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Climate Change Junk Scientists are self-destructing.....history repeats itself

"But more dramatic still has been the new evidence from the CRU's leaked documents, showing just how the evidence was finally rigged. The most quoted remark in those emails has been one from Prof Jones in 1999, reporting that he had used "Mike [Mann]'s Nature trick of adding in the real temps" to "Keith's" graph, in order to "hide the decline". Invariably this has been quoted out of context. Its true significance, we can now see, is that what they intended to hide was the awkward fact that, apart from that one tree, the Yamal data showed temperatures not having risen in the late 20th century but declining. What Jones suggested, emulating Mann's procedure for the "hockey stick" (originally published in Nature), was that tree-ring data after 1960 should be eliminated, and substituted – without explanation – with a line based on the quite different data of measured global temperatures, to convey that temperatures after 1960 had shot up."

Can anybody tell me if there's any real science in this link?


I also stumbled upon an interesting interview with Freeman Dyson (10 minutes, 2 parts):



The link you provided is interesting.

I don't care for the methodology as it pertains to green house gases. The issues I have with it at a very cursory glance are:

1. I want to know where the "Natural Additions" came from in Table 2.

2. I want to see the specific heat capacities of each gas listed.

3. I want to know which of these gases are most affected by infra-red radiation.

But it's not a 'bad' site or explanation, I just feel that it's lacking a lot. And I wouldn't accept it as gospel truth.

Something else that really bugs me about the site is that it talks about CO2 emissions and fails to cover a very basic fact of mass balances. It doesn't matter how much CO2 is emitted if the CO2 sinks are absorbing the CO2 at the same rate it is being emitted. But if the CO2 sinks are incapable of absorbing the amount of CO2 that is naturally emitted and that which is emitted by human activities, then the atmospheric levels of CO2 will increase. That's the crux in the debate about the effects of CO2, we know that we are increasing the atmospheric levels of CO2 on a global level. Now, we need to figure out how it is affecting the rest of the system.
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The basis of analysis of climate research has all been based on the averages of climate data compiled by the CRU, none of it is based on the (lost) raw climate data. No one can claim the raw data was tampered with, because it is lost data. What can be claimed, and confirmed with PEER review of the CRU data presentation, is the CRU made mistakes of data omission in their presentation of climate trends (the climate trends used in all subsequent research). The omission of climate data was overt enough to be embedded in the programming code for the graphical analysis presented by the CRU. The missing climate data did not just drop off the graphs, it was overtly programmed by lines of added code to never appear on the CRU graphs and trend analysis (including within the most recent CRU reports).

What can also be claimed is that the CRU is suspected of manipulating & tampering with the presentation of the original raw climate data, the data compiling "tricks" referenced in the hacked e-mails. How this "trick" encouraged by Mann & Jones altered the presentation of the raw data may never be known, but it appears the "trick" included superimposing previous decades of temperature rise data over the reported raw data temperature rise measurements since 1960, when compared to independent raw data sets that are not from the CRU.

Thanks for your effort at replying to the question I directed toward Joe, and thanks too for your articles on help for the XJ (I think that was you). I benefited from them, particularly the part on suspension limits. But in going through your reply, it appears you have addressed the period of record ending in the late 1990’s related to the now infamous “hide the decline” email. My question to Joe pertains to the period from the late 1990’s up to present during which a cooling is purported to be supported by temp data, but to which a blind statistical test has indicated no statistically significant cooling.

So the question still stands for Joe: How did data that had been compromised to tilt toward warming result in the conclusion of cooling if they were reviewed objectively? After all, that is how this entire thread got started, at least in part, with a reference toward the reported cooling occurring since the late 1990’s. Why did blind statistical tests using this data not confirm rather than refute the contention of cooling?

As for the “hide the decline” data, it’s appropriate that any precipitous drop on the graph for the post 1960 period was, in fact deleted, whether intentionally or not and whether due to omissions or computer glitches, because the decline exists only in digital format on our computer screens. We know the earth has been warming over the last 150 years or so from the record of glacial recession, but you already knew that because you are a meticulous guy. Glacial recession has been particularily pronounced from about 1980 on.The ironic thing is that the title of the initial post of this thread reads, in part: “history repeates itself”. About 10 years ago all the “skeptics” I had conversed with abandoned the “no warming at all” position, due to the irrefutable, incontrovertible evidence of glacial recession, and adapted a “no humanly induced component of warming” position. But now with the “hide the decline” email, the skeptics have had to revert back into the untenable “no warming” position. The moral of the story: “sometimes quote mining comes around and bites you in the ass”. I am really not light years away from the “no humanly induced component of warming” position myself, and I think the jury is even still out whether GW is all that harmful and I don’t know that the cure for GW, if there is one, is any better than its symptoms, but ignoring its effects doesn’t make it go away.


“On the sheltered slopes of the highest peaks of Glacier National Park, most glaciers are diminishing rapidly. The area of each glacier has been mapped by the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. [14] Every glacier has retreated notably in the last 140 years. The larger glaciers are now approximately a third of their size when first studied in 1850, and numerous smaller glaciers have disappeared completely. Only 27% of the 99 km² area of Glacier National Park covered by glaciers in 1850 remained by 1993. An increase of approximately 1 degree Celsius (2 °F) in average summer temperatures is reflected in reduced glacier sizes.”
IF CO2 is altering our climate, there is yet to be any clear and concise data that indicates exactly how. Therein lies the problem, and the falicy. The science itself lacks proof, which only leaves theory and speculation and we now know that this has been hi-jacked for greed, control and political gain.

We cannot allow legislation to pass or policy to be created based on a hoax that the UN, Obama Administration and controlling majority of the US Congress is attempting to shove down out throats.

They know exactly what they are doing.....it's Marxism folks!! It's right out of their playbook....they must take down Capitolism and seize control of every sector of our economy to make it work.

I can't believe I'm actually typing this......living this, but it's real and it's unfolding right in front of us. We the People must take a stand!

How else can you explain why there is such a rush to pass Cap and Tax and their Healthcare agendas? Redistribution of wealth!!

The EPA does not have the right or authority to create laws, yet the Obama Admin is poised to enact policy that will allow the EPA to circumvent the Legislative process.

Not everyone in Congress is in on this conspiracy to destroy our Constitution and our Republic...........
"Dear Mr. President:
I would like to express my concern regarding reports that the Administration may believe it has the unilateral power to commit the government of the United States to certain standards that may be agreed upon at the upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The phrase “politically binding” has been used.
Although details have not been made available, recent statements by Special Envoy on Climate Change Todd Stern indicate that negotiators may be intending to commit the United States to a nationwide emission reduction program. As you well know from your time in the Senate, only specific legislation agreed upon in the Congress, or a treaty ratified by the Senate, could actually create such a commitment on behalf of our country.
I would very much appreciate having this matter clarified in advance of the Copenhagen meetings."


Jim Webb
United States Senator

“On the sheltered slopes of the highest peaks of Glacier National Park, most glaciers are diminishing rapidly. The area of each glacier has been mapped by the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. [14] Every glacier has retreated notably in the last 140 years. The larger glaciers are now approximately a third of their size when first studied in 1850, and numerous smaller glaciers have disappeared completely. Only 27% of the 99 km² area of Glacier National Park covered by glaciers in 1850 remained by 1993. An increase of approximately 1 degree Celsius (2 °F) in average summer temperatures is reflected in reduced glacier sizes.”

Prove that the CO2 output of man caused this to take place. Inconclusively.
I also stumbled upon an interesting interview with Freeman Dyson (10 minutes, 2 parts):



The link you provided is interesting.

I don't care for the methodology as it pertains to green house gases. The issues I have with it at a very cursory glance are:

1. I want to know where the "Natural Additions" came from in Table 2.

2. I want to see the specific heat capacities of each gas listed.

3. I want to know which of these gases are most affected by infra-red radiation.

But it's not a 'bad' site or explanation, I just feel that it's lacking a lot. And I wouldn't accept it as gospel truth.

Well neither do I. And you bring up some good points above too. THAT'S exactly what science should be looking at. Science ISN'T because there's NO FUNDING for that type of research, as Dyson says in the video links.

So, why is that? Who is directing the funding into narrow channels? (Is it being channeled into "we only want this answer" research?)

Something else that really bugs me about the site is that it talks about CO2 emissions and fails to cover a very basic fact of mass balances. It doesn't matter how much CO2 is emitted if the CO2 sinks are absorbing the CO2 at the same rate it is being emitted. But if the CO2 sinks are incapable of absorbing the amount of CO2 that is naturally emitted and that which is emitted by human activities, then the atmospheric levels of CO2 will increase. That's the crux in the debate about the effects of CO2, we know that we are increasing the atmospheric levels of CO2 on a global level. Now, we need to figure out how it is affecting the rest of the system.

Again, surprisingly, Dyson says the same thing. I'm not holding him up as the complete expert, but he says re-absorbing the little CO2 we put out shouldn't be a problem, if we had enough counterbalancing systems, which we are essentially destroying by mismanagement (over-logging, etc).

Since anthropomorphic CO2 is so small when compared to natural levels (3%), how many more "sinks" are necessary to handle the little bit extra that is added to the majority of the CO2 already there?

I see what you are saying above, but if the lensing effect was so great, we'd all be dead by now, probably.

Thanks for the food for thought.
Well neither do I. And you bring up some good points above too. THAT'S exactly what science should be looking at. Science ISN'T because there's NO FUNDING for that type of research, as Dyson says in the video links.

So, why is that? Who is directing the funding into narrow channels? (Is it being channeled into "we only want this answer" research?)

Again, surprisingly, Dyson says the same thing. I'm not holding him up as the complete expert, but he says re-absorbing the little CO2 we put out shouldn't be a problem, if we had enough counterbalancing systems, which we are essentially destroying by mismanagement (over-logging, etc).

Since anthropomorphic CO2 is so small when compared to natural levels (3%), how many more "sinks" are necessary to handle the little bit extra that is added to the majority of the CO2 already there?

I see what you are saying above, but if the lensing effect was so great, we'd all be dead by now, probably.

Thanks for the food for thought.

Sure there's research in those areas. It's not hard to quantify the heat capacity of gases. You can do it using thermodynamic or simple empirical observations.

But you mention absorbing our CO2 emissions. Just think about how many TONS of CO2 are emitted each year from just our petroleum use. Billions of tons. That's no small feat when it comes to absorbing that. Not impossible but. . . .

Personally, I don't want to do the math. I could but I have better things to do. . . .
More news from Siberia...permafrost areas shrink as part of a conspiracy to "hide the decline".


So where is the methane coming from? Dung from animals that used to roam there in warmer times? :dunno:

What's funny in all this "hide the decline" business, is that it seems to have been lost on most people that the long range data always goes like this:

Planetary heat spike --> FOLLOWED by a CO2 spike. We're in that latter part now.

And what has been seen following the CO2 spike? A drop in temperature and a GLACIAL REBOUND. And since 98 it seems we're starting that downward trend. Could take a few decades or another 100 years before it gets to be a problem.

I read somewhere that the hottest year on record was 1934. That would be WAY before any man-made CO2 could account for it. Not long after that, guess what? Lots more CO2 detected when we started (and were capable of) looking.

Climate change for sure, but global warming has come and is going out already in this very small (inner) cycle.

11000 years ago, the very spot I'm sitting in was covered in 2 KM high sheet of ice, and now scientists have determined that small ice ages (called glacial ages, which occur within ice ages) can occur (like the one 11000 years ago) in as fast as 10 YEARS. We're still not out of the last Ice Age, btw.

Y'all better stock up on underwear, firewood and dried goods.

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Thanks for your effort at replying to the question I directed toward Joe, and thanks too for your articles on help for the XJ (I think that was you). I benefited from them, particularly the part on suspension limits. But in going through your reply, it appears you have addressed the period of record ending in the late 1990’s related to the now infamous “hide the decline” email. My question to Joe pertains to the period from the late 1990’s up to present during which a cooling is purported to be supported by temp data, but to which a blind statistical test has indicated no statistically significant cooling.

So the question still stands for Joe: How did data that had been compromised to tilt toward warming result in the conclusion of cooling if they were reviewed objectively? After all, that is how this entire thread got started, at least in part, with a reference toward the reported cooling occurring since the late 1990’s. Why did blind statistical tests using this data not confirm rather than refute the contention of cooling?

As for the “hide the decline” data, it’s appropriate that any precipitous drop on the graph for the post 1960 period was, in fact deleted, whether intentionally or not and whether due to omissions or computer glitches, because the decline exists only in digital format on our computer screens. We know the earth has been warming over the last 150 years or so from the record of glacial recession, but you already knew that because you are a meticulous guy. Glacial recession has been particularily pronounced from about 1980 on.The ironic thing is that the title of the initial post of this thread reads, in part: “history repeates itself”. About 10 years ago all the “skeptics” I had conversed with abandoned the “no warming at all” position, due to the irrefutable, incontrovertible evidence of glacial recession, and adapted a “no humanly induced component of warming” position. But now with the “hide the decline” email, the skeptics have had to revert back into the untenable “no warming” position. The moral of the story: “sometimes quote mining comes around and bites you in the ass”. I am really not light years away from the “no humanly induced component of warming” position myself, and I think the jury is even still out whether GW is all that harmful and I don’t know that the cure for GW, if there is one, is any better than its symptoms, but ignoring its effects doesn’t make it go away.


“On the sheltered slopes of the highest peaks of Glacier National Park, most glaciers are diminishing rapidly. The area of each glacier has been mapped by the National Park Service and the U.S. Geological Survey. [14] Every glacier has retreated notably in the last 140 years. The larger glaciers are now approximately a third of their size when first studied in 1850, and numerous smaller glaciers have disappeared completely. Only 27% of the 99 km² area of Glacier National Park covered by glaciers in 1850 remained by 1993. An increase of approximately 1 degree Celsius (2 °F) in average summer temperatures is reflected in reduced glacier sizes.”

Thanks for the kind words on the XJ Help series.

A few things concern me about this "Climate Crisis" and the dubious science driving the demand for global climate saving legislation.

Specific to your concern about the basis of claims of recent cooling, without the CRU ignored post-1960 Briffa reconstruction data the climate change reflected in Peer reviews of the CRU climate presentation reflected cooling (excessive cooling). The peer review claim of excessive cooling (the GW skeptics rally cry) was too much for the CRU to remain silent. The CRU could not dispute the valid peer analysis, a number of analysis reports that invalidated their warming conclusions, so they had to come clean and release Briffa's Post-1960 data. This occurred less than six months ago (very recent past, and poorly reported).

When pressed with the analysis showing conclusive and drastic cooling from their presentation, the CRU admitted they failed to account for the post-1960 data and they then released the missing data set, a data set that reflected the more recent upturn in climate temperatures (the upward swing in the pink line in the graph posted). This also happened in the very recent past (less than two months ago).

If anything, regardless of the final outcome of any investigation, this exchange reflects why legitimate Science demands independent Peer review, and why any immediate climate conclusions or climate legislation driven by the illegitimate CRU data is premature. This process of valid independent peer review is common in legitimate science, including the immediate exchange and exposure of overt omissions and simple mistakes to remove unintended errors and validate the conclusions (it's why legitimate Scientists welcome Peer review and freely provide any data to the skeptical oppsition).

The glacial changes are a long term indicator of warming. I doubt any Scientist will make the claim that the long term climate trend has been warming since the Little Ice Age (the last period when most glaciers expanded). The question is why do we have warming, due to natural causes (similar to the causes since the last major ice age), or due to CO2 emitted by mankind's actions (if we accept CO2 was present in-advance of climate changes to drive previous warming)?

The glacial change is also not as well understood as expected. Glaciers in Africa and New Zealand tend to gain mass and stall under the additional weight, looking like recession when the climate is cooling (and the obverse is also true, they extend in warm periods due to the lubrication of excessive melt water).

We need multiple points of Climate research and multiple reports of independent Peer review of Climate Reports with open source validation of Raw Climate data (before enacting global Legislation).

The science isn't there to make the necessary connection between human activity and global temperature changes, so intuition and projection are relied on as props for the conclusion. Pure science says nobody knows what's happening, and anybody who definitively states otherwise is lying with a purpose.
The science isn't there to make the necessary connection between human activity and global temperature changes, so intuition and projection are relied on as props for the conclusion. Pure science says nobody knows what's happening, and anybody who definitively states otherwise is lying with a purpose.

That's it, in a nutshell.

There's an agenda, but the lie is soooo big, and promoted in most media, that everybody believes it.

Points to anybody who can trace a relevant quote to the latter.
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All these people coming to have serious talks about climate change and only 5 people have hybrids...
1200 limo's
120 Private jets that are dropping them off then waiting in other countries because there is no room...


Pales in comparison to anybody going to the dollar store in the Western world (as a subset) on any given Sunday.

Responsibility to society has never been an equal in these later years to the bottom line, micro, or macro for most people, those with power, or not.

Your bent, i.e. fake TV showmanship by leaving an impression of responsibility, has no relevance whatsoever in what's happening in the real World.

Or in this fact finding mission.

Sure there's research in those areas. It's not hard to quantify the heat capacity of gases. You can do it using thermodynamic or simple empirical observations.

But you mention absorbing our CO2 emissions. Just think about how many TONS of CO2 are emitted each year from just our petroleum use. Billions of tons. That's no small feat when it comes to absorbing that. Not impossible but. . . .

Personally, I don't want to do the math. I could but I have better things to do. . . .

I'd be more worried about water vapor, since it makes up about 99.4% of greenhouse gas.

And again....as the Earth goes thru a natural warming trend DUE TO THE SUN AND ITS SOLAR CYCLES, the oceans (where the largest concentrations of CO2 exist) will no longer be able to hold as much dissolved CO2 - and it will be released into the atmosphere.

So....when ppm tests are done, you'll see elevated CO2 levels.

....which these junk scientists are using to say "OMG, WTF are we doing, our CO2 output is warming the Earth!!! Look at these levels!!! We are the sole cause of Global Climate Change!!!!"