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Sharp pains from weather change?

So iv heard if you have had metal placed in your body from surgery, different weather can affect the way it feels? I have 3 bolts and rods running from my ancle to my knee both my fibula and fibula in my right leg, and every time it warms up or cools down outside it hurts like a SOB. So is this myth true? Or is it not a myth, but a real fact? Or am i just crazy?
My dad has the same thing from a forklift accident years ago. I will ask him tomorrow.

I don't think he has any feeling in his leg though. Its like perma numb.
Yea im slowing starting to get the feeling back in my leg.
This is what happened
mmm, nice.

My dad rolled a forklift and had the cage crush his leg. The doc wanted to cut it off but my grandpa said no way. The doc said he wouldn't be able to walk and he is fine now.

That pic looks painfull...
i got a plate/ 8 bolts in my arm where i broke it at the elbow and they had to pin it to hold it together, i get pains from time to time but never caused by too cold or too hot...
So iv heard if you have had metal placed in your body from surgery, different weather can affect the way it feels? I have 3 bolts and rods running from my ancle to my knee both my fibula and fibula in my right leg, and every time it warms up or cools down outside it hurts like a SOB. So is this myth true? Or is it not a myth, but a real fact? Or am i just crazy?

It’s not your imagination; the weather can cloud your health. Here’s what research reveals about the connection between weather and pain.

Changes in temperature or barometric pressure, a measure that refers to the weight of the surrounding air, trigger joint pain, though researchers aren’t entirely sure why.

In 2007, researchers at Tufts University in Boston reported that every 10-degree drop in temperature corresponded with an incremental increase in arthritis pain. Increasing barometric pressure was also a pain trigger in the Tufts study.
In fact, studies in cadavers have found that barometric pressure affects pressure inside the joints. In one experiment, when pressure in the hip joints was equated with atmospheric pressure, it threw the ball of the hip joint about one-third of an inch off track.

I suffer from sever Arthritis in my feet, ankles, knees and hands (family hereditary) When the seasons change (like now) I'm a miserable old bastard - so it's not a fake, your really feeling the change in air pressure.
When I was 19, I fell 20 feet at a jobsite and landed on my feet, resulting in a compound fracture to my right tibia and fibula (calf bones).

A stainless steel plate and 8 screws were installed to provide support while the fracture healed, and I recall that changes in the weather would result in a dull ache in my right calf.

Dr pulled the metal out a few years later and I've never had a problem with weather realated aches since.

Good luck on a swift recover.
I am mising 3 disc's in my lower back. Have rods and srews holding me up. When a low pressure system moves in, I'm bedridden. I really hate it but, nothing will ever fix it. :sad1:
Its the barometric pressure for sure. Different pressure can cause broken bones to hurt joints and surgical inserts.

so thats why some nights my wrist kills me and i cant sleep... but only the one i broke, its weird, i broke my right thumb and my wrist is what hurts me, i broke the bone in my left forearm, that dont bother me... cracked 2 bones in my back... those dont hurt so much my right humorus bone next to the elbow, they had to plate that...that gets cold and it kills me. i think im going to chop off my right arm and fix all that pains me lol
Yea im slowing starting to get the feeling back in my leg.
This is what happened
I did the same thing same leg and almost the exact same spot 5yrs ago riding a 4 wheeler. I have a rod from my ankle to my knee with 6 screws in my ankle holding the rod and 3 in my knee. And i can usually tell a few days before it is going to storm because my leg starts to hurt and ache pretty bad! And it usually depends on the size of the storm how bad it hurts the bigger the storm and lower the pressure the more it hurts. Winter is the worst for me i wear shorts year around and when it is super cold or im outside for long periods in the snow/cold the rod and screws get cold and boy that doesn't feel well. I wish you the best of luck on recovery thats a nasty break to go thru i was on crutches for 6 months. And i still have problems to this day with pains and nerve issues:bawl:
fractured my right ankle in three places couple years ago on a dirtbike the weather does have alittle affect on it
I got hit by a car and since then my right leg from the knee down gets a numb feeling when it gets real cold.
If you see an X-ray of a healed fracture, you'll usually see a jagged line through the bone of greater density (where the fracture was) and a slight "callus" - could present as a dip or a bump in the surface - where the surface knit together.

Since there's a change in density, it won't expand or contract at the same rate as the surrounding bone. Therefore, you'll get a strong ache there (or a sharp pain) as a result.

This can also apply to screws, pins, and plates - same reason (the metal is a different density from the bone. If there are pins along the length of the bone, you have to deal with the fracture that allowed them to be inserted as well.)

I note this more when the barometric pressure drops than when it rises - I usually have a good 48 hours' warning of impending rain. I also have extensive fractures, especially in my face - there are some days where I just hurt too damned bad to get out of bed.

Scar tissue can cause much the same problem, just to a lesser extent.

If you have issues with nerve impingement (my shoulder and neck are good examples - fracturing C2 and C5 didn't help,) you'll note weather-related trouble there as well.

It also has an effect on arthritic joints - like L4/L5 and L5/S1 for me (results of a life lived hard.)