is cheap ass Anglos hiring the non documented workers. This includes factory owners, construction company owners, fast food places and lazy fat white women that don't want to do their own housework.

The AZ law seems to put some teeth in the laws against that. It's supply and demand and if we quit providing jobs and benifits whether is in Phoenix or San Franciso or Boise Idaho those workers will have no reason to stay.

Except of course those that are involved in unlawful activities and they should be deported in a box.


15 states are lining up behind AZ that's over 25% of the country preparing similiar legislation.

Hey Janet! You listening?

Is this more of an anti illegal immigrant posturing or just another (louder) dissatisfaction with the federal governemnt?
Do you have a list or source? I'm interested to see who's joining in on this.

The ACLU promotes racism at every turn. They've been mighty quiet on the violation of the civil liberties of Americans who have to deal with the societal and economic fallout that is a byproduct of illegals within our borders.

There is already Federal Law in place that addresses illegal aliens, including those who were here legally but became illegal and are committing a felony by over-staying their visa.

If the US Government would enforce their existing laws, there would be no need for parallel state laws. I agree wholeheartedly with penalizing and imprisoning those who knowingly employ illegals.

The media comparing checkpoints and required papers to what took place in Nazi Germany is as ignorant as it gets.

If I am found within the borders of any foreign country without proper documentation (i.e. in violation of their laws) then I should expect to receive the punishment for this violation.

U.S. Code Title 8:
Section 1324a states: "Any person who knowingly hires/harbors/transports any illegal alien is guilty of a felony punishable by 10 years jail + $2000 fine per illegal alien + forfeiture of the vehicle or property used to commit the crime".

Section 1324c states, "All officers whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws shall have authority to make arrests for a violation of any provision of this section" (affirmed U.S. v. Perez-Gonzalez 2002 Fed App 0360, 6th Circ.).

Section 1644, same title states, "No local ordinance, rule, or measure shall stop law enforcement officers from enforcement of this section" (affirmed Southern District Court of NY, U.S. v. Rudy Guiliani,1996).
please no. Palin is not a candidate capable of winning, at least IMHO.
please no. Palin is not a candidate capable of winning, at least IMHO.


2012. That is all! :D
'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'
Theodore Roosevelt 1907