Pay my air fare and supply me with a capable XJ and I'd be happy to lead any trail you want!
Seriously though, Cliff Hanger is a great trail, great views, and a fun entrance/exit. It's challenging enough and has such great scenery that its tough to get board. I highly recommend it.
Pritchett is another great trail. It's one of my favorites out there. You need a little more capable Jeep to run it but I've tackled it with 32's and only a front locker several times.
The group run of Hells Revenge is pretty nice too. Like all of Moab it offers great views, steep climbs, and a few fun play areas. Areas such as Mickeys Hot Tub for instance.
Moab rim is a fun trail, again for the better built in the crowd. It's fairly short and with a small group can be run in a pretty short time. Shortly into the trail you run into an off camber climb that has you staring directly out the drivers side window at the road about 100' below. Very nerve racking, but not terribly hard. Once to the top you can look down on the town of Moab. Some people have run it as a night run, though I have not, and I'd guess the view is quite spectacular.
Those are my recommendations of trails that should be run by anyone who is built well enough for the challenge. If I were coming out I would for sure run every one of those and likely some of the other easy ones. Area BFE is also a fun place and if you have the time I'd recommend it. I wouldn't however skip out on other fun trails to run out there. I'd only do it if I had some extra time and a few guys that wanted to go play.
P.S. I'm more than willing to fly "economy"