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THe NAC Lots-O-BFG KO2 Thread

I know a few of you can relate to this, but holy ballsack dingleberries does this whole house closing process SUCK. Hopefully have a closing date tomorrow, but I said that yesterday; and the day before.
I know a few of you can relate to this, but holy ballsack dingleberries does this whole house closing process SUCK. Hopefully have a closing date tomorrow, but I said that yesterday; and the day before.

Yea it almost always gets pushed back. Financing people suck at doing anything until the last minute.
Yea it almost always gets pushed back. Financing people suck at doing anything until the last minute.

Mine closed on the date they first told me. No delays whatsoever. I've heard some horror stories though

Don't get me started. I was ready to close on Monday and the sellers attorney came back and said they didn't have lender clearance. Turns out, my processor was on vacation and they sat on some of my paperwork for a WEEK. I was :flamed: didn't get anywhere over the phone, left work early and went to Teachers federal credit union's main building and asked for the manager, not a good interaction. told me they need another 10-12 business day. As I'm leaving they CALL me and say hey this is the closing department. They called me by accident and the only reason I knew was because I was standing in front of the building. Furious. Got home, called again, asked for who was REALLY in charge and in 20 minutes I went from processing to underwriting to closing. The next morning I got cleared to close (tuesday). Took until yesterday morning to set up with the bank's closing attorney (how many ****ing lawyers ARE there??) and line up the earliest date. Now all day the seller's attorney has been MIA to confirm a closing date. :twak:

My contract says we close "on our around 11/10." That was 60 days after the contract was signed. fingers crossed for a date tomorrow, earliest is 12/1.
My experiences:
House in fitchburg, short sale from BoA, they accepted offer than just strung me along with extensions for NINE MONTHS. When I gave them a 2 month deadline they just sent my deposit back. Then 6mo later the house was relisted as a foreclosure for half the price I offered. ****ers. I refuse to do business of any kind with BoA to this day
House in southbridge, cash purchase, they accepted, then days before closing realized the title was trash and canceled the sale leaving me with 3 days to find a new apartment and move since my lease was up. That fall when they cleared the title issue it sailed right through after they called my lawyer back and asked him if I still wanted it a few days before I had to fly to colorado for business. Wrote him a PoA letter and came home a month later as a homeowner.
My experiences:
House in fitchburg, short sale from BoA, they accepted offer than just strung me along with extensions for NINE MONTHS. When I gave them a 2 month deadline they just sent my deposit back. Then 6mo later the house was relisted as a foreclosure for half the price I offered. ****ers. I refuse to do business of any kind with BoA to this day
House in southbridge, cash purchase, they accepted, then days before closing realized the title was trash and canceled the sale leaving me with 3 days to find a new apartment and move since my lease was up. That fall when they cleared the title issue it sailed right through after they called my lawyer back and asked him if I still wanted it a few days before I had to fly to colorado for business. Wrote him a PoA letter and came home a month later as a homeowner.
Its Fitchburg, you didn't miss anything
I hired a real estate attorney because it was 500 bucks and protected me, would have done so even if I had a mortgage (the bank normally has their own.)

Ended up finding out the title was screwed and saved me from buying an unsaleable $38k piece of paper. Worth it.

Its Fitchburg, you didn't miss anything
Yeah, jumped right out of the fitchburg frying pan into the southbridge fire :dunce:

At least it saved me from commuting on rt2...
In NY, or at least in Suffolk,

Sellers need an attorney.
Buyers need an attorney.
Lender has an attorney for closing.
Everything has a tax on it.

It's ****ing insane how much money it costs and how much time it takes. Of course both tarah and I are employed by the state so we are technically paying ourselves. It's really made me think about settling in here but that's a whole 'nother argument.
I can't wait to buy a house. I went to a first time home buyers seminar the other day. According to some of the things they said and certain mortgage setups, I have too much in assets and too large of a down payment :)
I can't wait to buy a house. I went to a first time home buyers seminar the other day. According to some of the things they said and certain mortgage setups, I have too much in assets and too large of a down payment :)

Ignore just about everything they said if they are affiliated with any lenders. They are just trying to convince you that you 'lose' money by spending your cash on the house instead of financing it and paying them to hold onto it. If you want financial advice, though, talk to a legit financial adviser.
i lucked out in the closing process, got a lawyer was only $300 but i felt was worth the money and I think in MA it is required. The only hiccups where needing to resend a few docs to the bank but nothing major, during the same time my landlord was trying to kick me out faster than allowed by law for my lawyer guided in that for free mainly, and on the day of closing BoA was dragging their feet on the wire transfer of down payment. Though it did suck for the seller as she lost her check after the close before she could cash it in so she could close on her new place.
I can't wait to buy a house. I went to a first time home buyers seminar the other day. According to some of the things they said and certain mortgage setups, I have too much in assets and too large of a down payment :)

most of that stuff you can find by just google searching it

let me know if you want the info for lender and lawyer i used