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So much interest...


NAXJA Forum User
I really dont get this! The way this is going is completely counter productive in my eyes. There was a bunch of interest in the beginning and then everything started being edited and deleted and so on. Now there is only like 2 or 3 topics on here, looks real inviting. Espesially when on the other chapter forums they are aloud to talk about whatever and here it is strickly about forming a formal group. Any new person looking at this forum will be like gee only 3 topics ummm alot of interest here... Someone wants to meet and actually go wheeling which is what this is all about and the idea is kicked out and dismissed. Is this what this is going to be about??? If you want to start a group lets meet and go wheeling THEN but responsibility on people who want it to work. You have to show something to work for to get participation and interest. NOT set responsibility 1st to basically con everyone into sticking around with a bunch of web wheelers. I personnaly like this site and would definatly join and be part of the group if it was not being messed with like it is.

I am sure this post will be deleted like all the others but those who actually see it and want to meet other NW jeepers and XJers check out these:
and my new forum site; www.PNWJeep.com
and even JU for that matter!

When this future chapter gets turned in a better dirrection let all of us know and you might see some results till then "screw all the Haters"

Tim, I think your tact is way off. For one, you indeed know as do many of those here that the other groups are run by those who took issue with the way I ran the original group. I don't kick anyone out of my groups and it was voted by a group of us to move on...so we did. A group of us elected to move to start a NAXJA Chapter. We're in the process of it right now, thank you. :) I don't know if anyone put you up to it, but if you don't like this organization then you're certainly invited to leave. We don't come over and stir things up over at YOUR message board, so please don't do it to ours.

Secondly, if you look down at the bottom of the page when you get to the NW Chapter forum you will see that only 1-3 of 3 topics are showing....and off to the right you see that (by default) these are the ones that have been active in the last 30 days. So we don't post night and day, perhaps we're a little more conservative than that? I set mine to show all messages "from the beginning" so I'm not 'confused.' If you continue to visit you might do the same to save face and not post a flame that makes no sense to the observant.

Lastly, setting up runs is not the order of business at this point as we're in the process of forming a Chapter. Once the Chapter is formed we'll get more into 'relevant' discussion. It certainly makes sense to those of us who hang out here. As for the 'web wheeler' comment I think that's a bit off. So we don't go wheeling with you or the JU crew. So we don't post pictures of our runs that we DO go on. So we aren't always talking about it and making fun of other people. That's not our style. As you can see by past comments, moved/deleted threads and temporarily banned people...it's simply NOT welcome here. Talk as much trash as you want on YOUR boards, not ours.

Thanks for your time.

Oh yeah, thanks for hospitality by allowing us all to live inside your head...rent free, of course. Now kindly move along.
The only ones that where removed was due to a couple people that decided to come here and try to start trouble.

There are still a bunch of posts here, you just have to set your preferences to see them.
Bullsh!t, the only posts "removed" were the ones Phil wanted because he can't run a forum worth anything.

Phil, you did INDEED ban people from your forum. I saved all the e-mails. ;) The reason why the NW chapter here hasn't started yet is because NOBODY WANTS ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. You should never be allowed any position of power with any group ever created. Period. You have no sense of right and wrong. You are a child who wants to take his ball and go home when things don't go your way. Grow up. You whine about personal attacks, yet you continue to attack other people for NO REASON. You delete or have deleted any posts which cast you in an unfavorable position.

You are the very defintion of WEB WHEELER. You didn't go for a YEAR because you were afraid your fawking rear brake line wasn't long enough. Spend the 30 bucks to get a YJ line, how hard is that? You WHINE about somebody stirring the pot, yet you do EXACTLY that in your own reply!
Last post on the subject. Phil did not, nor has any way, shape or form to delete anything here.

If there are personal issues from other sites, handle them by e-mail, or elsewhere.

Thank you for your cooperation.

wsuxjer said:
Bullsh!t, the only posts "removed" were the ones Phil wanted because he can't run a forum worth anything.

Phil, you did INDEED ban people from your forum. I saved all the e-mails. ;) The reason why the NW chapter here hasn't started yet is because NOBODY WANTS ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU. You should never be allowed any position of power with any group ever created. Period. You have no sense of right and wrong. You are a child who wants to take his ball and go home when things don't go your way. Grow up. You whine about personal attacks, yet you continue to attack other people for NO REASON. You delete or have deleted any posts which cast you in an unfavorable position.

You are the very defintion of WEB WHEELER. You didn't go for a YEAR because you were afraid your fawking rear brake line wasn't long enough. Spend the 30 bucks to get a YJ line, how hard is that? You WHINE about somebody stirring the pot, yet you do EXACTLY that in your own reply!
Phil- 1st of all I DID NOT post this to start a "flame war" I posted because I would like to see more results in "your" forum or chapter or whatever... I dont understand the reasoning behind some of your ways and how you are going about this chapter so I posted about it! AS a XJ owner and living in the PNW AND liking this site I want to see this grow. I have never met you and really could care less to meet you...now at least cause I see that you are a defensive sh!t talker that cant see the reality of something and instead of addressing the issues I brought forth, you "flamed" me back with BS that I am not even involved in, nor care to be.

To your comment about MY board, if you have a problem with the way I am doing it go ahead and post it! At least I wont flame you cause I dont like being criticized.

As for me calling you a WEB WHEELER that was not my intent, that apparently came across wrong so, I appoligize for that.

To your 2nd issue with me, thanks for clearing that up for my confused head that you live in rent free.

Aparently anyone with different veiws on this chapter is not welcome here nor welcome to voice them.

Thanks for your time, I will move on now to somewhere where I am welcome.

OK, I'm back. Never say never. I saw Tim's post on another board, and I just had to jump in. What we have here is a disagreement on what shape and form this chapter should take. I'm sitting on top of the list of people who believe "Wheel now, talk later", while others just seem to be in search of a bureaucracy to run. There's defiantly a lot of bad blood around here, and a lot of it seems to be directed at ECKSJAY. I don't know the guy, but his reluctance to wheel does make me suspicious. I've seen a lot of good clubs ruined by nit-picking bureaucrats, and that's just what I see happening here, before the chapter is even off the ground. Before we can elect a chapter president or BOD, first people have to get to know each other! And I'm not talking about some meet 'n greet or show 'n shine! I mean a trail! TSF, WA, something, anything! I'll drive to Moab to wheel but I'm not wasting money and burning gas to sit in a restaurant or some one's house. Just as this forum was starting to attract some interest, Forum Fixer kicks off any post HE deems inappropriate. Well buddy, you have it backwards. It's trails first, talk later. Can't you two see that you're driving people away? I intend to continue boycotting the meet 'n greets, until one happens on a trail. I'd rather see this chapter fail, than be run by a bunch of weenies.
I do not know who you are, or the issue is. You may want to adjust your preferences to see the other posts.

Run for a Chapter Office, whatever makes you happy. Do NOT drag me in to your personal issues. The only posts that where ever deleted here was due to a couple people that OBVIOUSLY had a personal problem with ONE person. The Forum rules CLEARLY state that will not be tolerated.

If you want to troll, you will be dealt with. Do not bitch about it after the fact. If you can offer constructive input, that is fine.

Click on your User CP then go to Edit Options then change Default Thread View: to show all threads ;)
No posts were deleted just nobody posted for a long time. I agree that progress has been slow, but instead of attacking people, you should take leadership and get things going.
Ok, here's how it works (in my opinion), as some of you have it a little skewed:

The purpose of a local chapter is to bring people together and create a smaller community within NAXJA. This community is not for getting together socially and talking Jeep. The community is there for support, whether technical or mechanical (or emotional i suppose :confused: ). The meetings that take place in the beginning are meant to establish a who's who, get the i's dotted and the t's crossed to form the chapter, and eventually, pick chapter president so on, so forth. I repeat, it is not a time to sit around and talk Jeep. Business needs to get done first. These meetings are being held to talk about forming a chapter of a larger club, where that chapter needs to be ran as the club is. I like meeting people on the trail too, however, the trail is not really the place for papers and business.

It is too bad Glenn Baker can not make it. He has the most experience with the goings on at NAXJA and would be able to give the most incite.

Now some of you may not like one person or another (ECKSJAY I'll pick on you cause you're already being picked on). ECKSJAY is not running this chapter or forum. He may have put the wheels in motion, but once the chapter is formed, it is up to the members of that chapter to elect the officials to run the chapter. If you don't like someone, or do not feel they can do a good job, don't vote for them, it's that simple. Don't forget, that person needs to be nominated first. There are people on NAXJA that I don't necessarily care for, but I am still a member. Don't let one person, or the opinions of one or more people keep you from joining up.

What I see for this chapter is a place to plan wheeling trips, discuss technical information, and help each other out. It is not a place to discuss meet and greets or social events. That's what Bingo is for, and coffee with your grandma and her friends. If someone decides not to use his or her Jeep the way God intended :D , then that is up to them, however, they need to have something to contribute, or have legitimate questions to ask. NO BS!

The current forum is not a technical forum or place to discuss wheeling trips (or problems with a person or organization). The space was provided to us by NAXJA to discuss the formation of a chapter. Once that chapter is formed, then we are free to discuss the topics of our choice (within the NAXJA guidelines). If you chose not to be involved with the formation of the chapter, so be it, we will get enough people to form it without you. If you do wish to be a founding member of the PNW NAXJA chapter, then great, thank you. You are making a wise choice.

Sure there are other forums that can be used locally. I personally do not like the Yahoo forums. Don't like the format, so I did not participate. I graze a few forums, NAXJA, Pirate and SNORT. Mostly for the technical information shared. I don't really have the time to keep up on all those forums, I really don't want to add another. I can simply check the PNW NAXJA chapter forum for my local goings on. It streamlines my web browsing. If anyone chooses to visit 10 or 15 different forums, that is their choice, but I'm in NAXJA for the long run.


Dang Willis, spot on for most every point!

Your understanding and text are just about perfect! Yes, I wish I could make it.... I certainly cannot commit to making it at this point for health reasons, and I have my business to run. I will keep the date on the calander... but you guys down South...schedule stuff in the evenings. That means a minimal 1 night stay in a hotel for me. I know, I am whining now.... where are my medications..... ???

Anyhow, well said. I think this can be a good thing.
I was really interested at first. But it doesn't seem like there is enough interest by the people who have the ability to put it together. It sounds like the timing is just not really right.

I would love to join a club without any Drama or politics (my wife already joined one of those) but this is starting to sound like my ex girlfriend:eek:

(I have a feeling the shirts would have some goofy cartoon jeep on them and that's just not my deal:D)

Erik are you running a 9" rear?

BTW if you need a show-n-shine orginized get ahold of that Chad guy:anon:
Naw, the drama is seemingly only from misfits and newcomers that seem to not be able to deal with things if it is not done how they think it should be done. They seem to not grasp that this is a democratic process. Instead, they have some yahoo group, and a few of them see fit to make calculated attacks on those that want to see this happen.

Unfortunately, they seem to be part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. These people fit in better at other Jeep forums that seem to allow flames and attacks as the accepted mind set. Rather unfortunate, but this chapter is much better off without those that want to disrupt the process, rather than participate in making a good chapter.

Should you back away? Only if you want the nay sayers to win. If you have something to add, or want to be a part of a new NAXJA Chapter, stick around. It will not always be positive stuff..... but it can be fun. :)

Hey, whoa,

Just because I don't post regularily doesn't make me a newbie. And just because I am part of Yahoo mail groups doesn't make me a Troll.

I was just making a point that leadership in an orginization needs to be level headed and positive. I'm feeling alot of bad ju-ju here.
To be honest the Local "Yahoo" groups are extremely orginized(sp?) and upbeat along with the local BBS and they get a lot of "fun" stuff put together. I was just observing that this was already going the way of alot of other clubs I have been involved with that have poor attitudes along with poor leadership/vision.

(BTW I love the bag on JU, JU doesn't try to be a club it is a forum with alot of crap there is also alot of content and open ribbing but people over there don't take it as personal as the "clubs" do)

I would find it hard to believe that this is all about one person and if one person thinks that then they need to realize the earth rotates around the sun and no them.

Like I said before I was all for it, and the people that really want to start it need to take the "high road" on here and in the planning of a local chapter vs comments like "Naw, the drama is only from misfits and newcomers..." maybe I don't pick up the sarcasm.

I realize it may not always be positive stuff and I realize I would have more to offer as I am already involved in the local XJ (and ZJ) scene (wahtever you call it) and help out just about anyone that comes to me with problems, questions or needs a wrench. Take new guys out on the trial and push them to try new stuff, teach them how to fix their owne junk. I'm sorry this just doesn't feel "right" to me.

BTW I really have no idea what all the "yahoo" and "calculated attacks" stuff is all about (not really my thing) I'm just making an observation.

I hope the chapter goes well, I already have enough other peoples jeeps to work on though:)
I was not referring to you. I have no idea if you participate in yahoo or not, and really.... had not even looked at your join date here. I was referring to the ones that discuss things elsewhere, then come here to try and talk down to everybody else.:rolleyes:
Hmmm lots of drama here ;)

It seems like y'all need to address the key issue of what ya want out of the Chapter. Texas is good example of a Chapter that didn't do a lot of rides or other things to do, and became more of a web-thing. Maybe the spread out geography kicked folks butt, or maybe lack of places to wheel??? Whatever the case, the Chapter is no more.

From the pulpit: we (naxja) doesn't owe anybody a chapter...each one is expected to be pretty much self-reliant, and actually DO THINGS :)

A little historical tidbit on the Southeast Chapter...it progressed from a Yahoo E-group of folks from the SE who met up for more or less monthly trail rides. (where folks met & interacted, swapping parts & tech tidbits, and got to 4-wheel) From that interaction, the SE Chapter was born.

We have sort of gotten away from the frequent trail rides, but alot of that was due to other events (Hosting Tellico/Cherokee Crawl, helping wrench on the Giveaway Jeep, Moab etc...) but we have another Tellico Fall Flog this weekend...an INFORMAL GTG/trail ride that we all had a lot of fun at last year & decided to make an annual run. SE is all about the wheels-on-earth wheeling and less of the web-wheeling, that is what seems to make it succeed - for us)

Another observation: Folks ya deal with online may not live up to ones real-world expectations or may even exceed them. It's a dice-roll when ya deal with 'anonymous' individuals on the web. Once upon a time, Erik and I had a disagreement of sorts. I went to Moab with an open mind - actually he was about the least of my concerns, but anyways I found him to be a real good guy. (maybe mutual :dunno: ) and better yet, got to watch & help as he & Jes got a fellow Jeeper out of a Bad Jam on the trail...That is probably the highest acclaim I can give anyone...willing to help out another.

In any case, try to remember this is supposed to be all about fun. Good points about folks looking for a beurocracy to run LOL... Somebody's got to be Chief, but if the natives stay restless, it probably won't be much fun to be around. Think trail rides and other things that keep positive interest up as well as attract more fun-minded folks.

Bravo, Steve. You've got my vote for Pres. ;) You up for it? :)

A bit early for that. Lets get this thing off the ground first. We can then delegate authority. With that said, there may be others that may have more experience than I at running this thing.

If anyone has any questions or comments they wish to discuss privately, you can e-mail me at [email protected] . I will try to answer everything I can and clear up some of the misconceptions that seems to have come up about this chapter formation.

Well for better or worse, at least we have some traffic on here now! But as fun as this really is, the conversation really isn’t helping to build a successful forum. Woody raised a good point about confusing on-line personalities with real people. Most of us really don’t know each other, and it’s all too easy to misinterpret another person’s posts. A lot of people don’t seem to like ECKSJAY, I don’t like Forum Fixer, and Forum Fixer doesn’t seem to like anyone. Others want to keep out “undesirables”. But let’s look at one of the more successful forums, the Sierra Club, er Chapter. Near as I can tell, every one of those guys is unsavory and undesirable. Yet it works. They have regular trail runs, wrenching parties, fun chat, and organize events (Show ‘N Shines, YEAH!) that the whole NAXJA family can enjoy. I’d really like this to be an inclusive chapter. I don’t want to see people running to other forums just because they don’t like one member or another. We’re not doing NAXJA any favors when we start insulting people visiting from other Yahoo or JU groups. Say what you will about JU, but when I want to hook up with some people for a local trail run, that’s where I look first. I’d like to be able to say that about the NW Forum, but we’re not there yet. The biggest challenge I see facing this chapter is the distance between the various population centers up here. I live in Beaverton, OR, so for me it’s a 7 hr drive to Boise or 4 to Seattle. I just don’t see us all getting together for pizza anytime soon. But for us to build any sort of friendships with one another (ah, shucks) we really do need to get some face time together. This thread ain’t helping that goal much. I’ve opened up another thread on this forum titled “What do you want”, hoping to clear up just what peoples expectations are for this forum. Maybe we can just leave this thread open for flames. Just don’t look at the thread if you take yourself too seriously and don’t want to get dirty.