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Theres a theif amongst us...

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I could use a business partner :cool:

We could also add wooden drive shafts to our product line.

oh wait....that's been done already :rolleyes:
Are you serious?

This is a he said, she said problem. For all we know, a little maintenance and everything will turn out fine. You want to call in personal favors to go track the guy down and harass him because someone else said he got ripped off on a "sight unseen" transaction on used goods?

The classifieds in any forum are buyer beware. If you can't lay your hands on it, you need to be prepared for the consequences. If you don't know the person, there is a considerable amount of trust involved.

Let's not jump to conclusions. Like someone said, you've heard one version. But you suggesting you'd actually take time out of a paid law enforcement officer's day to follow up on an internet forum parts transaction is just as much a douchebag move as selling bad parts to someone. :twak:

Oh yeah matter of fact ill get all of the DFW police dapartment to knock his door.you know I might just drive down there and handle it myself I got an extra 900 for fuel cost, I should be good.
We could also add wooden drive shafts to our product line.

oh wait....that's been done already :rolleyes:

You two should look into skids and bumpers too. You can't go wrong with the maple either.
A few months back I sold (on craig's list) a set of 5 ecco(sp?) wheels and tires. I knew the guy didn't know me from Adam, so I gave him my eBay name so he could see my feedback there. No guarantee that I would treat him the same as I have the people on eBay but at least he had a better idea of who he was dealing with.

He gave me his, so I could look his feedback up.

It might be worth trying this before your next purchase, if they have an eBay account.

The other thought I had was what about using PayPal? If you pay by a credit card can't you cancel the payment if it isn't what you expected to receive? If so, you would have put the seller back in the hot seat and I'm sure he would have been eager to have his goodies back if you were not going to pay for them. I suspect he might even reduce the cost just so he wouldn't have to mess with it any further. But then again, I don't know if PayPal works that way.
Ok say what you want about me. But I never rolled a vehicle with those tires, they were just fine for me any time I used them. I generally try not to be an a-hole, but when you accept something when they are given to you and in turn give someone money for them than you are saying that you accept them and any issues that may come with them. I am sorry if they are not what you expected, but I never said they were great tires. I told your buddy who seemed to think it prudent that he talk to me about the issue that if I had the money to return I would, but the money was in turn sent to pay a debt. I did not try to screw you, and I'm sorry if you feel thats what happened.

As far as harassing me, and sending a DFW cheif over to my house that is rediculous. If it will make you feel better than by all means come kick my ass. But I have a gun and if you do it on my property I have every right to shoot on sight. So follow whatever recourse you think is best. :peace:
I'm not sure if you have the right to shoot on sight but definitely in self-defense...
sounds like a problem between a buyer and a seller. i dont see a reason why this needs to be a public issue.

You guys should take this elsewhere, like a phone-call or a private message.

and really.... are the threats needed? you know a cop in another state? want a cookie?
you own a gun? you want a cookie too?
sounds like a problem between a buyer and a seller. i dont see a reason why this needs to be a public issue.

You guys should take this elsewhere, like a phone-call or a private message.

and really.... are the threats needed? you know a cop in another state? want a cookie?
you own a gun? you want a cookie too?

I kinda have to agree here
Okay here you go guys...
Damnit I was just reading the second page and was thinking hmm I could really go for a cookie right now, maybe I'll post that and try to be a funny make others laugh kinda guy. And no sooner do I click next page and someone has beaten me to the punch by 8 min. Thanks alot! :)
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