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Who's registered???

I don't get to go this year again :( . Stupid money issues are keeping me from going. I'll be starting to save now so that I can go next year :banghead: .

i might be having knee surgery soon :doh: so i've gotta hold off and see what my recovery will be like before i sign up.
xj4life said:
i might be having knee surgery soon :doh: so i've gotta hold off and see what my recovery will be like before i sign up.

Just schedule it for March 3rd :D

Just messin' with ya, hope it goes well. I've got a wheel chair I can bring though :roll:
stupidweirdo said:
Just schedule it for March 3rd :D

Just messin' with ya, hope it goes well. I've got a wheel chair I can bring though :roll:

wish i could but there's a possbility that i i'll be trying to build a house this year to for me and my wife. so i'd rather get it done sooner than later. should know about both in the next few weeks.

dont worry about the wheel chair. i've still got my crutches from the surgery on the same knee two years ago :doh:
Count me in....I registered.:rtm:
Just a quick update on head count. Our registration person (Mark)has informed me that to date there have been 19 vehicles registered that contain 31 individuals. There are still quite a few of the "regulars" that have yet to register. So, to all of the "regulars",........Get registered!

I just registered.

The dinner meets Fred's approval, so he's in for that, too.
