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Axle weights


NAXJA Forum User
Can anyone give me there best guess on the weight of a Dana 30HP with brakes and everything and a Dana 44 rear out of a late 80s Cherokee with everything in it and the drums on it.

I realize there is infinite variability in what the weight actually is based on what components. Just looking for a ballpark number if anyone has an experience with this.

Have to figure out if I can man handle these things in and out of a truck for transportation. Realize another set of hands is probably a good idea but my options for that other set of hands are limited to not very strong hands. If I get a ballpark weight I at least know what I am capable of throwing around myself.
what kind of shape are you in? the axles arent heavy IMO, just cumbersome.

remember on the 30, there is a long and short side. if someone isnt as strong as you, you can give them the long side tube, which is going to make it feel signifficantly lighter. id say its no more than 150-200lbs. if the 44 is anywhere close to as heavy as the ford 8.8, its a heavy pig. lol.

with that said, ive had all of these axles in the back of the jeep under my own power.
I pulled a 44 by myself from the junkyard and it sucked, but I got it done. At one point when i was loading it someone came over to help because I was struggling so much. Take the drums off if you can, it will make it a lot easier.
Good info thanks. 150-200# makes me feel better. I am 27 in fighting condition. If I cant move at least the D30 around I will be ashamed. Originally was worried that D44 would be pushing 300#. My helper is my 112# girlfriend so essentially I am doing this by myself. Worse comes to worse I will rig a ratchet strap to pull it in somehow.
your best bet is to have her move or guide things for you while you move swiftly.

the 8.8 i had, had to be well over 200lbs. that B was heavy. but its doable. like i said, its not the weight, its the size and bulk. its cumbersome.
I've done this before. I'm 5'6" and about 145lb and fit. NO way can i lift a Dana 30 by myself. to move it around I put it on a dolly and dragged it around. I can easily pick it up one end at a time, but not both ends. Taking off the calipers, rotors etc would help, but the housing is just awkward.

Tips for how we moved it in and out of a pickup was to backup the pickup into my driveway, which made the tailgate shift down a good 1-2feet making it easier to load.
I'm about 215 lbs, 6' even, and in miserable shape, but can move both the HP30 and the 8.25" on my own (the latter I pretty much have to flip end-over-end when moving it). The HP30 is considerably easier to deal with, especially if you can eliminate dynamic loads (if no steering linkage is present, ratchet strap the knuckles together).

Now, I can't carry it long distances, but across the garage onto a dolly or jackstands is easily doable. If you're in fighting condition you should be fine - just figure out how to lift it without using your lower back. Awkward as hell.

*edit* For loading/unloading it from a truck, drag a friend along. No reason to ruin your day.
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I was sure the 44 felt a LOT lighter to me.

I managed to muscle em both out of my truck by myself, but I remember the 44 was just awkward. The 30, with the knuckles, linkage, etc, was HEAVY.

'Course, this was 7 or 8 years ago, my old-timers may be kickin in...

I can't lift a D30, at least not a complete one.

Take the shafts and hubs/brakes off and you'll drop 50 lbs out of it.

8.8's are stupid heavy. I'd imagine a D44 would be similar, maybe slightly less because the tubes aren't as large.
I can lift/load/unload/move around the full width 60 rear, but just trying to drag the front dana 60 out of the back of the truck almost killed me. My hp44 front was a bitch by myself, but I got it done.
When someone came and paid $100 for my disco 30 i was so happy i picked it up and carried it to his truck before he could change his mind.

I really wouldnt reccommend it though, I could feel it afterward.
If you can pick up the front 30, you can pick up the rear 44. Rear axles are usually lighter then compareable front axles since they dont have the added wieght on inner/outer knuckles and steering stuff. I can move 30's/8.25's/8.8's around by myself without much issue.

I know I can carry a HP60 housing with truss welded on it, but I had more trouble moving a 14b housing around. I also carried an assembled 14b (less brakes) by myself at a junkyard all-you-can-carry event. I had to have a couple people help me lift it up, but once up and in position I had no problem walking the 50' between cones.
I am 155 with a bad back and can pick up a 44 by myself. No way I could pick up a 30. In fact, that's probably how I got the bad back!

Here is a hint... Get a 2' wide by 5' long or so piece of plywood. Lay it on tailgate, then lift one end of the axle up onto it, then when you lift the other end, the first end can slide into the bed easier.

also, if you have to lift it high, like into a lifted truck, make a low bench with boards or bricks if you can, so that the lift can be divided

I loaded my 8.8 by myself... you have to kind of walk it around and only lift when absolutely necessary

ps im 5'9" and around 140lbs and in rather good shape