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I took a half hour to read this entire thread, and the only thing that made sense was was the unparalleled deliciousness of french toast...

PS Eric, you'll be an all-star in college. Professors will eat your BS right off the floor...NUM NUM NUM NUM NUMMIES!!
Are you talking about the Reagan era?
If so, I think it's about like Iraq is now. Their longest period of stability in history was only 40 years. There's always going to be a battle between competing groups over there, whether it's us or someone else.

What did you think of my view on Iraq? I didn't get my info from msnbc or xbox

I guess you think we shouldn't keep stopping people from attempting to exterminate the Jewish population from the earth...

You're right Eric, we shouldn't have jumped in on WWII and just let Hitler kill them all...


Osama Bin Laden said:
"God willing, our raids on you will continue as long as your support for the Israelis continues."
I guess you think we shouldn't keep stopping people from attempting to exterminate the Jewish population from the earth...

You're right Eric, we shouldn't have jumped in on WWII and just let Hitler kill them all...


First, I'm not Erik. I picked xjackel because it had xj in it and all the good one's were taken. Second, we went to war b/c we were attacked by a clearly defined enemy, not a group of radicals. Do you think we should send troops to Israel? Hitler killed the six million people b/c of their race and he declared war on America. These things are not close in comparison. The competing groups in the middle east are fighting for what they think is right, so besides getting them all to come to an agreement things won't change. All we've done is ad our opinion to the mix and cause more damage.
First, I'm not Erik. I picked xjackel because it had xj in it and all the good one's were taken. Second, we went to war b/c we were attacked by a clearly defined enemy, not a group of radicals. Do you think we should send troops to Israel? Hitler killed the six million people b/c of their race and he declared war on America. These things are not close in comparison. The competing groups in the middle east are fighting for what they think is right, so besides getting them all to come to an agreement things won't change. All we've done is ad our opinion to the mix and cause more damage.
Whether we are at minding our business or fighting overseas, terrorists will hate us and want to kill us. They hate us because we support the Jews. They hate us because we aren't Muslim. The Qu'ran states that you are to convert or be killed. Not all Muslims enforce that but that's a big part of the extremists' ideology.

Do some research on Muhammad. Everything he said is considered law. If he said it, Muslims are supposed to do it. If he did it, it is considered the right thing to do. Look him up and tell me if you think we should sit by and let people influenced by him attempt to run stuff.

As for the rest of your points:
1. Saddam's tyranny may have controlled them, but at what cost? He murdered millions. He'd set prisoners loose in an indoor hunting ground and have his sons, as young as 10 or so, hunt them down and kill them.
2. We're fighting people who want us dead. Simple as that. Most of the people we're fighting in Iraq are being shipped in from other Muslim nations.Talk to people who have actually been there, the Iraqis who lived under Saddam are happy to be rid of him.
3. So, because we did something wrong back then, we should never do the right thing again? Faulty logic. At the time Iran was a bigger threat to us than Iraq and giving them money was a better way to keep Iran in check then sending troops.
4. Because as you pointed out, the majority wants the minority dead. We leave and the Kurds are dead.
5. Those two countries are where the groups fighting us are based.
6. Yeah, chances are good that Osama's not there anymore. The Taliban is still there. Al Qaeda still operates there. Our mission has changed. We're trying to stabilize the area so that fewer people are willing to go blow themselves up in order to provide for their families' well-being.

And yes, you are among the extreme minority on this forum.
Allah Akbar
Really? When did Germany attack the US in WWII? And do you know why Hitler declared war on the US?

I'll give you time to Google that...
First, I'm not Erik.

Seems you are now.

The first rule in debate should be, when in a hole...quit digging.

It wasn't Gettysburg, it was during the Revolution. George threw a dollar across the river and hit one in the head with it. All hell broke loose from there.
Didn't Hitler attack us at the Battle of Gettysburg?

Wrong, it was during the war of 1812.

It wasn't Gettysburg, it was during the Revolution. George threw a dollar across the river and hit one in the head with it. All hell broke loose from there.

George did have quiet the throwing arm but I think you need to check your facts.
I am a soldier in the U.S. Army and i have done 1 tour in afganistan and 2 in Iraq and belive me there is a purpose, i was on missions that took down terrorist, i was on missions that took down bomb makers, i was on mission where i fought al queda, i have fought the taliban and any other stupid F*** that wanted to shoot at us. This war sucks, war in general sucks, i hate seeing my friends die, and i am tired of going to 21 gun salute after 21 gun salute and loosing a part of my life, i am tired of having nightmares, i am tired of being angry all the time, i am tired of having post tramatic stress disorder, i am tired of my family thinking i am crazy, and i wouldent trade it in for a single thing and i would do it all over again in a heartbeat, if that meant that we keep fighting people who hate americans and want to kill us can try on a forgien soil instead of our own. What so many people dont understand about what is going on right now is that there will always be war, wether we are a part of it or not weather it is in our country or not, it is human nature since the beggining of mankind. We have been a war for years and years, you just dont hear about the special ops teams who deploy in 7 man groups and halo in to some camp in the middle of the Egyptian desert and kill 20 people who were making plans to overthrow a American embassy somewhere, you dont hear about stuff like that on the news do you, you are told what the news wants you to hear insted of the actual truth, they can make up anything they want and the American population will belive it, you dont know that that huge battle you saw on the news where the U.S. lost 5 people took place 4 years ago and they are showing you a repetitive clip, when the actual truth is we only had one wounded and we killed 6 of thoes terriorist, and the American flag drapped coffins were from somolia or a different battle in a different time, you are being fooled. When i was in Iraq in 2003 the actual real report of casualties of both sides was about 1,500 americans died and we had killed somewhere around 18,000 enemy but they dont tell you that, this is the most succsefull conflict/war that has ever been fought in the history of our nation or probably any other for that matter. So do me a favor guys next time you see a soldier tell him thanks, thanks for being away from his family for a year at a time, thanks for doing something i didnt have the courage to do, thanks for defending your cousin, or brothers or fathers honor that died over there and then shake his hand because that is probably the reason we are able to live the life that we live and enjoy the freedoms we do, think about it and dont belive what you see on the news, in my opinion you dont have anything truly concrete to say about war unless you have been there yourself,
SGT. Todd R. Green, airborne, hooah

I look forward to reading Eric's response to SGT Green's post.

Thanks for sharing your pespective, for your sacrifice and your service, SGT Green.

SGT. Green,

I will never be able to understand your pain or know the experience of war. I worked with a guy named Samo that did two tours in Iraq, and he said he would rather go to jail than go back over there. He has lost the majority of his hearing and is struggling with insomnia. I understand that war is in human nature and it's always been around and always will be, but with no end in sight I think soldiers like you should never have had to go through that. I posted a link to a video of a veteran that can say a lot more than I can.

Now those were facts and these are my thoughts on them.
1. Iraq erupts in civil war whenever there isn’t a strong dictative government controlling the people. Is it a good idea to invade and try to institute democracy? Saddam’s tyranny was a way to control these people.
2. We’re not fighting terrorism we’re fighting groups of people who want to be in control. They’re not fighting America, they’re fighting people that came in and took control of their government. Democracy won’t work when the majority of the population wants the minority dead.
3. We can give Saddam billions to buy wmd’s to use on Iran while we look the other way, why draw the line?
4. Everyone says we just can’t leave Iraq, but were in a 3 way civil war with a little terrorism mixed in between. Why not just let them kill themselves. History always tells the truth but the future is nothing but speculation. These groups have been fight for hundreds of years, why could we stop it?
5. I consider if they weren’t fighting over there, they would be here a bunch of BS. I bet they would be much more satisfied blowing up something here, and the “war on terrorism” in only two countries isn’t going to stop them.
6. As for Afghanistan, I bet Osama’s not there anymore. The Taliban is going to keep recruiting and training elsewhere and throwing them at our troops. It starting to sound like Vietnam.

Am I the only one on this forum that feel that way?

Do you play blackjack? Can you count cards?

I've heard before that retards are good at that stuff, can I take you to Vegas?