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Subway Surprise

Ray H said:
So whats a "class 3"?

Sucks for those with mental problems.
Whats the deal with that and guns, arent you guys supposed to not have firearms?

Bipolar 3 is supposed to be the most extreme with more than two manic episodes a week. Only I get that sometimes, and then all is good for a month or so, then it gets bad again for no reason other than my stupid brain chemical imbalancment or crossed wires short circuit or something like that. Anyways, about the guns you mentioned, I never said I had or was going to use one. And I'm really not sure if they allow or disallow bipolar peeps to have one. Usually, when in a psychotic rage, anything around me pretty much turns to weapons, so it is the wise around me to leave me alone till I calm down and go about the rest of the day like nothing happened. I know it messes up people's nerves around me, but I truly hate that about it all, and at times wish I was not alive for it. But that is also part of the crap that I live with. I credit my wife for bringing out the better person in me and since I have known her, I have had less bad times and more good days, only, it all got bad when I injured my back, and then it was all bad, and very ugly. I can't ever see me not loving my wife after enduring my crap, especially right after I screwed my back up, and just to mention, I have never, or ever will hit her, as I just literally whack my head against something hard before ever going at her and that always calms me down as I tend to the bleeding on my head. Like I said, I have some problems, but there are others with worst situations than I and I am also lucky to have a person who understands me like my wife. See, I know when I am not all the way better when I dont use proper periods and commas and use run on sentences like I am not breathing when I'm talking. Well now I hope this helps explain a little better. But it is a little different for everybody with this problem, so I can only say from my perspective and how I see my brother who also has this as well. You know what I feel is funny, is my brother and I get along well, but people would think that two people with this problem would get disasterous, but in reality, we understand and respectfully have concideration for eachother's little peaves and triggers.

OK, it's getting hot outside since the breeze stopped and it's freaking 11:15 pm! I mean, this is the desert for crying out loud, and it feels humid! damn, I was out enjoying the nice cool breeze, and now it's gone up to 77 degrees and this hot laptop is not helping! I gotta go inside and cool off in front of the AC, ya, that will help. I'm OK, I promise, for now. ugggh!....OK, going inside!
The head of my last company was a 3 maybe a 4, it was an interesting work environment, he was a good guy till he'd 'go off'. He destroyed 4 laptops, got to where I could recognize the thud as one hit the wall... we gave silent prayers everytime he sat in front of the bloomberg terminal machine, which I heavy duty velcroed to the desktop, those babies are expensive, hoping the stock gods were looking favorably at him...
Using your phone while waiting behind another customer is fine, call her then and confirm her order, hang up before you get to the counterperson to place said order. Talking on the phone while trying to place said order with the counterperson is rude and inefficient, disrespects the counterperson, delays the order, and causes people behind you in line to wait longer and be less than happy with you.

A little common sense is all that's needed here. I'm sure the sign was placed with the intent of letting the gabby folks who have their phones glued to their ears 24/7 that they need to hang up before placing an order. The intent was not to keep you from confirming your wife's order, just to hang the damn phone up before attempting to place it.
fubar XJ said:
Using your phone while waiting behind another customer is fine, call her then and confirm her order, hang up before you get to the counter person to place said order. Talking on the phone while trying to place said order with the counter person is rude and inefficient, disrespects the counter person, delays the order, and causes people behind you in line to wait longer and be less than happy with you.

A little common sense is all that's needed here. I'm sure the sign was placed with the intent of letting the gabby folks who have their phones glued to their ears 24/7 that they need to hang up before placing an order. The intent was not to keep you from confirming your wife's order, just to hang the damn phone up before attempting to place it.

You won't be able to reason with this fellow, he believes he is above proper social behavior because he claims he has a condition. He believes that if "no one dies" that all is good, and that is a load of crap, See the saga of Stumpalump.

We all have our little problems, and I'm sure anyone of a number of psychologists would be glad to label them for us, but that's not what this thread is about. The thread is about a shop owner posting a legal sign telling his customers what his rules are. This is the same thing as a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" sign. It is the rules of the retailer and you either obey them, or you find some other place who will put up with your brand of shit.

Regardless of what a person perceives their own personal issues to be, or what label some cracker jack psychologist has given you, that IS the bottom line here.
NAXJA also has it's rules, and they apply to everyone.

If you look at the guy in line in front of me - he is holding a list. He was ordering about 12 sandwiches.
This Subway gets a lot of business from Ball Aerospace employees as well as others from a nearby industrial park.

I have been in there before when someone in line was on their cell phone trying to confirm orders - or telling their co-worker that the Subway was out of this or that.
It slowed down the line alot and I would watch people come in the door, look at the long line, and then leave.

Basically, I think the Subway did it, because customer cell phone usage was making them loose $$$.

I just thought the sign was worded bluntly and could of have been phrased nicer.
"Please hang up your cell phone before ordering" would have been a better sign, IMO. Same thing, slightly less harsh.
Why coddle? 'Polite' notes only leave things to interpretation. Worried about hurting someone's feelings? :cry: Wouldn't that detract from the POINT?
LR, I called you idiot for bumping the thread repeatedly. As far as I know that goes against NAXJA bylaws. As has been said, write it down, or even better, remember what your wife, who loves you, likes. I know my wife's preferences for food well enough that if Subway is out of whatever she ordered I can figure out something else that she'll like. Also, I've known bipolar people, my cousin and my uncle both, and they took their pills and all was mostly well. Try taking yours.

And yes, I agree that a polite sign wouldn't have the same impact. Saying please implies a request. Saying don't do this implies a direct command. And what's more polite than clearly communicating the consequences of your actions, ie: If you talk on your phone here, we will not serve you.
No it's not, IDIOT. It's in the forum rules, not the bylaws. :D

:laugh2: :roflmao:

Foiled again!
But I knew it was in there somewhere...:D
LR_2000_XJ said:
Google "certified class three bipolar and liability issues". Can you say "plead insane"?

"Bipolar III is not in the "official rule book", but is used by mood experts to refer to hypomania that emerges only when a patient is given an antidepressant."

Nothing "insane" there.

LR_2000_XJ said:
I am having fun reguardless, I am not suffering from mental problems, I am enjoying every minute of it. ..............

Uh, that would be the hypomania kicking in.
Bent said:
"Bipolar III is not in the "official rule book", but is used by mood experts to refer to hypomania that emerges only when a patient is given an antidepressant."

Nothing "insane" there.

Uh, that would be the hypomania kicking in.

So what is the suggested course of treatment Dr. Bent?
Bent said:
"Bipolar III is not in the "official rule book", but is used by mood experts to refer to hypomania that emerges only when a patient is given an antidepressant."

Nothing "insane" there.

Uh, that would be the hypomania kicking in.
This brings up another problem...here we have him saying that if you piss him off, he'll kill you and plead insanity because he's manic depressive. If you ask me, that right there is some serious proof of lack of insanity. He can reason it out, says he'll get away with it, could even be premeditation. ..
HaleYes said:
So what is the suggested course of treatment Dr. Bent?
Knowning Bent the cure is half a pack of Marlboros, a Judas Priest album, and a good six hour session of installing a CB Antenna bracket exactly centered and square.
HaleYes said:
So what is the suggested course of treatment Dr. Bent?


A cellular suppository.
how did we go from informing the inconsiderates to hang up their phone to mental disorders?

back on topic...as already mentioned any business has "a right to refuse service to anyone". I applaud this shop owner. If you can't get your wifes order down correctly, write it down and have it ready before you order. Dont hold up the damn line..."hey honey, what do you want on it again?"
Darky said:
LR, I called you idiot for bumping the thread repeatedly. As far as I know that goes against NAXJA bylaws. As has been said, write it down, or even better, remember what your wife, who loves you, likes. I know my wife's preferences for food well enough that if Subway is out of whatever she ordered I can figure out something else that she'll like. Also, I've known bipolar people, my cousin and my uncle both, and they took their pills and all was mostly well. Try taking yours.

And yes, I agree that a polite sign wouldn't have the same impact. Saying please implies a request. Saying don't do this implies a direct command. And what's more polite than clearly communicating the consequences of your actions, ie: If you talk on your phone here, we will not serve you.
I remember saying it didn't work the first time on my end so I posted a "bump" by itself and then it worked. It was not concidered "repeatedly", as that would be over and over and over again, which I didn't. As for knowing what my wife would like before hand, I had mentioned that no one could assume I go to subway alot, and it had been years since the last time, so not knowing what she likes there was understandale. However she has gone there and usually ordered for me since I only like one sandwich there, making it very easy for her, only she likes to try everything and never has the same thing there, making it harder for me.

I truely didn't mean to get out of hand with the subject, I only get fired up when attacks on me are fueled by assumptions of my life by those who don't know me at all and don't take the time to get to know me in the first place. But then again, I do make it hard for most to want to know me, like I said before, I recall. So on that note, I appoligize to all who are offended by my condition, though I rarely use my problems as an excuse, I was just trying to explain why I got that way, only I had plenty of fuel for the fire inside yesterday, so it came out in the wrong way. For example, I didn't mean to sound like I was threatening anyone, it was just how my mind somertimes sees the world when mad and what good is in me fights that alot, enough to never act on what I see myself doing in my mind. Like I said before, also, this is why I wish I was dead at times because I get stupid when angry and get in a rage. So for that MY BAD. I am still trying to get better with my back, so still out of work with health benifits, and I don't like to go on "welfare" health coverage to get the pills I know I need. Trust me, if I had them, I would gladly take them.
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LR_2000_XJ said:

Quiznos anyone?

This one deserved to stay up just a little longer.

Penn Station FTW!!
GSequoia said:
Knowning Bent the cure is half a pack of Marlboros, a Judas Priest album, and a good six hour session of installing a CB Antenna bracket exactly centered and square.

Now this is not needed, going after my attempt to help someone elsewhere here and you degrade my help.

This just shows me to keep my help to myself from now on, wether it is correct or not, thanks alot!