I always gas up at the station in Prather, and have never had a problem running low on gas. I've also filled up in Clovis, run Swamp, and driven back to Clovis for another fill-up, so gas isn't a big problem. Since we're running Bald Mt also, I think Prather is your best bet, or the Texaco at the top of the hill IF you will be there before 8:00 pm. The grocery store in Prather is a big one, but doesn't have much of a deli or bakery, and there is the Foster Freeze.
Dinkey Creek isn't hard to find, especially if you have a map. Let me know if I need to post the directions again, or if you have any more questions. Most of us will be arriving in the dark, so make sure you're confident about where to go. Cell service is iffy up there, but we'll leave a CB on if you're close and have trouble finding us. If you print out the directions, you really shouldn't have any problems. Coming from the north, you can either get off of Hwy 99 at Herndon, and follow it all the way across town until you reach Hwy 168, OR you can continue down Hwy 99 and take the new freeway 168 and take it across town. Herndon would be shorter but the freeway may be faster. Can you local guys make a comment about this?
You are roughly an hour driving time to Shaver from midtown Fresno, and roughly 20 minutes to Dinkey Creek from Shaver. We'll keep the fire going so our camp will be easy to spot, and remember to bring a little firewood if you can.
Richard G