Hi guys so I pulled my c 8.25 and started doing some working and I wanted to replace my pinion seal on it seeing as it had a good 200k and was leaking a little. So I pulled the nut off and with out thinking didn’t mark the position of the nut and threads to help get it back where it needed to be. So I’ve found a bunch of info on pinion preload and what it should be without a carrier or anything else installed but I wanted to see if any of you knew how many in pounds it should take to turn the pinion with a carrier and axles in. Or even just the carrier in. I just need a good idea to safely ball park this. I do how ever have reference photos of when I pulled it out and I count the threads on the pinion. So I have a decent idea. But it would really help if I had a good number to go off of as well seeing as lbs and lbs or torque don’t always move a tremendous amount. Any help would make me trumemdously great full. I don’t want to blow up my rear end after I just freshend it up. Thank you all