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Track bar issues


NAXJA Forum User
So i have an extendable track bar that i bought from a friend a few years ago, not sure what kind though. The death wobble started again the other day and is now happening every time i hit a decent size bump in the road!
i had the death wobble before and it was with the stock track bar, got this one from my friend and the wobble went away for about two years. So i was checking everything out the other day while my buddy turned the wheel from side to side, I noticed the bottom end of the track bar started to oval out the mounting hole! I'm positive this is causing the problem but i was wondering if anyone has had the same problem?
I have a 3 inch RE Lift with the 1.5 inch Teraflex spacers and shackles
So sorry to bring up another thread about the D.W. just trying to understand this a bit better
Anyone have the Clayton track bar? The website talks about this same problem and im thinking i might get a Clayton setup
First off, the track bar is a wear part, it won't last forever.

On some track bars, the bushing at the axle end is servicable. If you know what brand and model you have, you might be able to replace the parts that actually wear out.

Some people have ovaled out the mounting hole at the axle end. I think they weld on a washer to get everything clamped down again.

I don't know anything about the Clayton set up.
Thats another problem i have no clue what kind of track bar it is, maybe crown?
i kind of want to get the clayton setup because it requires a bigger hole to be drilled out anyways and gives you a larger bolt setup 9/16s
My only advice, is to buy something that you get replacement wear parts on a Sunday afternoon. That Murphy dude seems to love obscure replacement parts.
I'd also suggest that you check out your front end. A loose trackbar in and of itself will not cause death wobble, it just allows it to happen.
Yup checked everything out , combination of TREs loose track bar and got tires rotated and balanced.
I think the track bar on its own could most definitely cause death wobble, could you imagine driving with NO track bar??
I have driven w/o a panhard bar on the front on my XJ, there is no risk of death wobble because you'll only be creeping along at like 10mph due to the inabilty to steer your rig worth a shite. I had to drive 5-6 miles like that after snapping my adjustable panhard while doing 50+ over a set of railroad tracks along a county highway in NE.