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For carry permit holders


NAXJA Forum User
Just curious, there seems to be alot of carry permit holders in this chapter. Just wondering what your all carrying? I carry 10 hours a day, basically if I leave the house I'm carrying. Also how many of you are allowed to carry at work?
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I do not have a permit to carry yet, but plan on getting one. If I get my dads gun, I plan on carrying the 380 he has. It is small and compact. My current gun is only a 22 so I will not carry it. I also need to get a lot better on aim.

I can't bring weapons in at work though.
Ruger LC9, carry it when I am not at work. We are not allowed to have them in the building but Indiana has the "Parking Lot" Bill Which Allows us to have them in our locked vehicle.
I pack a snub nose everyday....occassionally it has a polished barrel
Depends on what time of year it is, or more to the point, what I'm wearing. If it's summer time and I'm wearing light clothing, I'm going to carry my Ruger LCP .380 equipped with a LaserLyte sight, but if it's cool out and I will more than likely be wearing a sweatshirt, I'll be carrying my S&W Sigma .40. In either case, I will be carrying said weapons with Hornady Critical Defense hollow point rounds.

I carry both weapons with IWB holsters unless it's hunting season, then I carry the .40 in a shoulder rig under my hunting jacket.

Adam, it has been deemed unconstitutional to forbid an employee from keeping their weapon in their car at work on the basis that if you can't keep it in your car, you can't carry your weapon on the way to/from work which is a direct violation of your 2nd amendment rights. Most employers that are worried about you protecting yourself lawfully will not tell you that because they're uptight, extreme leftist asswipes. Of course, this little tid-bit of the law could change from state to state, it is your responsibility to know the laws. Ignorance is no excuse. But as Aaron said, you're good. If your company tries to give you shit, or worse yet fires you, I would talk to them about the law and mention NRA lawyers under your breath ;)
Had a friend fired from the other station in town because he carried, he ended up doing something stupid because of that. I have actually had mine in work, but it was unloaded, in the case, and wrapped in a jacket. I had no time to take it home after I purchased it. I do think no work or public place should be allowed to say no weapons allowed.
Had a friend fired from the other station in town because he carried, he ended up doing something stupid because of that. I have actually had mine in work, but it was unloaded, in the case, and wrapped in a jacket. I had no time to take it home after I purchased it. I do think no work or public place should be allowed to say no weapons allowed.

That is unfortunate, and that is even more unfortunate. He likely would have had a good leg to stand on had he gone through the proper channels to get the proper advice and representation. ...If he were fired for simply having it on premises and not carrying it inside the building. The two are very different in the case of an employer who does not allow weapons.

Nice choice! Same here.

Hane's holster?

:D Hehe! Easily concealed and/or discharged in a box?
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My boss has no prob with me carrying & I try best to keep it conceiled. I WILL not lock up my gun to go into a business that doesn't allow it. I will take my business elsewhere. About the only thing that pisses me off is Minnisota, we honor there permits, but they don't honor ours.
I have a kahr cw9 in a crossbreed mini-tuck. Durring gun season I'm thinking about carrying my 10" dan wesson 41mag in a custom shoulder holster.
Well played, sir!!
I just wish all 49 states( yes 49) where all on the same sheet of music as far as honoring out of state permits
It would also be nice if the Republic of Chin...er, Illinois would join the party and offer a carry permit.
I carry my 9mm daily and every now and then the 375 mag. I don't want her to feel neglected.
It would also be nice if the Republic of Chin...er, Illinois would join the party and offer a carry permit.
yeahhhhhhhhhh thats NOT gonna happen anytime soon, or our lifetime. The only citizen carrying in that state are the criminals. and there fine with that by the way.
The only citizens carrying in that state are the criminals. and there fine with that by the way.
Right... Idiocracy.
That is unfortunate, and that is even more unfortunate. He likely would have had a good leg to stand on had he gone through the proper channels to get the proper advice and representation. ...If he were fired for simply having it on premises and not carrying it inside the building. The two are very different in the case of an employer who does not allow weapons.

Well, he carried it in. The story he told me is that he did it for protection when he was the only one in the buildings. He is still in jail and I hope that the sentence will be time served and probation. The good thing is that i know he was having issues with his dad (he lived with him), but it sounds like things weren't as bad after, have to see what happens after he is out.
Ruger LCP .380 daily carry in my back pocket. To work I carry my duty Glock 22 .40, but I secure it in the lockbox before I go inside the inner perimeter.
That Ruger is a tight little gun, isn't it? The sights could be a touch bigger, even for someone with 20/20 vision like myself. You really need to practice with it to get a fair amount of muscle memory over relying on actual aiming. But the firearm itself is tactical and practical.
Never without my Keltec .380

Usually I carry two, yes two around, the other being my Glock 26.

At work I carry a Glock 17.

I keep a Remington 380 shot gun in my car.

mac 'required to carry at work' gyvr