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Islamic people aren't terrorist. Jim Jones claimed to be a Christian but he was an evil person. The same goes with Al Qaeda. They are radicals and a small portion of the Islamic faith. No where in the Qua'ran does it say that killing yourself with take you to heaven where forty virgins are waiting. There have been Christians that have done terrible things, but that doesn't make the Christian faith evil. There are over a billion Muslims in the world, and compare that to the number of them that are terrorist and they are nothing more than a crazy cult. For some reason Hitler hated jews and they were evil in his opinion, but that didn't make the Holocaust okay.

At what point did I suggest all terrorists are muslim? At what point did I suggest exterminating muslims? I said hunt down and kill the enemies of this country, and to bring the fight to the terrorists level by killing their families in Grotesque and public manner. I do not believe muslims are evil, I believe evil people are evil. I'm talking about fighting a war on terms that the enemy is familiar with. I'm talking about putting the fear of GOD into a people whose ultimate goal is my death or conversion.

You can not make nice with someone who wants you dead because you simply exist. You can not compromise with them. You can not leave them alone, because when you do they will use that opportunity to plan, build, train, and recruit. You can join them, or kill them. We had no quarrel with the taliban before 9/11, we supported them monetarily and supplied them in their fight against the soviets. This didn't keep them from hating us, being a refuge for those who hate us, or supplying/training those who mean us harm.

I like using the scar h as well.
Stop trolling our forum, Eric. :nono:

Did you ever recover your Xbox?
It was his computer that crashed, that's why he'smore active on XBox live.

Ah, to be 15 again...back when I knew it all.

Slightly related to original topic, who here has read The Kite Runner? Excellent book and gives you an insight into the life of an Afghani. The terror that the Taliban has inflicted on their own people. Just think, right now, our presence there is helping to keep the Taliban under control. If we leave, they search out and torture then kill every last Afghani who assisted us in even the most remote ways. From actual informants, to the guys who we paid $9/day to fill sandbags when I was in Kandahar.

We could not allow Saddam to continue to cause problems in the region. I guarantee you that he had WMDs, no matter what the MSM tells us. Why the hell else would he have risked the potential consequences of breaking the treaty and kicking the inspectors out?
I don't blame you kid for being misled and ignorant of the history behind all this, after all, you were still 3 yrs away from birth when we first went into Iraq because Saddam invaded Kuwait. 10-15yrs before you were born, Iran and Iraq had their big fight. 11 yrs before you was the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut by Islamic extremists. 241 Americans killed in one attack. You were just a toddler when Saddam was flaunting his lack of compliance regarding the terms of the ceasefire.
I think the Sunni and Shiite have been going at it a little longer than that.

You're right. But the majority of that was before the gulf war b/c of Saddam. After the U.N. set their sanctions it wasn't nearly what it use to be. Were not helping the situation though.
At what point did I suggest all terrorists are muslim? At what point did I suggest exterminating muslims? I said hunt down and kill the enemies of this country, and to bring the fight to the terrorists level by killing their families in Grotesque and public manner. I do not believe muslims are evil, I believe evil people are evil. I'm talking about fighting a war on terms that the enemy is familiar with. I'm talking about putting the fear of GOD into a people whose ultimate goal is my death or conversion.

You can not make nice with someone who wants you dead because you simply exist. You can not compromise with them. You can not leave them alone, because when you do they will use that opportunity to plan, build, train, and recruit. You can join them, or kill them. We had no quarrel with the taliban before 9/11, we supported them monetarily and supplied them in their fight against the soviets. This didn't keep them from hating us, being a refuge for those who hate us, or supplying/training those who mean us harm.

I like using the scar h as well.

You said you couldn't tell the difference between non-terrorist and terrorist. Again, why would the terrorist just be in Iraq or Afghanistan? The most powerful country in the world can't find one guy after looking for a decade? Our plan right now isn't working, and I think it's time to reconsider.
You said you couldn't tell the difference between non-terrorist and terrorist. Again, why would the terrorist just be in Iraq or Afghanistan? The most powerful country in the world can't find one guy after looking for a decade? Our plan right now isn't working, and I think it's time to reconsider.

1. I said no such thing.
2. No other major terrorist attacks have happened on US soil during that time. Something is working.
3. I agree, it is time to reconsider. It's time to get politicians out of the way of our soldiers, it's time to get the media out of the way of our soldiers. It's time to let the men we employ to do a job...to do that job. Excessive political involvement is what cost us the vietnam war, and it seems we haven't learned the lesson from that one.
I didn't "name call" I said MSNBC fed you your political bs.

way to fail though :D
XBOX 360 GamerTag: AW x SNIP3DOWN
Rank: 1st prestige lvl 63
Favorite Gun(s): Intervention, UMP45, M16A4, and Scar-H
Playing style (e.g. serious, recreational, pro gamer): Serious but want to have fun.
How many hours do you play a week? 20 or so hours a week.
Your K/D ratio (found under Kills in the Leaderboards in Barracks.): 1.27 - 1.28 it goes back in forth.
Favorite game mode?: Search and Destroy and Mercenary Team Deathmatch
Do you own a mic?(suggested): Yes
Location (USA, UK, EU, Canada or other): USA
Timezone: Central Time Zone
Gamebattles username: xjackel
Age: 15
Where did you hear about us: Cod4boards.com
About Me: Im a strong determined player, have great team working skills, can be a leader if needed but will listen if told too. Just feel likes its just a game so have fun even while being serious during clan matches.
How should we contact you (Email, AIM, MSN etc.)? Over Xbox live, or by e-mail.
How active can you be on the site? Alittle bit active at the moment because my computer crashed and im on my moms little labtop but i will be more active once it is fixed.

And I thought you would never figure it out! :laugh3: I guess NAXJA is just impenetrable.

Wow, for being so young I sure show a lot more maturity than you guys. I haven't resorted to name calling when I don't have a comeback.

I'm not fifteen, believe it or not. Just b/c someone else in the world has the same user name as me doesn't make me them
I don't know a lot lines up. It's not just one person in the world it's one other person in the CST, which coincidentally is where Indiana lies. And you yourself have already alluded to the fact that this XBox live person is the same as you.
Maybe war is good. It gets rid of the people that can't think for themselves.

Actually it BREEDS people like you that are ignorant and mouthy while we send our best, brightest bravest men and women to die for their country.
1. I said no such thing.
2. No other major terrorist attacks have happened on US soil during that time. Something is working.
3. I agree, it is time to reconsider. It's time to get politicians out of the way of our soldiers, it's time to get the media out of the way of our soldiers. It's time to let the men we employ to do a job...to do that job. Excessive political involvement is what cost us the vietnam war, and it seems we haven't learned the lesson from that one.
Yeah, how quickly we've forgotten the strategy in WWII: Bomb em, kill em, make it hurt until they beg for mercy. We sent bombers over Berlin and Hitler committed suicide. We bombed Tokyo then noked Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Japan, who everyone said had too much pride to ever break, broke.
Actually it BREEDS people like you that are ignorant and mouthy while we send our best, brightest bravest men and women to die for their country.

Wow I must of missed that post.

what a POS.
I didn't "name call" I said MSNBC fed you your political bs.

way to fail though :D

Your a tard. Do you know what will happen if we pull out without finishing our mission?

What do you think we're doing over there? hanging out keeping it real?
You have no clue what you're talking about.

I can't blame you for your ignorance. You watch your MSNBC and now thing you're a tactical genius. It's alright it happens to the worst of us.
Yeah, how quickly we've forgotten the strategy in WWII: Bomb em, kill em, make it hurt until they beg for mercy. We sent bombers over Berlin and Hitler committed suicide. We bombed Tokyo then noked Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Japan, who everyone said had too much pride to ever break, broke.

WWII was a totally different situation, there was a clearly defined enemy. Our enemy now is everywhere.
You call "tard" name calling? Geesh kid, grow some thicker skin and get out into the world and live a little. Our very presence in Iraq and Afghanistan, which you so terribly loathe, stabilizes the region - like it or not. But just for a second, let's take your approach. You've done the research, you've written your paper...

Over the next 5 yrs, the US withdraws all military presence in foreign countries. A total withdrawal, as you suggested. We put our troops all around our borders, and stop "bullying" the rest of the world. We focus solely on protecting our soil, here at our front door.

Now, what happens to the rest of the world? And really think about it... what about Iraq? Afghanistan? Iran? North Korea? Russia? China? Do you really think they will all just breathe a sigh of relief that we're gone, and go about their business without bothering us, or their neighbors?
1. I said no such thing.
2. No other major terrorist attacks have happened on US soil during that time. Something is working.
3. I agree, it is time to reconsider. It's time to get politicians out of the way of our soldiers, it's time to get the media out of the way of our soldiers. It's time to let the men we employ to do a job...to do that job. Excessive political involvement is what cost us the vietnam war, and it seems we haven't learned the lesson from that one.

Lol Where's dave