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Well until now you guys are the only ones i have heard who have been

whining about his services. I know him well enough to know hes out to

screw the world. He puts good effort into his work because right now he is

finisghing his own supercharger kit. Thats preety substantial for somebody

who has poor services.
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phsycomatt89 said:
I know him well enough to know hes out to

screw the world.

Ummmm, ok.... And maybe the reason this is the first you've heard of it is because you have 4 posts--that's kinda his point. I've never bought anything from him, but I have heard bad things from several people on several pages. That's all I can say.
Makes me glad I take care of things straight away (sorry, Cody - your book will go out to-morrow) or at least I've had ONE good excuse for missing things - but I haven't missed anyting yet that people have PAID for.

It's just logical to me - if I want to manage to make money, I've got to take care of people.

I've talked to Steve while researching my first Jeep book (the The Jeep I6 Power Manual - details on my website) and I'll probably talk to him some more while I work on the other two - and he didn't seem at all shifty or shonky. While I'd like to hear his take on this (didn't we hear from Rusty after a while, when people were griping about his shipping?) to see what he's got to say - after all, all this kvetching is pretty one-sided.

I'm not trying to say anyone is "off" - but I honestly can't formulate an opinion until I hear from both sides - I'm just funny that way. Go figure.

phsycomatt89 said:
Well until now you guys are the only ones i have heard who have been

whining about his services. I know him well enough to know hes out to

screw the world. He puts good effort into his work because right now he is

finisghing his own supercharger kit. Thats preety substantial for somebody

who has poor services.
The only guys? Like I said, all you have to do is look at his feed back on ebay. Also, just recieved a shipping # nearly 30 days after he told me in a email that it would ship. Never meant to imply that he was trying to rip anyone off, Just that you had better be prepared to wait. I also feel that it was not very professional or courtious to not return phone messages or emails. I get busy too sometimes but if I didn't return my customers calls I wouldnt be in business long. Just my two cents, Joe
phsycomatt89 said:
Well until now you guys are the only ones i have heard who have been

whining about his services. I know him well enough to know hes out to

screw the world. He puts good effort into his work because right now he is

finisghing his own supercharger kit. Thats preety substantial for somebody

who has poor services.

Finishing a supercharger kit doesnt mean bothers to ship the products he gets paid for or answer his email or phone calls.
phsycomatt89 said:
Well until now you guys are the only ones i have heard who have been

whining about his services. I know him well enough to know hes out to

screw the world. He puts good effort into his work because right now he is

finisghing his own supercharger kit. Thats preety substantial for somebody

who has poor services.

pardon my intrusion, but i am trying very hard to figure out what your last two sentences even mean. it's not as if i am the grammar police or anything, but i just can't seem to decipher what it is you were trying to get across.
So I should forget about his supercharger kit he's planning to offer?