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Crashed XJ

I wonder how many more times you have to post this before it's understood:D

The only people who understand it, or more likely, will understand it, are people who've sat in that tractor seat.
The only people who understand it, or more likely, will understand it, are people who've sat in that tractor seat.
I understand that the law states you don't need those things. I don't understand why not. It would seem to me that it would be wise and not very expensive to make every effort to let people know what you're doing.
I understand that the law states you don't need those things. I don't understand why not. It would seem to me that it would be wise and not very expensive to make every effort to let people know what you're doing.

THIS, with emphasis added.
It'd be interesting to know where this occuured exactly....

I just got back from a wekk-long phez hunt in sw minnesota where harvest is in full swing.

First off, check minnesota "implements of husbandry" law. Tractors are not required to have or to use turn signals....period.

Tractors are required to display a sme under 25mph from sun up to sundown, cornerlights and amber flashers otherwise or in reduced vis conditions. Can't tell if the sun is up or not, but if its pre dawn, the farmer is the shithead. Still doesn't look like a case of not being able to see the tractor...afterall, if ya can't see the thing, you'd rear end the attatchement...even still, if the sun was down, and no lights on tractor, shithead tractor driver should have been ticketed and bears fault.

the tractor driver is a shithead for assuming there was no passing traffic, and for running with no lights during pre dawn. "no visibility" is bullshit. He has no excuse for not being able to look over his shoulder across his chisel plow for passing vehicles.

The XJ driver is a shithead for assuming the tractor driver was aware of a passing vehilce, and for making what appears to be a pass at highway speed.

the commonly known and prescribed procedure for overtaking a farm implement is to at least slow to the speed of the tractor and wait for a safe opportunity to pass. Barn storming will get you into trouble. In most cases, the operator will acknowledge your presence by favoring the right hand shoulder. farmers typically yield to car traffic, unless you are a cit-diot.

s hit, i'm a city kid and even i know this s hit.

quit yer bitchin and at least post some Mn motor vehilce law.
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I've been in many ag states and most I can remember they didn't need license plates drivers permits or lights.....just that free pass...the triangle sign. but they did need to drive in a responsible fashion.....there by as I stated earlier your insurance can get you some bucks....because this was not a responsible fashion.
I feel that farmers should not get a free pass in todays world...things have changed since the 30's. Yea farmers...great folks...grow great stuff, but this is 2010 and its time to be responsible for stupid actions....like not volunteering whether they are required to or not to install at least turn signals. I used to go to this coffee shop in Coburg, Oregon and listen to farmers whine about food stamp and welfare folks while they were getting mega welfare checks in their mailbox's for not planting this and that. My God...its time for the farmer to get real w/ today's world. Put a $100 of lights on the $200k tractor.
I've been in many ag states and most I can remember they didn't need license plates drivers permits or lights.....just that free pass...the triangle sign. but they did need to drive in a responsible fashion.....there by as I stated earlier your insurance can get you some bucks....because this was not a responsible fashion.
I feel that farmers should not get a free pass in todays world...things have changed since the 30's. Yea farmers...great folks...grow great stuff, but this is 2010 and its time to be responsible for stupid actions....like not volunteering whether they are required to or not to install at least turn signals. I used to go to this coffee shop in Coburg, Oregon and listen to farmers whine about food stamp and welfare folks while they were getting mega welfare checks in their mailbox's for not planting this and that. My God...its time for the farmer to get real w/ today's world. Put a $100 of lights on the $200k tractor.

Couldn't agree more and I think this is the point I was trying to make. If you are going through a green light and you look left and see someone who is obviously not going to stop for the red light, you may have the law on your side when he hits you however you have a responsibility to stop if you can so you and others don't get hurt.
Couldn't agree more and I think this is the point I was trying to make. If you are going through a green light and you look left and see someone who is obviously not going to stop for the red light, you may have the law on your side when he hits you however you have a responsibility to stop if you can so you and others don't get hurt.
so simple and easy....common sense is so rare lately!
This, I definitely agree with.
I'm going to have to tell Joe Peters you quoted him......He's the nicest guy in the world
I broke a driver seat and he knew I was broke....never had met him and he drove from Grants Pass, Or to Eugene, OR (100+ miles) to give me a spare he had free. Major dude w/ mega XJ knowledge.:worship:
I've been in many ag states and most I can remember they didn't need license plates drivers permits or lights.....just that free pass...the triangle sign. but they did need to drive in a responsible fashion.....there by as I stated earlier your insurance can get you some bucks....because this was not a responsible fashion.
I feel that farmers should not get a free pass in todays world...things have changed since the 30's. Yea farmers...great folks...grow great stuff, but this is 2010 and its time to be responsible for stupid actions....like not volunteering whether they are required to or not to install at least turn signals. I used to go to this coffee shop in Coburg, Oregon and listen to farmers whine about food stamp and welfare folks while they were getting mega welfare checks in their mailbox's for not planting this and that. My God...its time for the farmer to get real w/ today's world. Put a $100 of lights on the $200k tractor.

A) You've been in ag states... great. Have you actually done the work? Doing hard physical labor in the sun all day? Its quite a bit more than just planting shit.

B) Farmers grow food. Crops, cattle, and a lot of the other stuff you buy at the grocery store. And unless you have your own land, crops, equipment, and everything else, you NEED that farmer to do what he does so you have food on your table. Now please elaborate... what part of that has changed since the 30s?

C) Don't compare an unemployed, uneducated 24 year old drop out with 5 kids from 3 different fathers who's relying on welfare checks to get by... to a farmer working hard maintaining his own land, working all day every day, creating products that you and I both use, contributing to our economy, who's getting some compensation for what he does.
I don't know about you, but I pay my taxes and I'd much rather my money goes to help out a farmer with his expenses than somebody's welfare checks or food stamps (and believe me, there are A LOT of expenses).
A) You've been in ag states... great. Have you actually done the work? Doing hard physical labor in the sun all day? Its quite a bit more than just planting shit.
Give me a break its a hard working profession....and yes I have picked cucs...lettuce ...and toms "in the SUN dude....bucked a crap load of hay" too. Don't try to s**T on me....have you done that?

.....but the federal checks keep coming while they bitch about the welfare folks....right up till the final suburb check arrives and development finishes, NOT TO MENTION TAX BREAKS.

The part that changed and I might point out the only part that has changed is when their kids don't want to farm and why would they....is that now they or their heirs can sell that rich 8 ft. deep top soil for millions of bucks to build 'box stores and malls on' because they can and do.....thats whats changed.....and the likes of you shop there! but the federal checks keep coming while they bitch about the welfare folks....right up till the final suburb check arrives and development finishes.

*Ohh freakin please....not all food stamp and welfare folks are over reproduced and have light bulb IQ's Happy you ....lucky you.
I'd like to hear from you again when you come up under employed or unemployed for a year or so......don't be so full of yourself.....things are going great...huu....good for you! Don't count on it..you could be dying soon in an extinct middle class.....just keep giving tax breaks to the rich....some who are factory farmers.
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A) You've been in ag states... great. Have you actually done the work? Doing hard physical labor in the sun all day? Its quite a bit more than just planting shit.

B) Farmers grow food. Crops, cattle, and a lot of the other stuff you buy at the grocery store. And unless you have your own land, crops, equipment, and everything else, you NEED that farmer to do what he does so you have food on your table. Now please elaborate... what part of that has changed since the 30s?

C) Don't compare an unemployed, uneducated 24 year old drop out with 5 kids from 3 different fathers who's relying on welfare checks to get by... to a farmer working hard maintaining his own land, working all day every day, creating products that you and I both use, contributing to our economy, who's getting some compensation for what he does.
I don't know about you, but I pay my taxes and I'd much rather my money goes to help out a farmer with his expenses than somebody's welfare checks or food stamps (and believe me, there are A LOT of expenses).
Hey, what's up? I'm unemployed, uneducated and applied for food stamps, collecting unemployment. I worked for Lockheed Martin until the contract I was under changed hands and I was laid off. I'm attending college online to get my degree and seeking work. First time I've ever collected unemployment, ever been on or applied for foodstamps. Like Bob said, not everyone is a piece of crap. I spent 5 yrs in the Marine Corps, served my country, and have definitely contributed to society.
Give me a break its a hard working profession....and yes I have picked cucs...lettuce ...and toms "in the SUN dude....bucked a crap load of hay" too. Don't try to s**T on me....have you done that?

Have I done that? Lol do you really have to ask? :rolleyes:

The part that changed and I might point out the only part that has changed is when their kids don't want to farm and why would they....is that now they or their heirs can sell that rich 8 ft. deep top soil for millions of bucks to build 'box stores and malls on' because they can and do.....thats whats changed.....and the likes of you shop there! but the federal checks keep coming while they bitch about the welfare folks....right up till the final suburb check arrives and development finishes.

What's your point? Some farmers/ranchers are selling their land to developers, some farmer's kids don't want that life for themselves... BFD. That doesn't change a damn thing about their role in our economy and society.

*Ohh freakin please....not all food stamp and welfare folks are over reproduced and have light bulb IQ's Happy you ....lucky you.
I'd like to hear from you again when you come up under employed or unemployed for a year or so......don't be so full of yourself.....things are going great...huu....good for you! Don't count on it..you could be dying soon in an extinct middle class.....just keep giving tax breaks to the rich....some who are factory farmers.

I've been unemployed for a total of 7 months out of the past year. I was supposed to ship out and was they delayed twice now for various reasons, now it's gonna be March 25 and the Army won't start paying me until then. My bank account is and has been in the double digits for the past few months. My buddy hooked me up with a job last week, making decent money, but I ain't gettin paid for another couple weeks. I've lived out of my car, used the gym for showers, etc., and I'm proud to say that I never considered food stamps/unemployment/welfare. I won't take money I ain't earned, period, and I don't have sympathy for those that do.
So no, not all food stamp and welfare folks are over-reproduced lightbulb IQs, but they all use money that other people earn all the same, and that's what doesn't sit well with me.

Hey, what's up? I'm unemployed, uneducated and applied for food stamps, collecting unemployment. I worked for Lockheed Martin until the contract I was under changed hands and I was laid off. I'm attending college online to get my degree and seeking work. First time I've ever collected unemployment, ever been on or applied for foodstamps. Like Bob said, not everyone is a piece of crap. I spent 5 yrs in the Marine Corps, served my country, and have definitely contributed to society.

Thanks for your service.
You served in the military, you're getting a degree, and you're actively looking for work. You also have a family to support (yes, a family, not a just collection of offspring). I have no problem with you collecting food stamps or unemployment. Its the people that feel entitled to it that I don't like.
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you guys are too funny. you go around and around bringing up all the subjective, emotional, idealistic, unrelated bullshit.

on this deal, law is law.

if the sun was up, no lights required. Minnesota "implements of husbandry" LAW.

if the sun was down, shithead farmer looses. LAW.

in either case a turn signaling device in not required to be installed/deployed. That's LAW. don't like it? achieve residency in minnesota, write letters to your reps. no response? run for office, and write the legislation yourself.

Farmer not turning his head around to look behind him on a left hand turn on a rural highway? shithead.

Car driver trying to overtake a farm implement at 60-65 mph? shithead.

arguing on the internet about what a perfect world this word would be with mandatory turn signals on everything that is self-propelled? shithead.

simple as that.
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simple as that.

Not quite...

This used to be the case almost everywhere. The law was the law period. If you rear ended another vehicle, you are at fault...period but the laws in most states are changing radically. It may not be the case in Minnesota or Wisconsin but I bet that if the law hasn't changed it will soon. In most areas around the country they will look at an accident and determine whether it was avoidable before they start issuing citations. If a guy whips into your lane and slams on his brakes they will look at this before they will just cite the guy who ran into the back of him.

I know that driving a truck I'm constantly aware of my surroundings and can guaran-damn-tee that if I was on a two lane road, turned my left hand blinker on and made the turn without looking in my mirror first that not only would I get a ticket, I would probably get sued too.

The law may be on the books that the guy driving the tractor had the right of way but that doesn't mean they wouldn't hold him at least partly accountable for being a dumb ass and not paying attention to his surroundings.
My family grows just a few acres of sweetcorn every summer. No big farming operation here, but we do drive equipment on public roads. Here in Indiana, IRRC, all you need is an SMV sign on the rear. However, the tractor we drive on-road has the full array of lights. Headlights, turn signals, markers, flashers ect.

The fact of the matter is that tractors go slow and no body else likes to. Just be smart about. If a line of cars accumulate behind you, then pull over and let them pass before continuing.
My family grows just a few acres of sweetcorn every summer. No big farming operation here, but we do drive equipment on public roads. Here in Indiana, IRRC, all you need is an SMV sign on the rear. However, the tractor we drive on-road has the full array of lights. Headlights, turn signals, markers, flashers ect.

The fact of the matter is that tractors go slow and no body else likes to. Just be smart about. If a line of cars accumulate behind you, then pull over and let them pass before continuing.
yep.. just plain ole common sense huh? Evidently farmers think they are exempt form having it.
I hope these folks get a few bucks for this...they deserve it. Farm laws or.. no farm laws.
The triangle sign just means watch out I might do something really dumb.