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Time for Change

Wow...this place now has more drama and BS bro fights, then a bar parking lot after 2am closing time....

I enjoyed this place. Went RED. I learned a lot about XJs.
best of all got to meet some friends, some new and some old lost ones...I am thankful for that.
Thank you NAXJA

I'm not going RED any time soon,sorry no need to support a flat lining forum that's just a bitching fest for a few leftovers :):cry::yap::tears:

Take a step back and look at this place, would want to come here and go RED if you just got a new to you XJ??
(end rant)
Personally I think that this thread brings the suck. It shouldn't even need to be here. What kind of message are we sending potential club members. They see this and just move on. I think the so cal chapter should have monthly runs with rotating locations. That way everyone can have a piece of pie. Scott is the only one who is costanly posting runs. Vanimal as well. It would just be nice to choose which run to go on instead of not being able to make so cal fest. Pick one location for each area and rotate them every month. So cal is such a big area its hard to just pick one spot for all of our chapter.
Be the change you wish to see- ghandi

Bails: you want to organize runs, by all means step up
the real issue is the economy sucks, folks cant afdord to wheel like they used to.
If you really want to see the yukon video, its up on MJR
I didn't say it had to be organized and all. But monthly runs would give people more flexibility to be able to make one or two or more. Maybe the 3 sat of the month. And don't give me the economy bs. A run only takes a tank of gas. Bring a sack lunch.
Be the change you wish to see- ghandi


The club is what the members make it.

The forum is what the participants make it.

It matters very little if someone gets reprimanded for using a word, or a promo video gets removed, or if the forum is 75% man drama. Those things are trivial relative to the entirety of what NAXJA is.

NAXJA it what WE make it.

If you want to have runs and wrench parties... then have runs and wrench parties... and post them up and rally others from the club/forum to participate. Actions by John or the national BOD aren't stopping that. Actions by "elected leadership" are not what causes the forum to be a bitch fest. It's a bitch fest cause that's what we make it.

We have no runs and no wrench parties because the membership isn't coordinating and posting runs and wrench parties. Our forum is a bitch fest because that is what we make it. (let's be honest here... dramatic threads always have the most activity.)

NAXJA can be whatever we want it to be.

This is what NAXJA is to me...




I've wanted to run the Rubicon since I first saw it 25 years ago... and I finally did in 2010 thanks in large part because of the people I met and knowledge I gained through NAXJA.

That's what NAXJA is to me... and will continue to be... as long as there are people here who want to wheel and share their knowledge.

See you all next summer on Rubicon 2013... :D
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I didn't say it had to be organized and all. But monthly runs would give people more flexibility to be able to make one or two or more. Maybe the 3 sat of the month. And don't give me the economy bs. A run only takes a tank of gas. Bring a sack lunch.

BTW, I know several with XJ that either had to sell or do not run them because of the economy. A tank of fuel at todays gas price is $75-$80, that amount of money would help put food on the table for their family. I have a good job but earlier this year I had a 10k hit and 15% decrease june of last year.

Dont tell me the economy does not affect people getting out and wheeling. One thing you also have to remember is that alot of these rigs are peoples daily drivers, if something happens to break then it is just more than a tank of gas for the day.
Sean If people want to wheel they will get out there and wheel. The other month I went out 5 times and you were there for 2 or 3 of them including the big bear run. Some people are going to blame the economy some people are going to have family commitments and some people are going to just complain for the sake of complaining.
Point is that if you really want to get out you will. you can even passenger if that's what it takes. Socal xj meets every month. Inland Jeep freeks meet every month. The creeps meet up a few times a month, NAXJA.......no so much. And it doesn't really help that theres several sub chapters within the chapter itself los angeles san diego inland empire etc.

Disclaimer. Sorry if that was hard to understand I'm doing it on my phone via talk to text:)
BTW, I know several with XJ that either had to sell or do not run them because of the economy. A tank of fuel at todays gas price is $75-$80, that amount of money would help put food on the table for their family. I have a good job but earlier this year I had a 10k hit and 15% decrease june of last year.

Dont tell me the economy does not affect people getting out and wheeling. One thing you also have to remember is that alot of these rigs are peoples daily drivers, if something happens to break then it is just more than a tank of gas for the day.

I was just going to say just about exactly this. I'm glad to hear that the poster is making decent cash, but some of us are definitely not. $80 for a run = not happening for me right now.
80 bucks to go out and wheel would be awesome...now for us it's closer to 250, and I know that's my fault for green sticker, but I'd we're going to spend that coin, we may as well make a weekend out of it...
I was just going to say just about exactly this. I'm glad to hear that the poster is making decent cash, but some of us are definitely not. $80 for a run = not happening for me right now.
Sean If people want to wheel they will get out there and wheel. The other month I went out 5 times and you were there for 2 or 3 of them including the big bear run. Some people are going to blame the economy some people are going to have family commitments and some people are going to just complain for the sake of complaining.
Point is that if you really want to get out you will. you can even passenger if that's what it takes. Socal xj meets every month. Inland Jeep freeks meet every month. The creeps meet up a few times a month, NAXJA.......no so much. And it doesn't really help that theres several sub chapters within the chapter itself los angeles san diego inland empire etc.

Disclaimer. Sorry if that was hard to understand I'm doing it on my phone via talk to text:)
NAXJA covers such a large area out here that it gets split up by necessity. We got people from Vegas to Bakersfield to San Diego as part of SoCal Chapter. Most of those areas have monthly meets. I know San Diego holds at least one a month. Carol posts them regularly and sends out invites on FB.

And the economy/personal circumstances do play a big role for people. I've been unemployed for way too long because there's nothing available in Twentynine Palms outside of minimum wage part time jobs that expect you to commit to them and them alone. I've been blessed to have my GI Bill and UI to get me by, but I've got a wife and three kids. Screw wheeling trips, I'm worried about keeping up on the mortgage and feeding them. Plus, my Jeep is in no shape to go wheeling at the moment and my cash is going towards more important responsibilities.
Moab is in the spring. the Con is in the summer.

I'm planning on doing both.
Moab 2013 is in the Fall...30th anniversary of the XJ...giveaway rig, etc...:)
AWWWW poor you! The government doesnt give you enough money to support your family, AND go wheeling? OH POOR YOU!

Shouldnt you be out filling applications instead of over moderating, and in general, acting like you run the place?
Moab 2013 is in the Fall...30th anniversary of the XJ...giveaway rig, etc...:)

well shit... I'd better put it on my calendar!

AWWWW poor you! The government doesnt give you enough money to support your family, AND go wheeling? OH POOR YOU!

Shouldnt you be out filling applications instead of over moderating, and in general, acting like you run the place?

this is why nobody likes you.
AWWWW poor you! The government doesnt give you enough money to support your family, AND go wheeling? OH POOR YOU!

Shouldnt you be out filling applications instead of over moderating, and in general, acting like you run the place?

That was totally uncalled for Matt.
Sure I had my stabs at Justin also, but always in good spirit. Never met him, but always respected the service he has done for our Country.
A lot of members here have a hard time dealing with the economy and still keep on making the best of it.
No need to make fun of anybodys struggle.You will learn that when you get older.
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