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Subway Surprise


NAXJA Forum User
I was in Subway today getting lunch and saw this sign.

It looks like the manager took a course on assertive communication techniques. LOL! :D


I wish they put that up at my old job.
OK, here we go!:flamemad:

I'm on my cell to get my wife's order right because they never have what she wants and the boob manager will not serve me because of it? Hell no, I would take pictures like this one and a recording with a voice recorder of the server or manager telling me they won't serve me because I am on the phone with my wife to place her order and get it right so that when I get home she won't be upset with something wrong with it because they ran out of this or that, making me upset and going back to get it corrected. No way!, I would take those as-O's to court for descrimination in service to those on a cell phone. This is the only reason I would be on the phone while ordering in the first place!

Now if the person was trying to order while having an "order" unrelated conversation, then by all means, "next please". They need to specify who they are trying to desciplin, because subway has messed up too many times with me to try to desciplin me on anything. It's just too bad subway makes better sandwiches than quiznos in my opinion
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Rev Den said:
to bad he did not take an English course.

I speak on my cell phone, what the hell does he think I do with it?


Nothing wrong with his English, I understood the sign just fine :D

I thought the day would never come when people have to be told to turn off their cell phones in eateries, restaurants, clubs, movie houses, church. People who use their cell phones in these situations are just inconsiderate azzhats. You may be "just" standing in line, but there are other people in the restaurant who really don't need to hear your one sided, and generally louder than usual, conversation

I carry a phone for work, I do not answer every call. I give the person in front of me priority over other forms of incoming communication. In the above socianl situations, I turn off the cell phone.

I swear Pavlov was born a century too late. He should have used phones instead of bells, and people instead of dogs.

Q: How to you tell the difference between a chronic cell phone user with a blue tooth talking on the phone in a corner, and a mental patient talking to himself on the corner?

A: You can't. The loud talking, hearing only one side of the conversation, and arm waiving are strikingly similar.
x2 above

if your in line, know what you want before hand. if you can't remember what it is you, or someone else wanted than write it down, heck even have them 'txt' you so you can read it right there. As for them screwing up an order, you watch them make the sub in front of you, who's fault is that?

I gave the wife sh1t the other day in the movies cause she left her cell on, she explained it was 'ringer off' 'vibrate off' so it was not gonna interrupt anything. I was ok with that.
But as said above, it is some ignorant to hear someone talking (again, loudly) when others 'need' to talk for some reason, or hearing a silly 'ringtone' when your watching a movie.
I use my cell as much as anyone else, but I also know the appropriate times to do so, standing in line is not one of them.
LR_2000_XJ said:
OK, here we go!:flamemad:

I'm on my cell to get my wife's order right because they never have what she wants and the boob manager will not serve me because of it? Hell no, I would take pictures like this one and a recording with a voice recorder of the server or manager telling me they won't serve me because I am on the phone with my wife to place her order and get it right so that when I get home she won't be upset with something wrong with it because they ran out of this or that, making me upset and going back to get it corrected. No way!, I would take those as-O's to court for descrimination in service to those on a cell phone. This is the only reason I would be on the phone while ordering in the first place!

Now if the person was trying to order while having an "order" unrelated conversation, then by all means, "next please". They need to specify who they are trying to desciplin, because subway has messed up too many times with me to try to desciplin me on anything. It's just too bad subway makes better sandwiches than quiznos in my opinion

Didn't take much to set you off, did it? :yelclap:

By all means, continue!
My wife has the pickiest order at Subway, and I always have to be reminded beforehand what it is, but I can remember long enough to put the phone down to order.

I usually ignore people on their phones at work, and if they get pissed I'm not helping them, I say, "Oh, I thought you were talking on the phone, not to me." Bluetooth people irritate me even more, and not too many people around here use them.
Why do people feel the need so sue at the drop of a hat?

If I own a store and you come in and are offended by how I run my business, leave.

It sad enough that people have sued, and won, for spilling hot coffee on their laps, or got cancer from smoking and now want compensation... but now to sue them for not serving you because your talking on the phone, come on.

you must love those "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service!" signs... $$$$ everywhere.
beakie said:
Why do people feel the need so sue at the drop of a hat?

If I own a store and you come in and are offended by how I run my business, leave.

It sad enough that people have sued, and won, for spilling hot coffee on their laps, or got cancer from smoking and now want compensation... but now to sue them for not serving you because your talking on the phone, come on.

you must love those "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service!" signs... $$$$ everywhere.

Because we live in a time where lots of people seem to think they are entitled to other people's money....for really no valid reason at all.
LR_2000_XJ said:
OK, here we go!:flamemad:

I'm on my cell to get my wife's order right because they never have what she wants and the boob manager will not serve me because of it?
GET A CLUE! That is not what the sign is for.
JNickel101 said:
Originally Posted by beakie
Why do people feel the need so sue at the drop of a hat?

If I own a store and you come in and are offended by how I run my business, leave.

It sad enough that people have sued, and won, for spilling hot coffee on their laps, or got cancer from smoking and now want compensation... but now to sue them for not serving you because your talking on the phone, come on.

you must love those "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service!" signs... $$$$ everywhere.

Because we live in a time where lots of people seem to think they are entitled to other people's money....for really no valid reason at all.
I actually hate the sue happy public myself, only there are at times a limited thought capacity in people's brains such as myself of better words to use, like "for a lack of better words", when angry. Anyway, I would at most voice my concerns with the manager and even their corperate peeps and end up at the most getting a free order equal to my order on the day in question validated by my reciapt of course, that I would have to either mail or e-mail them.

The "no shoes, no service" signs are there to protect the health code from being violated that would result in a lower grade from "A" for the establishment, since it is the management's responsibility to enforce, keep order on the most important issue in a food consuming invironment.

I am in no way a sue happy kind of guy. Two years ago I was injured during work that involved a serious back injury that has kept me out of my usual hard working jobs for the whole duration since. My job did all they could to help me including them continuing to pay me full eight hour days on the days I still came in and did light duty only to go home early due to the extreme pain. Then the workman's comp worker never returned my calls on issues I had with the doctors and nurses the were treating me with "defamation of character" rudeness, and ultimately the doctor whacking my back on the injury area only to say my back is fine now and I can lift a hundred pounds and go back to work the next day, case closed. I was showing improvement before he did that to me at three months into my injury, and he did further damage to me and set me back this long. Then, Calif's wonderful governator signed a new law which made it imposible to get help when workman's comp fails, and fine printed the fact that I couldn't reopen the case if it lapsed more than sixty or ninety days after it is closed. I was trying to get help from everywhere, but did not know where to look at the time, and without knowing, ran out of time. Now the only way to get the case open is to first sue my job, who never misstreadted me, and could not possibly forsee the accident happening, then sue the workman's comp company, to have leverage to sue the doctor for malpractice. Now, with all the meds I was taking, I was in a constant rage and anxiety ball of nerves on thinking how I will survive with no income etc. etc. and finaly just gave up for the sake of my sanity, and stopped the meds and rage and took the pain like a man, and flinched with every sharp disabling pain I had with the slightest movements, and just let my body heal on it's own. This may not be the choice I should have taken, but it was better than what my mind was thinking on doing otherwise, after getting rejected after applying for so many programs for help. See, when you get injured on the job, you have no other way for help than your workman's comp insurance, and you can not quit your job or let your job let you go after three or four months due to inability to work, because you can not get unemployment aid if you do. If your job lets you go, it's like getting fired, so no unemployment, and california wont help you either because it is a "workman's comp issue" and they can't get involved anymore since anold signed it into law. I guess I can thank all those job injury faker AS-Os for muffing it up for the legitamately injured peeps such as myself.


So not all of us people who disagree to stupid signs that should get the company sued, will act on a lawsuit. But you can now see that it would piss me off to the point that if my wife hurt herself helping my broke azz moving something twisting her ankle and is stuck at home on the phone with me at the subway, in pain, because I need to eat before I dare take the Motrin that dulls the residual pain I still have and is messing my stomach lining up in the process, taking her order and trying to get the freckled face brat ignoring me because his boss told him to, to take my order, and get passed on by the person behind me with five kids that can't make up her mind what she wants.Hell ya I'm gonna get pissed, because I sure as hell don't want to take it upon myself to decide for my wife when they ran out of something she wants, and have to go back and wait in line again, behind the still ordering frustrated mother of five, while my back is already pissing me the hell off, God help them at that point. And for those who think I should just tell my wife to stop being so damn picky, she has the right to be, and I am in a good marriage, and I am not the prick to her others may want me to be by thinking I should just decide for her and thats that. Now to think of it, I should sue and throw in a spousal agrivatation instagation lawsuit in there for flavor!!

Damn, I went and lost it again. Damn mantal instabili.......... well I mean well most of the time, like I said in the past!!
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LR_2000_XJ said:
I actually hate the sue happy public myself, only there are at times a limited thought capacity in people's brains such as myself of better words to use, like "for a lack of better words", when angry. Anyway, I would at most voice my concerns with the manager and even their corperate peeps and end up at the most getting a free order equal to my order on the day in question validated by my reciapt of course, that I would have to either mail or e-mail them.

The "no shoes, no service" signs are there to protect the health code from being violated that would result in a lower grade from "A" for the establishment, since it is the masnagement's responsibility to enforce, keep order on the most important issue in a food consuming invironment.

I am in no way a sue happy kind of guy. Two years ago I was injured during work that involved a serious back injury that has kept me out of my usual hard working jobs for the whole duration since. My job did all they could to help me including them continuing to pay me full eight hour days on the days I still came in and did light duty only to go home early due to the extreme pain. Then the workman's comp worker never returned my calls on issues I had with the doctors and nurses the were treating me with "defamation of character" rudeness, and ultimately the doctor whacking my back on the injury area only to say my back is fine now and I can lift a hundred pounds and go back to work the next day, case closed. I was showing improvement before he did that to me at three months into my injury, and he did further damage to me and set me back this long. Then, Calif's wonderful governator signed a new law which made it imposible to get help when workman's comp fails, and fine printed the fact that I couldn't reopen the case if it lapsed more than sixty or ninety days after it is closed. I was trying to get help from everywhere, but did not know where to look at the time, and without knowing, ran out of time. Now the only way to get the case open is to first sue my job, who never misstreadted me, and could not possibly forsee the accident happening, then sue the workman's comp company, to have leverage to sue the doctor for malpractice. Now, with all the meds I was taking, I was in a constant rage and anxiety ball of nerves on thinking how I will survive with no income etc. etc. and finaly just gave up for the sake of my sanity, and stopped the meds and rage and took the pain like a man, and flinched with every sharp disabling pain I had with the slightest movements, and just let my body heal on it's own. This may not be the choice I should have taken, but it was better than what my mind was thinking on doing otherwise, after getting rejected after applying for so many programs for help. See, when you get injured on the job, you have no other way for help than your workman's comp insurance, and you can not quit your job or let your job let you go after three or four months due to inability to work, because you can not get unemployment aid if you do. If your job lets you go, it's like getting fired, so no unemployment, and california wont help you either because it is a "workman's comp issue" and they can't get involved anymore since anold signed it into law. I guess I can thank all those job injury faker AS-Os for muffing it up for the legitamately injured peeps such as myself.


So not all of us people who disagree to stupid signs that should get the company sued, will act on a lawsuit. But you can now see that it would piss me off to the point that if my wife hurt herself helping my broke azz moving something twisting her ankle and is stuck at home on the phone with me at the subway, in pain, because I need to eat before I dare take the Motrin that dulls the residual pain I still have and is messing my stomach lining up in the process, taking her order and trying to get the freckled face brat ignoring me because his boss told him to, to take my order, and get passed on by the person behind me with five kids that can'y make up her mind what she wants.Hell ya I'm gonna get pissed, because I sure as hell don't want to take it upon myself to decide for my wife when they ran out of something she wants, and have to go back and wait in line again, behind the still ordering frustrated mother of five, while my back is already pissing me the hell off, God help them at that point. And for those who think I should just tell my wife to stop being so damn picky, she has the right to be, and I am in a good marriage, and I am not the prick to her others may want me to be by thinking I should just decide for her and thats that. Now to think of it, I should sue and throw in a spousal agrivatation instagation lawsuit in there for flavor!!

I'm not even going to read this...I just find it hilarious.

This is what I think of when I see rant posts like these.

every subway I have been to has that sigh in it.