I sure hope everyone had a good time. The entire BOD, Glenn, Mark and myself, along with our wives help keep things going in the right direction.
We had help from many people this year who volunteered their time to take care of various functions, from leading/gunning trail rides, tech, raffle, etc. and without them the event wouldn't be the same.
I certainly hope everyone will consider taking part in the 2013 Crawl. I'm looking to take a break from the BOD but will still help with the planning/execution/consulting of the Crawl (if it is wanted). This BOD has worked hard for the past 4 years and want the success of the event to continue.
Now to go ever my XJ with a fine tooth comb, make some mods and adjustments as well as do some well deserved maintenance to be ready for 2013.
By the way, my stress level is now 0. Yay!