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Climate Change Junk Scientists are self-destructing.....history repeats itself

These clowns need to be charged with bilking ALL the citizens of this planet. Bernie Madoff went to jail for screwing people who came to him. This group has the luxury of legislating their agenda. Hitler, Mao and Stalin could only dream of this kind of control, and they had to kill millions to get their way. Now we can see that the pen, in 'Hopenhagen', truly is mightier than the sword. They need to be charged with TREASON, and eliminated.
I'd be more worried about water vapor, since it makes up about 99.4% of greenhouse gas.
yes, plain old CLOUDS, with CO2 being a tiny fraction of the actual greenhouse gasses, and man-made CO2 being a tiny fraction of that. While it's certainly true that CO2 stays in the atmosphere longer and therefore has a larger effect on long-term trends, all the science can say is that man-made CO2 MAY be contributing to LONG-TERM trends. Good luck having that dialog though--we have been told that temps are on irreversible hockey-stick slope you morons look what you did and science was whored out to fit that narrative. Honestly at this point my inclination is that AGW has been latched onto by the usual commie retards as an excuse to nationalize US industry, nothing more.
These clowns need to be charged with bilking ALL the citizens of this planet. Bernie Madoff went to jail for screwing people who came to him. This group has the luxury of legislating their agenda. Hitler, Mao and Stalin could only dream of this kind of control, and they had to kill millions to get their way. Now we can see that the pen, in 'Hopenhagen', truly is mightier than the sword. They need to be charged with TREASON, and eliminated.

Well said!

Great article btw, XJEEPER.
Ah, Joe, this was preClimategate data (from 2007 as you yourself pointed out) used by others in concluding cooling. Read for comprehension...the whole point of the exercise was to use this raw temp. data to test this conclusion by giving it blindly to statistiticians for an unbiased interpretation. If the data had been manipulated it wouldn't have been given to statisticians in the first placebecause that is what statisticians do...they manipulate data to see what shakes out as the big picture.

To quote (again): "One of the statisticians is even quoted as saying that seeing a downward trend in recent years involves "people coming at the data with preconceived notions.""

BTW, add AP and the ISG (International Sisterhood of Glaciers) to your list of conspiritors.

Been busy! Had to go to CA (one of my favorite places--dripping sarcasm) on business.

Went back and re-read the link to the ARS site--the article itself is pro-Global Warming, so I must have misunderstood your intent.

Yes, the guys the AP sent the data to did report a cooling trend as mentioned at the top of the page, and then the article essentially went into cooling denial mode.
Hey Joe! Add Radio Free Europe to your list of conspirators


Thanks, I will!

EPA, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (WTF are they still getting money for? Hey folks, Soviet Union is gone! Job over, time to stop collecting those government paychecks!), the FBI, CIA, and anybody else collecting money from the government.

Read the linked article, not on mention of the Russian attempts at climate modification--they want "gentler" winters. Why is that? More crap science.
Looks like the relevance of the difference in the total mass of water vapor to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere appears to have been overblown in here. The assumption seems to have been made that the warming capacities of total atmospheric water vapor and total atmospheric CO2 are necessarily proportional to their relative abundances. Of significance is the fact that the spectral bands absorbed by these gases are different. IOW, certain wavelengths of infrared radiation emanating from the ground that are not absorbed by water vapor are absorbed by CO2.

Mitigating the likelyhood of catastrophic runaway warming, at least simply from increased atmospheric CO2 itself, is that warming with increased atmospheric CO2 is logarithmic rather than linear. IOW, with each incremental increase in CO2, the amount of warming is diminished up to a saturation point where any additional warming is negligible (the flat part of the temp/CO2 curve). We may be close to saturation now depending on just what log function is correct, along with any undetermined extenuating factors. Kind of ironic that it is me that ended up bring this up after all this time, huh? Yeah, Merry Christmas. That’s not to say that temperatures couldn’t still be modulated up (by amplifying effects such as increased free polar ice) or down (by dampening effects such as vegetative CO2 uptake).

The examples of the apparent CO2 lagging behind temp rises that I’m aware of don’t occur in historic times but rather around the ice ages. Since the ice ages are inferred to result from the Milankovitch wobble of the earth’s axis we have a source of interglacial heating. As seawater warms it releases CO2. No one I know of ever said there aren’t multiple factors in warming. After the spike in CO2, CO2 and temp go down together. Seems to me that if the CO2 levels reach saturation as referred to above, you get the leveling off of temperatures that seem to have occurred.

One other thing, the individual that referred to glacial rebound seems to have done so out of context. This term refers to vertical lift of the ground arising (referred to as isostatic adjustment) from the recession of continental ice sheets such as those occurring at the end of the ice ages.
Excellent post!

Also "that" individual that misspoke about glacial rebound was me. Thanks for the correction.

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Excellent post!

Also "that" individual that misspoke about glacial rebound was me. Thanks for the correction.


Yeah , except I goofed in ine place. I meant to refer to increased free (open) water, not ice, as a potential amplifying effect of warming. I have a hard time proof reading my own writing.

Merry Xmas tigerchief.
My question about prison was rhetorical.......our government, as well as most in the world are in on the conspiracy.....they care little about the planet, the Green that they want comes from the pockets of We the People.....and they want more.
My question about prison was rhetorical.......our government, as well as most in the world are in on the conspiracy.....they care little about the planet, the Green that they want comes from the pockets of We the People.....and they want more.

In Al Gore's case, yes it is about the Benjamins--pure greed.

As for the majority of the others in government "service"--elected, appointed, or civil service--it is all about power. From the White House all the way down to the petty a** clerk working the counter in the county dog catcher's office. Power--the money they steal is just a perk.
My question about prison was rhetorical.......our government, as well as most in the world are in on the conspiracy.....they care little about the planet, the Green that they want comes from the pockets of We the People.....and they want more.

In Al Gore's case, yes it is about the Benjamins--pure greed.

As for the majority of the others in government "service"--elected, appointed, or civil service--it is all about power. From the White House all the way down to the petty a** clerk working the counter in the county dog catcher's office. Power--the money they steal is just a perk.

You two are funny. Really, you are.

Less than a year ago people were bitchin' and moaning about the likes of Cheney and Bush. Saying it was a big corporate conspiracy because Bush ran an oil company and Cheney worked for Haliburton. And that's why we invaded Iraq.

Me? I won't pretend to know what those idiots were thinking when they led us into Iraq, but I won't say it was a huge conspiracy on the part of the oil companies. It sounds pretty stupid. Just like the great big global warming conspiracy that you keep rambling on about.
Sorry dude, you're comparing apples and sheet metal there....

"Conspiracy" behind invading Iraq? Really? You have zero proof behind this, other than your incredible personal vendetta/hatrid for Bush/Cheney/Rummy. 90% of the oil in Iraq sucks anyway (heavy sour crude).

Proof of "Climate Change Junk Science" is splattered all over the wall now.
Sorry dude, you're comparing apples and sheet metal there....

"Conspiracy" behind invading Iraq? Really? You have zero proof behind this, other than your incredible personal vendetta/hatrid for Bush/Cheney/Rummy. 90% of the oil in Iraq sucks anyway (heavy sour crude).

Proof of "Climate Change Junk Science" is splattered all over the wall now.

Did you miss the part where I said that saying there's a great big Bush conspiracy is stupid? Just like saying that there's a great big global warming conspiracy is stupid.

People need something to believe in, for some it's religion and for others it's the church of global warming. I think blind faith in anything is stupid, and for many people it's just that.
Did you miss the part where I said that saying there's a great big Bush conspiracy is stupid? Just like saying that there's a great big global warming conspiracy is stupid.

People need something to believe in, for some it's religion and for others it's the church of global warming. I think blind faith in anything is stupid, and for many people it's just that.

Yeah, must have :D

Just like saying that there's a great big global warming conspiracy is stupid.
If one group want to bring some economic activities under centralized control, and some other presumably-unrelated group says we ought to look at managing resource consumption, it would not be conspiracy for the first group to latch onto the second group's findings after-the-fact, but it would be a point of expedience. Saying that there is no conspiracy and therefore no shared interest is stupid.
If one group want to bring some economic activities under centralized control, and some other presumably-unrelated group says we ought to look at managing resource consumption, it would not be conspiracy for the first group to latch onto the second group's findings after-the-fact, but it would be a point of expedience. Saying that there is no conspiracy and therefore no shared interest is stupid.

Good thing I didn't say that then.
You two are funny. Really, you are.

Less than a year ago people were bitchin' and moaning about the likes of Cheney and Bush. Saying it was a big corporate conspiracy because Bush ran an oil company and Cheney worked for Haliburton. And that's why we invaded Iraq.

Me? I won't pretend to know what those idiots were thinking when they led us into Iraq, but I won't say it was a huge conspiracy on the part of the oil companies. It sounds pretty stupid. Just like the great big global warming conspiracy that you keep rambling on about.

What’s your point…..assuming that you have one? Facts would be good as well.

Are you blaming Bush and Cheney for the Global Warming conspiracy too or is this your feeble attempt to change the subject because you have no facts to support your position?

People that can think for themselves see through the BS, it’s not working for Al Gore, and it won’t work for you either.

Mr. Gore says he cares a lot about science and scientific accuracy. His whole theory of Climate Alarmism depends on it but today at the United Nations Copenhagen Climate Conference he refused several opportunities to correct the record when asked about his errors by journalist and film maker Phelim McAleer.
Instead his Press Secretary grabbed McAleer's microphone to stop questions being put to the vice-president.

In the melee a UN security guard also disconnected McAleer's microphone.

This came a few days after an armed security guard ordered McAleer to stop filming at a press conference where he was asking prominent climate alarmist Stephen Schneider questions about Climategate.
It seems inconvenient questions are being increasingly discouraged by the UN and the climate establishment

Climate Change is Natural: 100 Reasons why