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Florida jeeper hurt...needs prayers


NAXJA Forum User
Ocala, FL.
Lilmac (Aaron) is a member of our Florida Jeepers Forum and even though he drives a wrangler he's a good guy...his brother (Jimithing27) posted that his brother had been hurt in a accident and was able to post a little later after he'd seen his brother....
jimithing27 said:
Update On Lilmac.....

Ok he is in the Trauma unit still at Shands Hospital in Jacksonville...... he is in critical but stable condition... The Marine in him is fighting like hell...

He is just now coming into "our" world again only long enough to squeeze or hand to let us know he can hear us talking to him... This will last only a few seconds until he slips unconcious again... He has severe head trauma with bleeding and swelling in the brain... His face looks like it hit a brick wall he has a broken jaw possible definatly a fractured cheek bone..... and lacerations on his head and face (many many stiches)......

He is on a respirator to breathe for him although the Docs say he is starting to do more of the breathing himself now... This is a very good thing...!!!!

Now for what we know of what happened... Although minimal info has been given.....

Aparently at about 3am saturday morning he was somewhere on CR121 in Macclenny (baker County) and somehow rolled the Jeep... He was ejected and the Jeep ended up on top of him.... We dont know anymore of the specifics about how fast or what caused the accident yet... Thank god the whole thing came to a stop in someones front yard and they woke up and called the police.... It took three officers to push the jeep up off of him to get him out....

By the grace of god alone is he still with us .... And the grace of all your prayers, the familys prayers and family friends around the country as the news has spread has kept him with us.....As more details come in I will update Brent on this and have him post up.... I never even thought to call him to put something up... I have been at the hospital since 1pm yesterday and came to my moms house for a quick rest and will be heading back up in a few....

God Bless and THANK YOU ALL for your thoughts .... I will make sure he and my family know what a wonderful community of caring people and friends we have here!!!

Crazy to think that this good kid could die. He went in for surgery today. Keep him in your thoughts please, I'd like to trail ride with him again. Buckle up.

Florida Jeepers Lilmac info....
Me and my family will keep him in our thoughts.
was in a similar situation a few years back, he is in my prayers
atomno1, x2, my family and i will also keep him uplifted in our prayers. Brothers in Arms under the Red, White and Blue.
Rangers Lead The Way
CPl Maier
My prayers go out to all who are affected by this situation. I hope that everything turns out alright.
My prayers go out to him, his family, and friends. I lost a friend this exact same way last year (No seatbelt, rolled Jeep, Jeep landed on him). WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!!!

I will pray for him, keep us posted on his condition.
Earlier today I heard he was in surgery again, kinda last ditch effort stuff, brian swelling...finally his brother got to post more of the story....
jimithing27 said:
I don't even know where to begin........ First off ... I cannot even begin to express the thanks and gratitude to everyone here for the prayers and support you have all given and continue to give.... From the deepest parts of mine and my familys heart we thank you all.... GodBless all of you !!!!

As for the latest... My phonebattery went dead so I could not get to Brent with post op info....
Surgery went well... As stated by the doctor... He had a fairly large section of the right side of the skull removed and tucked away in his abdomen.... His pressure in the brain dropped to around 11-12 after surgery and has been floating around the 14-24 range since.... Now it is going to be a wait and see situation... the surgeon is very optimistic as are we.... there have just been to many miracles and signs from god along this ride for us to think any less... you guys have been one of the biggest signs and blessings we have recieved..... I cannot begin to tell you how appreciative and grateful and suprised my family was when I told them about what you all have been doing.....

Now for another update about the accident itself...

Myself, my dad and step dad went out to look at the accident site and the Jeep which they had taken to My Moms place today out in Macclenny.....

he crossed over 4 lanes of traffic and into a yard where he hit a ditch culvert and launched into the air approx 8 feet and smacked a tree where the rolling insued...
initially looking at the scene we thought he may have fallen asleep at the wheel or about where he took the 70 to 80 degree shoot to the left....there on the right side of the road is a hill where "Baker countys finest" use as an entrance and exit to an illegal offroad area... We believed that maybe some could have come shooting out of there and he swerved to miss them, losing control and here we are.....

HOWEVER.... After seeing that and then going to look at the Jeep... We have come to the determination that either something fell off a vehicle andhe swerved to hit it or on of "Baker Countys finest" threw something at his vehicle while traveling in the opposite direction..... there is an impact point on the passenger side of the windshield that is a definate impact from the outside that spider cracked the window in a manner consistent with him swerving to the left to miss it.... ( I will explain more about that later) We do also now belive that he WAS wearing his seatbelt... Looking at the impact points and what should have happened to him physically there is NO possible way he would have lived or at the very least had SEVERE trauma to other certain parts of the body... We believe that he did indeed get propelled out backwards and up out of his seatbelt from the momentum.... He was also not completly ejected from the vehicle rather tumbled around inside until it came to rest ... (on his head we do believe)....

I am going to keep Brent up to speed tommorrow as news comes to us...

thank you all againfor your support during this time and Please keep praying.... this is going to be a VERY long road

God Bless all of you
An update on Aaron's (Lilmac) miraculous recovery and an address to send cards. This was posted on the www.floridajeepers.net forum by his brother (jimithing):

This is the EMail post that my Mom sent to all of the Family and friends that she is keeping posted.... It is pretty detailed so I just Copy and pasted it....

"Good evening, and God Bless you all for your continued support and

Aaron had a "rough" morning, he was very uncomfortable, but was also
alert. They have reduced the Morphine and Versed to 3 ml/hour, so is
feeling some pain now. However, as I said, he was pretty alert.

He has improved a bit more today, and the staff is now calling him
their "Miracle patient". They did not expect him to be "this far,
this fast", and are celebrating his progress.

I have explained the prayers he has been receiving and they all agree
that we have had some pretty major miracles here.

His helmet came in today, so they were able to move him to a chair for
about 4 hours. According to his nurse, it was a pretty miserable 4
hours for him, since the helmet won't fit over his "J collar", and as
a result kept moving down over his forehead and was very
uncomfortable. But, he did get 4 hours in the chair, out of his bed.

He was alert enough today that she gave him a little slack on his
restraints, so he could actually reach up, with a bit of help, to
scratch his nose. She was keeping a close watch on him, and would
tighten them up when he dozed off, to prevent from attempting to pull
his vent tube when not alert enough to know that would be a very bad
thing to do.

Now that he is awake, he can receive cards, but no flowers or "live"
things, since that brings bugs into the SICU. Bugs = not good.

If you want to send a card, the address of the hospital is

Patient: Aaron McClung
Shands Hospital
655 West 8th Street
Jacksonville, FL 32209

Or you can use our home address (or if in the area drop it at the
house and we will bring it in to him):

6238 George Hodges Rd.
Macclenny, FL 32063

At the afternoon visit, I took my laptop in, and set up a Word table
with large alphabet letters, thinking we could try and see if he could
use the mouse to navigate to the letters to try and spell out things
he has been trying to tell us. Well, he skipped the mouse, and his
nurse and I held the laptop at an angle so he could use the keyboard.

He "typed his first words" to us:

First was

I explained he could not have water.

Next he typed "frozen juice".

I explained he could not have anything orally.

He then typed "bull".

I then explained aspiration pneumonia and the risk if he had anything

He typed ok and was done "talking".

However, it was wonderful!!!!

He can still read and recognize letters and be able to spell words
out, something we could not be sure of.

His doctor gave me a big smile and told me today that Aaron "has a big
day tomorrow", but would not elaborate. I asked if they were going to
take the vent out, with a smile he responded, "I didn't say that, but
he has a big day tomorrow". I hope that means they're removing the
vent, but I suspect it will be based on how he does tonight when the
reduce the vent pressures down another notch, and how his blood gases
come out after doing so. His nurse tonight said that they have
written a consult for the speech therapist, so........

Tonight he was really wiped out, and not very responsive. He wouldn't
really open his eyes, I think it was just too much work after his day
today. He would nod ever so slightly when we asked him if he could
hear us, and he squeezed my hand during prayers. I think his head was
hurting. Can't imagine why.

All in all, a GOOD day, another blessing from God.

Again, thank you all for your prayers and support, and may God bless
each and every one of you.


Let's send this guy and his family some get well cards from across the country! Continue your prayers as they are working.
Thats amazing:)))))
Here's the latest from FJOA on Lilmac!!!

Another update from My Mom....... This is the email that she is sending to all of her list of ppl to update............

Good evening to all, and a wonderful evening it is.

Blessings upon blessings the last two days.

Yesterday, Aaron's nurses put him on the "trust thing", since he was
awake enough to be reasonably alert after they had again scaled down
his medications. The trust thing was "if he promised not to pull any
of the tubes out, he could have his freedom and they would take his
restraints off." He has been a really "good" patient for them. So,
all day yesterday and last night, he was able to be in bed without any

He was still very unhappy, since he still could not have any water. He
has had a one track mind for several days now, with every
communication tracking on "water", and not liking the answer "no".

He wrote messages to his nurse, asking for "a large cup of ice water
or lemonade PLEASE", I felt so bad for him, but kept telling him only
a day or so now......

Well, this morning, at about 8:50 according to his nurse, he blew the
trust thing. Oh, he didn't try to pull any of his tubes, but he did
decide he was going to use the facilities.

So, while his nurse was tied up in another room on an emergency, he
climbed out of bed. Now folks, the rails were up, so he had to climb
over them to get out. By the Grace of God, someone walked by his room
at that point and saw him. Standing by his bed, without his helmet,
"dragging his ventilator and tubes behind him", heading towards the
toilet. His nurse was not amused. When I came in at 9:00, I saw he
was back in the restraints, although loosely. His nurse explained
what had happened 10 minutes earlier, and commented "well, we know he
can walk".

Later this morning, they took out the ventilator tubes, and he was
totally on his own for breathing. And, he still wanted water, but
could not have it until "cleared" by the doctors. We were told that
would probably be tomorrow. At 4:00, he was doing even better, and
was being given ice chips. His new favorite vocabulary words were
"ice chips please". He was looking even better than this morning,
and apparently he and Monica had reached a new agreement, since the
restraints were off again.

He was trying to talk to us, but with the vent just being out today
and still coughing, it was hard to understand. Plus, he can't talk
very loud. But, the words "ice chips please" get very easy to make
out after the first few times...

We were told that he had a stroll around the halls of the unit today,
with his entourage from physical therapy there to make sure he didn't
fall and to drag his IV pole around with him. Since it was the first
time he had been up "officially", they had him use a walker, but they
don't think that's going to be needed too much longer either.

When we went in at 8:00 pm, he was laying in the bed with a smile like
the cat that got the canary, with one hand behind his head and the
other holding a cup of water with a straw in it. He had been cleared
for sips of water, "as tolerated". His feeding and gastric tubes had
been removed, and for the first time in 20 days, we could see his
whole face, and it looked GOOD. At about 8:30, his night nurse
brought in apple juice, with the words that the doctor had cleared him
to "progress as tolerated". They're going to let him have juices and
such tonight, a liquid breakfast and if he tolerates that well, he'll
get to eat real food tomorrow.

All in all, it has been a VERY good week. The staff is calling him
their miracle patient, and are totally amazed at his progress.

Everyone agrees, including the medical staff, that we have had
miracles here. We cannot thank you enough for your prayers, they are
truly being heard and Aaron is on track to come back to us healthy and
whole, on a pace that has everyone amazed.

Thank you again so much, and God BLESS every one of you.
