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Forum Fixer?


NAXJA Forum User
I have one more small request I'd like to ask in a attept to be able to read the Mod tech forum? Since thats the forum I go to the most...Is there anyway possible on the main Naxja page could you move the Mod tech forum where the OE Forum is?...You know switch them around. Instead of the Mod tech first make the OE tech first, Then Mod second. This is my last attept at trying to read the Mod forum. It shouldn't be that much of a problem I wouldn't think...But if it is I'm done. Thanks.
Right now, it is:
Mod Tech
OEM Tech
Other Tech

You want:
OEM Tech
Mod Tech
Other Tech

Am I understanding your request correctly? Not saying no... Just want to know what you mean for sure.
Yes Sir! That would be it. It's worth a try? I remember a while ago this happen once and when that got switch around it work?? Don't ask me how?? But it did. (my junk) If it wouldn't be to much? I need my Tech (Mod) I'm jonesin! Thank you for any help.
Hi, sorry, swampped with other stuff at the moment.

Not sure why moving them would allow you to read or not read a forum? Can you help me understand that part?

Also, not sure what the reaction of the masses will be if we re-arrange the forums.

If I have a better understanding of the problem, I might be able to come up with a work-around instead of changing the forum layout.
Dude, I havin't a clue why it's like this? If I would I'd tell ya and make us both happy. I've tryed everything on the site from changing the way threads are posted to changing junk from my side (Webtv) to get a better veiw. All I know is that all the other forums I can read and the Tech Mod I can't? The posts-writing is there but it's in a white or a bright color thats to bright to read. I can't read anything? A long time ago when the forums was changing around this happen and good ole Glenn Baker help me get it back by doing this.-Changing Tech Mod around with OEM Mod. But then I won't be able to read the OEM...But I don't care as long as I can read the Tech Mod. Hope you understand? OEM use to come first then Tech Mod the way the old site use to be and it work fine? I'm not harpin or anything.The new site looks and the rest works great it's just this small problem?
I have my doubts if this will fix it, but see if it works for you now.

Please also post the exact URL that you get the error on.
Your rite it didn't work. Forgive me for being not computer inclined but whats a URL? Wheres it at? This is real weird? I can read all the other forums but not the Mod Tech? If I look real close at the posts/text I can make it out what people is posting but it's hard on the eyes. Well thanks for trying.
Yes, the URL... the complete www address.

Each and every forum should display the same, it is all the same configuration. Not knowing you rig, and not having one to test with, I am at a loss for an explanation of why that one catagory would not display on your set-up.