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TSF Hangover Run 2013


NAXJA Forum User
Gresham, Or.
This run has been renamed....from the hangover run to the recovery run..... Myself and others (i'm sure) will do our best to explain.
The mornign started off brisk, windy, and dark.
Aaron (awesomexj) and Brandon (bmikes) with his dad, showed up at my place on time.
Mike however (bhmike) was a no call-no show. I gave him much grief via text, and left a horrible voice message in hopes he'd figure things out. (nothin but luv for ya man!)
The four of us hit the road, The presidential motorcade was underway!
We made it to Banks just as the sun started to crest the horizon.
We pulled into the Shell station to top up the tanks and ran into Jason (crazymoose) as he was filling up...
I had a half-a-tank left so I figure I'd top off before heading up the hill.....
This is the point of the day in which I realized I had forgotten my wallet at home. GOOD TIMES! (i have never done this!)
Aaron was kind enough to kick $20 my way to top off my tank, and we were on our way.
We got to Rogers right about 8:50 give or take, staged, and met up with those who straggled in. Kenny, Jon, (bronzewyrm) the other Jon,(98fivespeed) and Larry (demonoid) arrived within minutes of each other, and we finished airing everyone down and got our running order and trail routes set.

To run Powerline and make our way to Archer's, with maybe a stop off at Hoodraiser and Hoggsback.
Jason had planned to meet up with his buddy Jarod up there, and unbeknownst to the rest of us, HE had a couple buddies tagging along. Another XJ, A Nearly stock K5 Blazer, on street tires,...and a 2WD Toyota Tacoma P/U.
Somehow, they got up front ahead of us, and managed to get partially up the first section of Powerline, before low-and-behold....the bronco and tacoma had problems making it up. After a good 30 min or more sitting there wheeling over the CB, an Executive decision was made and we all (minus Jason) backed out of Powerline to bypass and regroup. Once back onto the logging road, Larry got the bright idea that this would be the most opportune time to attempt the very-first-time-disconnection of his factory front sway bar links.
I of course had the camera ready.

BPB Eat your heart out...... :moon:

After this all but brief rest and now well over an hour into the run, and not one rig in the group seeing more than 25ft of trail at best..... AND one rig of our group officially split away with the yotas and bronco, we made our way with the one non-naxja XJ with us to the second section of powerline.
I made it up to a good spot to park with no problems.

Bronzey was right behind me.

Brandon was right behind him, but made it no further than the first tight turn where the root-dig-out is. After a few runs at it he determined more runway was needed, but when backing up slid into a position where he could go no further without risking a flop.
Bronze came back down and hooked up to him and attempted to give him a tug.

Two tow straps, a half hour of sucking exhaust fumes, and a lot of pushing and grunting, Jon finally had to winch his way up with Brandon in tow.


Larry made his best attempt next. In doing so suffered some decent carnage.
He made it to the root-dig-out, but was stopped dead in his tracks (or lack there of) by a rock. This of course took out his tie rod, turning it into a pretzel. This was not the entirety of his carnage, oh-no.....
He also managed to taco his front DS wheel:

But the fun didnt stop there.....nope, why stop at one wheel when in one foul attempt you can fold YES TWO RIMS!

The rear DS wheel was also damaged beyond any trailside repair:

He decided that this was more than likely going to be the end of his attempts at Powerline, but not before parking his jeep to take one last look.....
His choice of location was not ideal.....

After the heroic display of Dukes-of-Hazzard like vehicle exit and entry his final decision was to turn around and head back out.
This too did not go without fail.
In his defense, the snow was more like several inches of ice pellets, and any driving upon it, resulted in turning it all to a solid sheet of ice. Any tire spin resulted in forming a miniature ice rink under the contact patch of any given tire.
Lets take in the expression at this point on our Vice President's face and imagine what sort of terrible things are being planed for poor Larry....

From up the hill Jon (98fivespeed) had made it to where Bronze had been, and winched up to a tree. Three tow straps and a length of rope were lowered down the hill, to pull our beloved Larry to a more proper position on the trail.

But in order to fully get Larry turned around we had to get him pulled into this little burm like flat spot, where he proceeded to bury his front end to the frame rails. GOOD TIMES! It was up to Kenny at this point, our trusty tail gunner, and the last remaining winch toting rig in the group to rescue Larry (once again)....
In order to do this, the non-naxja XJ and Kenny had to swap places, which was all good 'cause he was ready to go home at this point. Cant blame him really after witnessing what he did all morning. This of course didnt go with out issues galore.
1. The driver/owner was deaf, and so all spotting signals had to made very loudly and with eye contact and hand gestures, along with the occasional sign language from a girl-friend.
2. He was on all terrains
3. Open/open diffs.
4. had to reverse nearly the whole way.

And if that wasnt enough.....A small group of rigs was also at this point attempting to come DOWN Powerline, at the same time another group was trying to come up. We call this a FAIL SANDWICH.
The upper group was "persuaded" by Aaron to find a different trail, and the lower group (a few wranglers) needed help getting turned around. The one JK in the group found himself sideways on the trail, and nearly pinned against a tree.
This made for a lot of fun!
...and of course a few winch pulls, and more manual pushing, and back breaking grunting labor.
We finally got him and Kenny swapped in line, and continued on with the remainder of the Larry rescue.
The other Jon grabbed a snatch block and a tree saver, and we got Kenny into position to pull Larry out of the self made hole. (sorry no pics)
Larry got pulled out and faced the right way and Kenny once again backed halfway out of powerline to get turned around and make sure Larry and the other XJ got back up to the road ok.


Now that the day was nearly half over, we decided to say screw-it, and turn around, head back to the road, and break for lunch.
Under the spotting and direction of Aaron, we all made the tight turnaround and heading from whence we came...

After lunch, and doing the best we could to get Larry on his way to limp home.... Jason came over the hill with the yota-bronco group and re-joined us. Him, myself, Kenny, and Bronze all continued our quest to Archers.


Making our way up the hill, we came across this dually who while on his way to get firewood with the family got stuck, and was trying to shovel his way out, all while trying to avoid getting closer to the ravine.

(Aaron was thrilled)

Jason pulled up in front of him and staged up to winch him out. The winch was strong enough, but the XJ was too light.
We anchored him to a nearby tree from the back and winched the big-ass-dually back to safety.

We eventually got the behemoth turned around, and on his way back down the hill.
At which point a newer Silverado was trying to come up the hill, and a JK and an Explorer were trying to come down.
Once again we found ourselves in a fail sandwich.
I convinced the driver of the Silverado that there was no where NEAR enough room on this road for both him AND the dually, and that he'd have to back his way down to the "T" about 100 yards down the hill, giving everyone room to pass.
We also decided we had had enough for the day, and turned around ourselves.
AS we came down the hill, we found the owner of the Silverado shoveling his way out of being stuck......
Jon staged up behind the full size and gave him a little tug, we also convinced him he should turn around, and head out.

We took the long way back down to Rogers, the Silverado followed us about halfway, and then went on another route.
Almost to Roger's I decided to not leave well enough alone, and pulled into that first section of powerline that was skipped earlier that morning.
Bronze followed me in for grins and giggles.
About halfway thru we find (guess what....) ...a nealry stock late model 4runner just chilling in the middle of the trail. We tried to get him off to the side, and moved out of the way enough to pass, and in attempting to do so, I managed to slide into a bit of a hole. Jon gave me a quick tug, and we went up to the opening under the powerlines, turned around, and made a beeline for Rogers.
We caught Jason just as he was leaving. Said our goodbyes and parked to air up.

We caught a glimpse of a familiar truck/trailer, and hoped he was making it up and down safely.

The first run of the year was certainly an interesting one (to say the least).
Full of tons of good deeds, a lot of back breaking, painstaking, patience testing, recovery and rescue. If I had to do it all over again, I would. I was glad to help out so many people and leave them with a great impression and proud representation of the NWC.

BIG Thanks to everyone who made it out, and who helped everyone else out.
There was a lot of great character out there, and some really good people helping out others. I'll be more than happy to wheel with any of you anytime.
Hah! At least the late run made it through most of the second section of Powerline. We saw all your tire marks where you had the turn around party. Jeremy and his brother both had to winch all the way up through the corners there.
You guys must have missed us by mere minutes. I passed jason on the way up, we were on powerline at the time you took the picture of the truck.

We made it about 90% of the way on powerline until we got to the hill leading to horse camp. Was just a huge 300 foot jeep luge, dustin would be proud. I winched half way up until we had that explorer in one of your pictures coming down. We backed down, turned around and headed back to rogers
Yeah we got screwed by that Bronco, and Tacoma. It was 4 wheel drive Josh just with no lift and a 400 lbs ATV in the back. We, meaning Jarrod, his friend Carlos and I did make it up to Fire Break Five to run a few sections, we also picked up a pretty Built YJ, the rocky section on the first leg was a blast, icy rocks and all, Jarrod was the only one to make it up that, but ended up letting off just as he passed the last of the rocks and had to back down. We ended up hitting alot of the other sections, but there was another sections with pretty big rocks, I watched as Jarrod and the YJ bounced there rigs 2 to 3 feet in the air, all 4 tires, Jarrod lost his spare tire and his cousins snow board.

Good time where had by all. :) bummer we missed Jeremy and Ryan, but after talking to Jeremy the night before I wasn't even sure he was coming, and Ryan was adamant that he wasn't going at all. But I guess Ryan does that now and then, surprise us all.

We did have some issues on are end also, Jarrods friend Carlos, well he had 4 people in his XJ, so after all the hi rpms he started to overheat and loose power, he ended up staying on the main roads after the first or second section of Fire Break Five.
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Josh I also though you guys were coming up behind me, I dont know why you guys didnt come around the Bronco and Tacoma, thats what I did. I also wasn't told there was going to be a Bronco on street tires unlocked, and a stock heigth Tacoma unlocked, with a 400 lbs ATV in the back.

I was wating for you guys and was told you would guys would catch up with us when we came out on the other side of Power Line. No one showed, at that point Dawn and I where wheeling solo, until I literally almost ran into Jarrod.
In my defense, that rock came out of no where.... Lol had a great time, sucked majorly bending my tie rod. Now I know where to upgrade lol
Big thanks to all that help, wish I could have made the rest of the trip with ya guys, next time then lol
Josh I also though you guys were coming up behind me, I dont know why you guys didnt come around the Bronco and Tacoma, thats what I did.

I also wasn't told there was going to be a Bronco on street tires unlocked, and a stock heigth Tacoma unlocked, with a 400 lbs ATV in the back.

IN EVERY SNOW FALL, ON EVERY SNOW RUN THERE IS ALWAYS "THAT GUY" :gag: ...." is says 4 wheel drive"

I was wating for you guys and was told you would guys would catch up with us when we came out on the other side of Power Line. No one showed, at that point Dawn and I where wheeling solo, until I literally almost ran into Jarrod.
I got a few pics




Looking back it was a good day filled with a lot of bonding (work) and teamwork (recovery). Thanks to everyone who made it out. :D
Due to all the work that was put into the massive amount of recovery and rescue, Aaron and I are going to work on a little something for those who made it up and did the most work.
Some "NWC Recovery Team" Stickers.
Not sure when or how soon we'll get to it or when they'll be made, but rest assured you guys will be getting a reward!
Well our day started out like most. larry showed up at the house 10 to 7 right on time :thumbup:. we needed to stop in Mac for fuel, when we did i knoticed that larry needed an ATV permit. we stoped at the gales creek station and headed to the stageing area.

once there everyone was egar to hit the trail josh and josh lending there idle hands

we headded for powerline and figred to play it by ear based off of trail conditions.

i love snow wheeling!

this is where we stoped atop a hairpin turn/hillclimb josh and i made it up fairly easy, but with as bumpy as it was i knew the open ipen rigs were guna have some fun getting up this one.

bmikes needed a secont run at it and backed up into a pickle.

i backed my jeep up, we doubled up the strap and i was to make a tug to free him, that was the theroy anyway
http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300497_zpsb578a1df.mp4.html
http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300498_zpsf1c3d174.mp4.html

every time i felt the strap it pulled me back to my origonal spot, i neede more strap, so i unhooked and picked my landing. and...!
http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300504_zps8609984d.mp4.html
http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300505_zps7df8e28a.mp4.html

problem was that i was now on a sheet of ice and couldent even get up under my own power. even with aaron/kenny/josh power added...:doh:
i droped my psi to 8lbs all around and still i had nothing. winch without a fairlead it ishasta. well the winch works! rather well i might add. the straps were still hooked up so i hollered to tessa and. well here this is good!

http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300506_zpsc9d93e9e.mp4.html
puckor factor was high, plus brandons dad had some flashbacks:wow:
nex was jon, he played it safe and pulled some line once he lost traction. next up was larry, Ohhh Larry!

more after dinner!
Hey lol the guy in front took a few try's to get up, I got up the first turn with ease but that second turn.......... That's another thing lol
so up next was larry. at this point we were warmed up and ready for a show, at least me, kenny,and aaron were. GO LARRY GO we rallyd, and boy did he! he cam flying up the hill made the corner with good traction, and freegin nailed the driver side front wheel on a rock. he lost momentum and was denied the glory shot. AWW he did so good other than hitting the rock we backed him down to make another run at it when josh yells up the hill "We got 2 taco'd rims and a bent tierod!" larry was done for the day. my pics skip this part as i was pushing jeep and directing traffic as best as possable. for a while there were too many cheifs and not enough indians... the strong ones shined in the end. props to lary for the sweet show and for not getting your head down! youll be back!

(refer to joshes report i missed some)

after lunch the few and the proud continued on to see why ly come archers. it was a HD3500 duly with a UTbed and Lumberack :yelclap:


hmm i wonder why the choice in firewood getting rigs?

jason tried the snap pull routine for a while, then realized that waset going anywhere...
http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300526_zps2a8f50a0.mp4.html

flip the jeep areoung strap his a$$ to a tree and winched the burtha up the hill a ways. then the big rig had enough momentum room to get himselp back uponto the road. we all truned areound and headded for home. and then another rig cam up the road, while there were two waitning for us to turn around already.

like josh said he was shoveling out "OH SHURE!!!"

the tug was easy. http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300546_zps7fa48fac.mp4.html
Aparently josh and i left aaron hanging on the thumbs up pic:looser:

josh must have felt conqered and just had to hit that last section of trail, reseulting in another find of a stock rig and another meeting with the ditch and strap routene...

http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300554_zps6d5aaab1.mp4.html
http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300555_zpsdc0852e0.mp4.html
http://s387.beta.photobucket.com/us...ngover run 2013/S7300556_zpsf5e3bde9.mp4.html
After making it off that trail we fliped around and mashed back down the trail to meet up with the crew at rodgers.

i want to give props to jon, for some creative winching teq. ill be using that one in the future! i have been waiting to wheel with you for some time now glad to see you smileing right along with the rest of us. your rig makes me miss my 5spd soooo much.

lary for sticking in there and making it home safe, heck of a 1st rum man!

good to meet you brandon. hope you come out agin somtime you did well.

kenny, alwase a pleasure. that woman of yours is a true trooper!
Jason, it has been too long, you/me again soon yesyes...
i could go on and on. i had a blast! cant wait to see all of you on the trail agin soon.
i love my setup, just need OBA. thx agin kenny.

until next time:woohoo:
Nicely done Bronze, thank for sharing!
Thanks for welcoming me in everybody! I loved being out if the city for the day, even though we didnt get too far. Sorry for opening the can of whoop as* on everybody as far as the recovery run goes! But I hope to go back out with you all when the next chance arises! I was wondering though, I'm not sure who got the video of me getting pulled out, but I was wondering if it would be possible to get that emailed to me? That's be awesome!! I wanna see what it looked like!! Happy New Years to y'all! :)