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Last week for the rental....body shop called today to tell me my truck will be ready Friday. Cannot be soon enough, I have hit my head 5 times on the door frame trying to squeeze into this Dodge piece.


What happened to have a rental? I would suppose it is your company truck that is in the shop?
That guy did hit a moutain and lived. From what I could piece together of the videos I could find. He had been jumping off this moutain for 3 days and was trying to get closer than the 6' or so he had been getting. Broke both his ankles, fibula, something else and cut up his lets pretty bad.

Looks like that would be a major rush.

This has been a hot topic for us in the rural farming communities. We (the wife and I) are both very active in the local boards such as Soil and Water Conservation District, University Extension Council, 4H Council, Young Farmers of America and strong supporters of the FFA. If this goes through, it will eventually be overturned or not followed by 90% of families in the farming communities. I am in favor of some training needing done for people that work in or around mills, elevators or grain bins, but livestock is not something that reading a book or sitting in a training session will train you for. I have seen more college aged "know it alls" think they can just walk right in and take control of a new herd...and it is actually humorous to see the end results. Case has been raised around livestock since he was born. He is still too small at the age of 5 to be in the pens working cattle with us, but he does help in the hog barns with cleaning out the feed tubes and waterers. He wants to take part in all of it and is learning every day that we are out there. This is taught from us as his parents in a controlled enviroment (as controlled as livestock can be)...not from a government issued/required training course.

sorry, I got a bit of topic. Still the main consensus is this...it is bullshit!

Cheese "raising the next generation of sustainable farmers...with only 1 mailbox" Man
Good..... gawd. You have *GOT* to be kidding me. That has to be the product of an entitled mind.
day 1 of trying to eat healthier...so far so good....I am also giving up drinking soda..that shit is horrible, but I always found my self grabbing one for some reason. back to water and iced tea (non sweetened). And sure, I will still have a few beers along the way, but cutting that consumption as well. Setting an acheivable goal of losing 5# a month...wish me luck. On second though, I am guided by a force much greater then luck.

Cheese "less nachos and bacon" Man
giving up soda is one of the best things you can do.

a little known fact about weight loss is monitoring your water intake. long story short, the more you drink, the less your body retains. if you drink about a gallon a day, you can actually lose 5+ pounds of water weight in the first week.

all I drink is water, beer, and hawaiian punch (because it's a hell of a lot cheaper than orange juice or fruit and I like it.) Haven't missed soda a bit.

Good luck losing weight.
i drink more than a gallon a day. i use crystal light. its the cheapest thing out there. tastes better than water, and only 140 calories in a GALLON. tastes much better than plain water.

im waiting for the study to come out and say that the ingredients in it are bad for your. :laugh:
Every time I watch that video it makes me want to do it. I have zero fear of heights and really love going fast... it costs too damn much :(

that is nuts...i just keep thinking how much it would hurt to hit a tree going that fast head first
I doubt you'd feel a thing if your head hit the tree. Out like a light.

giving up soda is one of the best things you can do.

a little known fact about weight loss is monitoring your water intake. long story short, the more you drink, the less your body retains. if you drink about a gallon a day, you can actually lose 5+ pounds of water weight in the first week.

i drink more than a gallon a day. i use crystal light. its the cheapest thing out there. tastes better than water, and only 140 calories in a GALLON. tastes much better than plain water.

im waiting for the study to come out and say that the ingredients in it are bad for your. :laugh:
Agreed. I generally drink 3/4 of a gallon to a gallon, a few times I've actually drank two or more gallons in a day when I was working my ass off... two instances I can think of were shingling my roof and swapping a d30, both in 80-90 degree heat, full sun, on a black asphalt surface. It comes out nearly as fast as it goes in, working in that environment :wow:
giving up soda is one of the best things you can do.

a little known fact about weight loss is monitoring your water intake. long story short, the more you drink, the less your body retains. if you drink about a gallon a day, you can actually lose 5+ pounds of water weight in the first week.

i drink more than a gallon a day. i use crystal light. its the cheapest thing out there. tastes better than water, and only 140 calories in a GALLON. tastes much better than plain water.

im waiting for the study to come out and say that the ingredients in it are bad for your. :laugh:

i drink water non stop like its going out of style...before dinner i usually down 2-3 glasses at the faucet then 2-3 more during dinner...at one point in my life that would have been soda. i still drink it, but try to limit it to once a week or so. i love water...it doesn't need a flavor for me. the only problem is my giant man body came equipped with a bladder from a 7 year old girl...that poses a problem sometimes on car rides or while truckin around new york city when im there working
I quit pop cold turkey and went to drinking water. That lasted about a month and i went to a can a day. Which is way better than I was drinking, about 5 or 6 cans a day. Ive lost about 20lbs in a year. Which for my size is pretty good. Id like to keep it that way. Im going to begin to ween myself off pop again soon.

Been super busy here latetly working and working on the house at night.
FAWK!! Hope all is well bud, keep us posted.

Doc just came in. Koop had a check up on his tubes today (were put in last month). He said a fever like that is sign of a infection. Youngens can take the higher temps. Giving him some zithromax (sp?)and told us to keep on top of the ibuprofen. Its gonna be a long night.
Doc just came in. Koop had a check up on his tubes today (were put in last month). He said a fever like that is sign of a infection. Youngens can take the higher temps. Giving him some zithromax (sp?)and told us to keep on top of the ibuprofen. Its gonna be a long night.

hope the little guy feels better kman
Thanks, He ws a little better this morning.

He slept decent, probably because he got to sleep with mom and dad and kick the shat out of us all night LOL.

good to hear bro. fevers are scary, but keep in mind that a fever is his body's way of killing the infection, and no, a 105 fever will NOT cook a childs brain.

I was drinking 2 to 4 ltrs of diet coke a day. gave it up cold turkey, for about 6 months. went back to drinking only one 20 oz coke a day, some days none. I still drink about 1/2 gal of water when I'm doing nothing, when at work (especially when it's warm out) I will bring seven 20 oz waters with me and when that's gone start drinking 32 oz cups of water from the stores. by the end of my day it totals well over 2 gal. I'm still fat. :D
good to hear bro. fevers are scary, but keep in mind that a fever is his body's way of killing the infection, and no, a 105 fever will NOT cook a childs brain.

I was drinking 2 to 4 ltrs of diet coke a day. gave it up cold turkey, for about 6 months. went back to drinking only one 20 oz coke a day, some days none. I still drink about 1/2 gal of water when I'm doing nothing, when at work (especially when it's warm out) I will bring seven 20 oz waters with me and when that's gone start drinking 32 oz cups of water from the stores. by the end of my day it totals well over 2 gal. I'm still fat. :D

No it definitely wont cook their brain lol. Just seeing the distress in his eyes sucks!!!

Im a fat bastard too. I drink to much pop and eat WAY to much food.

I lose 20 lbs. every summer. My biggest thing is going to be ridding of Soda and staying away from my second plate and sometimes third at dinner. I don't need it I just want it. My biggest motivation is I dont want to fall over of short breath when my kid wants to play basketball or something along those lines in a few years.
I haven't drank water in over 10 years. coffee, beer, and long island ice teas.