I pack a snub nose everyday....occassionally it has a polished barrel
Had a friend fired from the other station in town because he carried, he ended up doing something stupid because of that. I have actually had mine in work, but it was unloaded, in the case, and wrapped in a jacket. I had no time to take it home after I purchased it. I do think no work or public place should be allowed to say no weapons allowed.
Nice choice! Same here.
Hane's holster?
yeahhhhhhhhhh thats NOT gonna happen anytime soon, or our lifetime. The only citizen carrying in that state are the criminals. and there fine with that by the way.It would also be nice if the Republic of Chin...er, Illinois would join the party and offer a carry permit.
Right... Idiocracy.The only citizens carrying in that state are the criminals. and there fine with that by the way.
That is unfortunate, and that is even more unfortunate. He likely would have had a good leg to stand on had he gone through the proper channels to get the proper advice and representation. ...If he were fired for simply having it on premises and not carrying it inside the building. The two are very different in the case of an employer who does not allow weapons.