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Snakes(ATTN Woody!)

Skunks work pretty well too - we get them in the crawl space every winter, and our mouse population is way down, but I think I'd rather have mice. :passgas:

Poison works okay too, but before it kills them they have time to stash it, so forgotten caches of green bits will turn up in things like appliances, drawers, boots, etc. ONe enterprising mouse managed to get a large quantity of D-Con into the insulation around our oven before he shuffled off to the basement to die (they usually drop dead in the puddles down there). The smell of smoldering D-Con and mouse urine is unique and not appetizing.
Kalifornia King would be my first choice out there...

LOL@ Ghost a 'coach whip' aka black racer, rat snake etc... was what I turned loose in my pantry. Never seen again, but no more mice either. :dunno:
Colt 6" diamondback w/22 birdshot inside the shed, son outside with 20Ga pump #9 shot custom loaded for the ones that make it thru the door.... He worked at a rental place last year and came home with some small traps, poision, seems to work well, at least they stopped eating the padding on our surf rods and no nests to be seen....yet... will find out in the spring when we shuffle the snowblowers and winter tools for the lawn mowers and summer stuff in the back to front routine.
Ralph said:
Poison the vermin.

Poison? As long as you don't mind smelling the rotting carcases in the wall where you can never get to them. An office I worked at did that and it stank for the entire summer.

Good old snap traps are the way to go. Put them along the wall, between appliances, etc. and get ready to hear the snaps going off within the first 15 minutes (okay, well, that's what it was like when I lived out in CO and had a mouse problem). -SNB
In a shed I'm not to worried about it, was adding more cabling in a school in phila in dec and they had bunch of poisioned dead ones that flat out 'gag a maggot' stunk the place up, smell brought back bad memories, it was so bad that I seriously expected to find a body hidden somewhere. By the end of the job we had removed over 30 of the little dead stink balls from the walls and drop ceilings and I added it to my bill, $50 a carcus, covered the lost lunches and vomit cleanup for me and my kids and made the classrooms usable again, wonder they were not closed down from the stench by the BoH. When they balked at the price I said I could always put them back. Found eight more in their annex building last weekend behind some sheetrock while we were running some fiber, paid for one lift kit :D
Mouses? Mices?

Grab a 6 pack,a pellet gun and some cheese n peanut butter.Put the peanutbutter on the cheese,set it out where you can see it,watch for the mouse n cap the little sucker!
Beezil said:
jes, what is your weapon of choice?




post it.

Well, just got back. I had set a bunch of traps and none of them have been tripped. I did plug a couple holes where they could have been coming from but I guess time will tell.
I use a Crosman 66 PowerMaster, 700FPS with 10 pumps, usually use about 3 or 4 pumps for mice. It's a cheap rifle that I bought some 15 years ago but it is extemely accurate and works well.

When trapping rodents, use peanut butter bait and place the traps along walls and in 'out of the way' places. Putting them in the middle of a room is generally a waste of time. Regarding the pellet gun, always remember that 2's company, 3's crossfire... :laugh3:
Jes said:
I've never really been a cat person plus I have a small Parrott.
Just shot this little fawk...

...5', .177 field pellet@400FPS. :greensmok


You think if you kept your floors cleaner you WOULDN'T HAVE MICE? :doh: :laugh3:
new trap

there is an electronic trap new to the market which i use for rats here in san mateo. it uses a discharge of electricity when the rat/mouse steps on the metal flooring of the box, baited with peanut butter seems to work best. after the sucker is electrocuted you just dump em in the garbage and reset the trap. its battery powered. i dont know how many kills per battery but its not messy...target practice sounds a bit more fun tho..