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Climate Change Junk Scientists are self-destructing.....history repeats itself

Is Global Warming a huge conspiracy?

Well, it appears that the following are involved in it:

Barack Hussein Obama
Al Gore
The U.N.
The E.U.
ABC News
CBS News
NBC News
All the Democratic Senators in the U.S. Senate
All the Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives
The 3 main conspiratorial universities
The 2500 other universities that signed off on the falsified data
All of the "True Believers"--you know who you are!

Naw, it can't be a conspiracy. There aren't any powerful individuals, groups, or organizations participating. No, nothing to look at here, Sheeple, keep moving!
....and the polar bears.....you know they're pissed at us for melting all their ice...
Your link is to a story from 2007. The duped statisticians were working from the manipulated, corrupted, falsified data provided to them by the scumbag Global Warming Hoaxers.

You really need to do better.

Ah, Joe, this was preClimategate data (from 2007 as you yourself pointed out) used by others in concluding cooling. Read for comprehension...the whole point of the exercise was to use this raw temp. data to test this conclusion by giving it blindly to statistiticians for an unbiased interpretation. If the data had been manipulated it wouldn't have been given to statisticians in the first placebecause that is what statisticians do...they manipulate data to see what shakes out as the big picture.

To quote (again): "One of the statisticians is even quoted as saying that seeing a downward trend in recent years involves "people coming at the data with preconceived notions.""

BTW, add AP and the ISG (International Sisterhood of Glaciers) to your list of conspiritors.
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"That's funny right there, I don't care who you are!"

Good one! LOL!
Ah, Joe, this was preClimategate data (from 2007 as you yourself pointed out) used by others in concluding cooling. Read for comprehension...the whole point of the exercise was to use this raw temp. data to test this conclusion by giving it blindly to statistiticians for an unbiased interpretation. If the data had been manipulated it wouldn't have been given to statisticians in the first placebecause that is what statisticians do...they manipulate data to see what shakes out as the big picture.

To quote (again): "One of the statisticians is even quoted as saying that seeing a downward trend in recent years involves "people coming at the data with preconceived notions.""

BTW, add AP and the ISG (International Sisterhood of Glaciers) to your list of conspiritors.

Actually, they have been cooking the data to hide the flat or cooling of the past decade--1998~2008; so, any action taken in 2007 would have been on "cooked" data. Unless, of course, they were only working on data prior to the "cooking" (wouldn't "crooking" be a more descriptive word?).

All of that a**umes that they didn't "crook" the data from prior decades too. I prefer not to give them the benefit of doubt. "Crooking" the data didn't happen overnight. A little fudge here, a little fudge there, pretty soon you have "crooked" up a big, hot, steaming pile of fudge.

Anybody want some fudge? :confused1
If the data were so badly tampered to skew it toward warming, how did objective analyses of it result in the conclusion of cooling?
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If the data were so badly tampered to skew it toward warming, how did objective analyses of it result in the conclusion of cooling?

You are very close to the problem with the Climate Research Unit's (CRU) problem, the raw data. All objective analysis of climate research, including the predictive computer modeling, has been based on data complied by the CRU. The concerns of skeptics have mostly referenced the analysis by third parties using the CRU climate data inappropriately. The various analysis methods were Peer reviewed, with many methods discredited and many methods confirmed as accurate analysis, but the CRU data was never questioned.

The next step of PEER review is to confirm the raw climate data. To this day no one knows if the raw data used to generate the reports of global warming and the various climate model base conditions was tampered with, as it was erased (why, we may never know why). Since the raw climate data was erased it cannot be reconstructed for a proper Peer review. This lost raw data was collected by Jones & Mann (the parties at the center of the "trick" graphing deceptions revealed in the e-mails).

After years of FOIA requests by Peer’s for copies of the raw climate data the CRU admitted this year that they erased the original climate data used in their research, so reconstructing the trend graphs appeared a dead end for Scientists who wanted to confirm the CRU position on climate warming.

The CRU claimed this Peer review data loss problem was to be resolved by producing another set of data commissioned by the CRU, assembled by a researcher at the CRU in the year 2000 (yes, these data problems have been known for over a decade) and the CRU called the new data set the Briffa reconstruction to credit the researcher's name. This third set of data based on warm year tree ring growth (density) has been published as PEER review proof of the lost CRU climate data, even though it is less than ethical to claim PEER review proof from the same research source as the original researchers (who cares, it's unimportant with a serious subject like climate change).

The CRU quieted those seeking to PEER review the climate data with the release of the Briffa reconstruction, except for a few researchers who actually took the time to compare the results. These researchers claimed that the Jones & Mann graphs of rapidly rising temperature in recent years were not reflected in the Briffa data. The CRU released a new set of graphs to counter this concern.

There were problems (again) with the 2009 revised release of the Briffa reconstruction data presentation, with recent year data missing (the thicker pink line in the following graph).


The CRU excluded the recent years, a data oversight that (per the CRU) resulted in the climate averages wildly swinging up in the trend line (the debunked Hockey stick). The Briffa trend actually swings up in the most recent years, so the CRU's mistake appeared as a simple oversight that did not alter the base data for the past decade of analysis (CRU's contention was that previous analysis, which included the 2007 graph you linked, remained valid).

With the CRU admitting the overt problem with the 2009 climate data exposed by the graphing visualization, the Peer reviewers looked back at the previous CRU presentation and inclusion of the Briffa reconstruction data. What these researchers found is all previous CRU data that combined the Briffa reconstruction had an additional problem, one that altered the climate data trend further back than the omission of recent data. These PEER researchers did not know what was wrong, just that they could not achieve the same average trend lines as the CRU.

The hacked e-mails exposed the missing component for the divergence in the lower climate trends of the Peer review research compared to the CRU, the CRU code ignored the Briffa climate data from 1960 to the present (the green line in the following graph).


The CRU did not claim to include the Briffa data since 1960, their reports showed the Briffa data up to 1960 but conveniently ignored it from 1960 to the present (the green line in their reports always stopped at 1960, it's just that no one noticed the error of omission). The CRU position was that their graphs and research was and is correct, it was just missing a little of the total data set (the CRU did not alter their research presentation).

Peer researchers found however that even with the missing Briffa reconstruction data since 1960 the recent average climate trend should be downward, so something else was influencing the CRU graphs and trend presentation.

From How the "trick' was pulled off.

"In order to smooth those time series one needs to “pad” the series beyond the end time (since 1960), and no matter what method one uses, this leads to a smoothed graph pointing downwards in the end (even with the Briffa data ignored since 1960 the trend should reflect cooling) whereas the smoothed instrumental series (presented by the CRU) is pointing upwards — a divergence. So Mann’s (CRU) solution was to use the instrumental record for padding (the CRU apparently superimposed historical temperature rise data from previous decades, into the 1960 to present data presentation trend), which changes the smoothed series to point upwards as clearly seen in UC’s figure (violet original, green without “Mike’s Nature trick”)."

This exposure of errors in the CRU's presentation of climate data connects with your question:

If the data were so badly tampered to skew it toward warming, how did objective analyses of it result in the conclusion of cooling?

The basis of analysis of climate research has all been based on the averages of climate data compiled by the CRU, none of it is based on the (lost) raw climate data. No one can claim the raw data was tampered with, because it is lost data. What can be claimed, and confirmed with PEER review of the CRU data presentation, is the CRU made mistakes of data omission in their presentation of climate trends (the climate trends used in all subsequent research). The omission of climate data was overt enough to be embedded in the programming code for the graphical analysis presented by the CRU. The missing climate data did not just drop off the graphs, it was overtly programmed by lines of added code to never appear on the CRU graphs and trend analysis (including within the most recent CRU reports).

What can also be claimed is that the CRU is suspected of manipulating & tampering with the presentation of the original raw climate data, the data compiling "tricks" referenced in the hacked e-mails. How this "trick" encouraged by Mann & Jones altered the presentation of the raw data may never be known, but it appears the "trick" included superimposing previous decades of temperature rise data over the reported raw data temperature rise measurements since 1960, when compared to independent raw data sets that are not from the CRU.

It appears that everyone from Al Gore to the IPCC who have believed and acted on the CRU predictions of climate warming (based on the CRU data presentation) are unknowing stooges due to deception of a small group of unethical climate researchers.

Up to today the preparatory climate control political action taken is much like that taken by the USA government to prepare encountering Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's) in Iraq before the war (with all published analysis & research indicating a problem). With the concerns over the credibility of the CRU research, we may have time (this time) to avert spending an excessive amount of funding based on inaccurate research data. The world Leaders who pressed for the invasion of Iraq based on poor WMD research reports were not in a conspiracy, as they acted on the best data available. The world Leaders of today are also not knowingly in a "climate change crisis conspiracy", they are simply acting on the best data available (at best, acting on suspect data), although this time they have the opportunity to recognize that the "best data available" is suspect, and that if we delay action now there will be minimal risk taken by waiting for accurate Peer reviewed climate trend research.

So what should the world Leaders do (the concerns about Climategate), act now on obviously suspect climate data research, or delay until multiple independent Peer reviews of the available raw climate data can be compiled and reported?
It appears that everyone from Al Gore to the IPCC who have believed and acted on the CRU predictions of climate warming (based on the CRU data presentation) are unknowing stooges due to deception of a small group of unethical climate researchers.

Problem is, they knew EXACTLY what they were looking at. It's really too bad (for them) the TRUTH came out, But I don't know if the Apologizer in Chief will have the spuds to do the right thing in 'Hopenagen' next week, or just buckle to the left's ideals.
There was an old Twiligt Zone episode where the earth was freezing. Every one was cold, like a nuclear winter, no sun, plants dying so no food. The twist, there always was one was the episode was viewed through this woman's mind. The earth was actually super heating.

Nothing to do with discussion here, it just popped into my memory.
There was an old Twiligt Zone episode where the earth was freezing. Every one was cold, like a nuclear winter, no sun, plants dying so no food. The twist, there always was one was the episode was viewed through this woman's mind. The earth was actually super heating.

Nothing to do with discussion here, it just popped into my memory.

By George, I think you've got it!

Ok, the "True Believers" were all sitting around in the 60s, tripping on LSD and high on marijuana, and they saw that Twilight Zone episode!!

This explains so much! How else could so many be so ignorant and willing to swallow so much bull crud unless they are still suffering the lingering effects of a drug induced mass hallucination! And, as the real scientists (you know, those that don't manipulate the data) have proven LSD and marijuana causes mutations in the DNA that is passed from generation to generation!

Boatwrench for the next Nobel prize in science!
That's why it was changed from "Global Warming" to "Global Climate Change"....
Obama's team is making and end run.....with the controversy over junk science likely nailing shut the coffin on the Cap and Tax bill, they are going to use the EPA to declare your breathing process a health hazard and open all things CO2-related open for regulation. In simplest terms, the EPA can add taxes, surcharges, fees and levy fines at will for any and all things that produce CO2.

"EPA action won't do much to combat climate change, and "is certain to come at a huge cost to the economy," said the National Association of Manufacturers, a trade group that stands as a proxy for U.S. industry."


Speaking of 1960's Marxist hippies, Cass Sunstein, Obama's Regulatory czar is in charge of this regulation........what? You don't know who he is or what he stands for?

Here's some insight......
Marxist, Anti-hunting, anti-2nd Amendment, pro-awarding human rights to animals, pro-Abortion, pro-population control, pro-tax increase and expansion of government, pro-media control (ANTI-FREE SPEECH), pro-social justice.......so much more.


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When will they learn the differece between "greenhouse gas" (which is a "made up" term anyway) and "smog"....
Actually the rest of the world is probably laughing their asses off at how stupid the Americans are to be this gullible.
A whole bunch of the world is actually going :nono: because we haven't signed onto the stupidity quite as much as they have yet.

*cough* kyoto protocols, anyone? *cough*
It appears that the Climate Research Unit (CRU) cherry picked the data for their in-house peer review of climate data by using only one selective tree's growth rings, for the Briffa reconstruction data set, and even then it failed the desired result so they further manipulated the data (per my previous post).


UK Telegraph said:
Climategate reveals 'the most influential tree in the world'
Leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit show how the world's weightiest climate data has been distorted, says Christopher Booker

By Christopher Booker
Published: 7:41PM GMT 05 Dec 2009

The magical faraway tree: a larch in the Yamal Peninsula in Siberia, sampled by Dr Keith Briffa, has been called 'the most influential tree in the world' Photo: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CREATIVE


Coming to light in recent days has been one of the most extraordinary scientific detective stories of our time, bizarrely centred on a single tree in Siberia dubbed "the most influential tree in the world". On this astonishing tale, it is no exaggeration to say, could hang in considerable part the future shape of our civilisation. Right at the heart of the sound and fury of "Climategate" – the emails leaked from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in East Anglia – is one story of scientific chicanery, overlooked by the media, whose implications dwarf all the rest. If all those thousands of emails and other documents were leaked by an angry whistle-blower, as now seems likely, it was this story more than any other that he or she wanted the world to see.

To appreciate its significance, as I observed last week, it is first necessary to understand that the people these incriminating documents relate to are not just any group of scientists. Professor Philip Jones of the CRU, his colleague Dr Keith Briffa, the US computer modeller Dr Michael Mann, of "hockey stick" fame, and several more make up a tightly-knit group who have been right at the centre of the last two reports of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). On their account, as we shall see at this week's Copenhagen conference, the world faces by far the largest bill proposed by any group of politicians in history, amounting to many trillions of dollars.

It is therefore vitally important that we should trust the methods by which these men have made their case. The supreme prize that they have been working for so long has been to establish that the world is warmer today than ever before in recorded history. To do this it has been necessary to eliminate a wealth of evidence that the world 1,000 years ago was, for entirely natural reasons, warmer than today (the so-called Medieval Warm Period).

The most celebrated attempt to demonstrate this was the "hockey stick" graph produced by Dr Mann in 1999, which instantly became the chief icon of the IPCC and the global warming lobby all over the world. But in 2003 a Canadian statistician, Steve McIntyre, with his colleague Professor Ross McKitrick, showed how the graph had been fabricated by a computer model that produced "hockey stick" graphs whatever random data were fed into it. A wholly unrepresentative sample of tree rings from bristlecone pines in the western USA had been made to stand as "proxies" to show that there was no Medieval Warm Period, and that late 20th-century temperatures had soared to unprecedented levels.

Although McIntyre's exposure of the "hockey stick" was upheld in 2006 by two expert panels commissioned by the US Congress, the small group of scientists at the top of the IPCC brushed this aside by pointing at a hugely influential series of graphs originating from the CRU, from Jones and Briffa. These appeared to confirm the rewriting of climate history in the "hockey stick", by using quite different tree ring data from Siberia. Briffa was put in charge of the key chapter of the IPCC's fourth report, in 2007, which dismissed all McIntyre's criticisms.

At the forefront of those who found suspicious the graphs based on tree rings from the Yamal peninsula in Siberia was McIntyre himself, not least because for years the CRU refused to disclose the data used to construct them. This breached a basic rule of scientific procedure. But last summer the Royal Society insisted on the rule being obeyed, and two months ago Briffa accordingly published on his website some of the data McIntyre had been after.

This was startling enough, as McIntyre demonstrated in an explosive series of posts on his Climate Audit blog, because it showed that the CRU studies were based on cherry-picking hundreds of Siberian samples only to leave those that showed the picture that was wanted. Other studies based on similar data had clearly shown the Medieval Warm Period as hotter than today. Indeed only the evidence from one tree, YADO61, seemed to show a "hockey stick" pattern, and it was this, in light of the extraordinary reverence given to the CRU's studies, which led McIntyre to dub it "the most influential tree in the world".

But more dramatic still has been the new evidence from the CRU's leaked documents, showing just how the evidence was finally rigged. The most quoted remark in those emails has been one from Prof Jones in 1999, reporting that he had used "Mike [Mann]'s Nature trick of adding in the real temps" to "Keith's" graph, in order to "hide the decline". Invariably this has been quoted out of context. Its true significance, we can now see, is that what they intended to hide was the awkward fact that, apart from that one tree, the Yamal data showed temperatures not having risen in the late 20th century but declining. What Jones suggested, emulating Mann's procedure for the "hockey stick" (originally published in Nature), was that tree-ring data after 1960 should be eliminated, and substituted – without explanation – with a line based on the quite different data of measured global temperatures, to convey that temperatures after 1960 had shot up.

A further devastating blow has now been dealt to the CRU graphs by an expert contributor to McIntyre's Climate Audit, known only as "Lucy Skywalker". She has cross-checked with the actual temperature records for that part of Siberia, showing that in the past 50 years temperatures have not risen at all. (For further details see the science blog Watts Up With That.)

In other words, what has become arguably the most influential set of evidence used to support the case that the world faces unprecedented global warming, developed, copied and promoted hundreds of times, has now been as definitively kicked into touch as was Mann's "hockey stick" before it. Yet it is on a blind acceptance of this kind of evidence that 16,500 politicians, officials, scientists and environmental activists will be gathering in Copenhagen to discuss measures which, if adopted, would require us all in the West to cut back on our carbon dioxide emissions by anything up to 80 per cent, utterly transforming the world economy.

Little of this extraordinary story been reported by the BBC or most of our mass-media, so possessed by groupthink that they are unable to see the mountain of evidence now staring them in the face. Not for nothing was Copenhagen the city in which Hans Andersen wrote his story about the Emperor whose people were brainwashed into believing that he was wearing a beautiful suit of clothes. But today there are a great many more than just one little boy ready to point out that this particular Emperor is wearing nothing at all.

I will only add two footnotes to this real-life new version of the old story. One is that, as we can see from the CRU's website, the largest single source of funding for all its projects has been the European Union, which at Copenhagen will be more insistent than anyone that the world should sign up to what amounts to the most costly economic suicide note in history.

The other is that the ugly, drum-like concrete building at the University of East Anglia which houses the CRU is named after its founder, the late Hubert Lamb, the doyen of historical climate experts. It was Professor Lamb whose most famous contribution to climatology was his documenting and naming of what he called the Medieval Warm Epoch, that glaring contradiction of modern global warming theory which his successors have devoted untold efforts to demolishing. If only they had looked at the evidence of those Siberian trees in the spirit of true science, they might have told us that all their efforts to show otherwise were in vain, and that their very much more distinguished predecessor was right after all.

Is this CRU research action an example of quality Science?

Any US reporting in these facts?