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The MiXJ

AND the tires!!! don't forget the tires!!!!!

wheels (in my head) is a generic term to describe the tires/rims as a whole i refer to indivudual peices as tire or rim

so i included the tires in the last statement !!!

i wanna get you a fisher price sticker for your front axle
i'd be proud to display it :D
i call BS. they've gotta be photoshopped pictures.
This jeep isn't even done yet? I looked at this thread for NOTHING..
look again this evening and I might have a picture of it driving for you
and here we are a day later. pic or GTFO!
well it made it to colin's house and back today 50 miles each way!!

drove awesome down the road, but gets a speed shimmy starting at 50 according to the GPS. I'm going to try adding some more BB's to the tires, seeing as it's a pretty damn heavy combo
interesting. I'm a fan of everything but the paint on the axle lol.
:spin1:As long as that's the only thing ya don't like, I'll thank you for the compliment! :D
gets a speed shimmy starting at 50 according to the GPS. I'm going to try adding some more BB's to the tires, seeing as it's a pretty damn heavy combo

TSLs suck at balancing and i'm sure the beadlocks dont help.
why even bother trying to balance swampers, its a lost cause
My iroks were perfect when I had them. I didn't even try to balance them and I didn't get any substantial vibes from them. Even thornbirds seem better than TSLs. I had good luck with airsoft bbs in my tires and don't have anything bad but still some annoying vibes at 30ish and those go away and don't come back until 70+
Yeah, I know... my 33's did great though. I think I can still improve these a little. All I'm hoping for out of them is to be able to hum along at 55 and not worry about it feeling like it's going to shake apart. If you come up here tomorrow Carmelo we'll go for a cruise and you can see what I mean precisely-exactly ish. :gee:
i kinda dropped the ball on the build thread. but, tadaaaaaaaa. i was busy getting the thing wheelable so I wasn't too concerned with updates :) Hope everyone understands heh

awww, you can't see your ninja chi master in the passenger seat...but she is a ninja after all...
yeah, maybe if you'd get that video uploaded people would know wtf your talking about!! :)