Bunch of us are arriving Thursday afternoon.
Those showing up then can go through tech and registration early.
Sounds like we're heading into Tillamook on Thursday after getting our sites set up.
Friday we're scouting trails and determining which trails we're going run and when. Informal, no set time for that.
Friday evening/night kicks off the official start. Those attending up to that point can be registered and go through tech inspection. Saves time for Saturday morning.
Saturday morning we're finalizing tech inspections, driver packets, and driver meetings. Saturday during the day will be wheeling. No times determined yet.
Saturday evening will be BBQ/Raffle/etc. No time determined yet, but there will be plenty of time for us to get our food going. Figured while food is being prepared we can do the raffles and 'awards' ceremony. Before festivities begin Saturday night we want to give everyone a chance to freshen up. We'll probably have stuff going on to keep the kids occupied while we're competing for goodies.
Sunday morning we can do camp cleanup and move tow vehicles to staging areas or something. Those who want to wheel throughout the day, can. probably going to do some exhibition stuff on Crushers if anyone wants to show off (of course we don't have ANY of those in our group do we?
). There are a couple of rock piles there so everyone can pose for pics if they want.
Not really going to be sticklers for running times, but we'll come up with a dinnertime for Saturday. If the slower group wants to stop to take pictures, etc. on the trail, they'll have to keep in mind that dinner will be at X time. You might not get all the running in that you wanted if the pace is slower. if you want to run in a faster group, we'll be driving trails and only stopping to fix something or let people by. Emergencies apply as well, but that should go without saying.
It'll be up to the trail leaders to determine when they're getting back. I imagine some groups will be back early, which is what I'm hoping to do a little bit there. Gotta make the donuts, so to speak.
As for other dinner times, that's up to whomever is grouped up on the other days. To ME and a few others I've talked to it's more the conversation and camping part than it is the wheeling (hence the location). There'll be something for everyone, though, so don't fret.