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saw KOR LA kit today

Thanks for the response Joe. I should have pointed out that the kit I'm getting is one of the ones that is to get beat on in an attempt to break it.

This bbs has become alot more closed minded anyways. I've posted some helpful info and usually get told I don't know what I'm talking about. That's fine I think I'll just start keeping the stuff I find out a secret :shhh: :looney:

cherokee "my spelling sucks ass" Kid
The reason this board is changing is that there are a core of members who have become far more sophisticated in suspension design and far more extreme in their pursuits. In the case of this thread, you can certainly say that the "low hanging mount" long arm design is very well covered (see Clayton's long arms, which I run, and upon which I high centered last weekend, and which I wouldn't be running if I was building my front end today) and you can also say that a bargain priced long arm setup with quality components is very relevant for the mass market - it just depends through which lens you are viewing the release of yet another standard long arm kit. Some of us are as unexcited as others are excited, both for perfectly valid reasons.

In reading this thread, it got personal in an odd way, and it strikes me that the reason isn't the "people", but rather the process (which is almost always the case). We aren't a bunch of nice guys who suddenly happened to sprout sphincters on our foreheads one day. NAXJA probably needs a new forum for extreme modifications so that newbies to moderate wheelers can post more basic stuff and show more basic out-of-the-box products to this board, and the extreme crowd can spend their time discussing cutting edge stuff while not worrying if a long arm setup that isn't ever going to see extreme wheeling will get hung up or not, because, quite simply, it just doesn't matter.

Most of us who have been around for a long time would like to see a more creative mass market approach to the XJ front suspension question, but as JNJ stated this typically requires custom work, and you don't make money selling custom stuff to the mass market at cheap prices. Just try selling a mid-arm three-link suspension when the caveat is that you also need to build a D44 front end from scratch. Yes, it is the right solution, and no, you won't get a damn bit of business. It will be interesting to see if this market will support more customized solutions at premium prices (no bolt-on compromises), and hopefully we will see more of this in the future.

In my case, I had a chance to watch a couple of 4-link coil sprung XJ's on the trail last weekend, which was my first experience in that field, and it certainly has me thinking as I saw both massive advantages and some disadvantages. For certain the four link appears to be the future of extreme XJ suspensions if for no other reason than leaf springs are boring. And the three link appears to be the future of the front end, with non-stock mount configurations. If I were building an XJ from scratch, this is where I spend my research time, but I've also been web wheeling for a good 6 years now :yelclap: .

I hope to see the NAXJA forums continue to gain in sophistication and ability to comment on the out-of-the-box problems with any given solution. Yes, it should be stated tactfully. However, if I came out with yet another cookie cutter long arm setup I'd expect to get a "why on earth did you design that?" response because those suspensions were bleeding edge 3 years ago and have problems that are being dealt with on today's market. If that is painful to anybody it simply represents the reality of coming to a market very late with a product that offers nothing new, except possibly a lower price for quality components.

In any case, we've moved way, way on and in doing so don't represent the mass market (bolt-on) the way we did a few years back. And that is a good thing. This whole thing would die if all we had to talk about were 6" bolt on lifts and how much of your fenders you have to cut in order to run 33" tires and how great radius arm designed long arm kits are. :speepin:

Nay said:
NAXJA probably needs a new forum for extreme modifications so that newbies to moderate wheelers can post more basic stuff and show more basic out-of-the-box products to this board, and the extreme crowd can spend their time discussing cutting edge stuff while not worrying if a long arm setup that isn't ever going to see extreme wheeling will get hung up or not, because, quite simply, it just doesn't matter.
I have not been a big fan of "more forums", but I think Dave has a point here, this might be a good idea, deaming furture discussion.
Closed mind? Like the thread a while back on closed to open cooling conversion? When one well known person here was like thats a bad idea cause the fan dont work...... gimmie a break! Oh and that other yellow LA kit you all liked so much is way better huh?
As for Las not performing better on the trail what planet did you grow up on? I guess when the tire sucks under the fender and the factory super high clearence mount ripps off the frame that is much better.......Oh and espesially when at 6 inches of lift the droop is restricked by the arms/driveshaft length that is better too. Soo tell me why I should pay the $35 bucks to join?

Oh and Im a noob cause i have only 7 posts!! :cry:
Timb said:
Closed mind? Like the thread a while back on closed to open cooling conversion? When one well known person here was like thats a bad idea cause the fan dont work...... gimmie a break! Oh and that other yellow LA kit you all liked so much is way better huh?
As for Las not performing better on the trail what planet did you grow up on? I guess when the tire sucks under the fender and the factory super high clearence mount ripps off the frame that is much better.......Oh and espesially when at 6 inches of lift the droop is restricked by the arms/driveshaft length that is better too. Soo tell me why I should pay the $35 bucks to join?

Tim, Listen. First please don't take what i say personal in ANY way. But there are just proven facts about the whole LA suspension debate that most people dont know about until they are told them. And one HUGE one, is that they DONT work any better than a stock type setup. Yes, they do make the ride on the street better, yes they look cool as hell. But does the good out way the bad? No one is really sure. I ran long arms on my Jeep, and on this next one, I prolly won't. They just get in the way. Honestly, the only thing I liked about them was the on road feel. There is no restrictions caused by the short arm suspension. In fact, If we compared pictures of XJs with the same setups, just one has LA and the other has a SA, I bet the SA would flex just as well or better.

Why should you pay $35 to join. Because we are the best JEEP XJ/MJ club PERIOD. I would be willing to bet that you couldn't find a organization that could even come CLOSE to the info that we have just in out members online archives. We have the best people that have great additudes, and we CREATE the trends in the cherokee world. When it gets to JU that it is "cool" a core member here prolly designed it and most of us can tell you what is needed to know about it. Maybe you shouldn't join. But I guarentee that you will WANT to join if you can make it on ONE run with a group of us. Trust me, you won't want to pay $35. You will want to pay $45 dollars for the two year membership.

Sorry for the semi rant.

one thing that drew fire from the beginning is posting prototype pictures. you guys should know from being on the forums (im assuming here because i saw this posted on JU too) pictures of parts almost always draw criticism. so from the beginning with cherokeekid posting pics invited criticism and left you guys defending a product that is not even a for market finished production product. also from this thread it also sounds like this set-up has not even been trail tested yet. how can you not expect to catch skeptical comments?

if i were desinging any components and selling them i would a) make sure they were well tested. b) make sure the design was 100% complete before pictures get posted to the internet message boards where your customers get most of their information and form most fo their opinions. c) not talk up a product that you cant provide finished pictures, specs, and prices on.

A,B, and C may or may not apply to you specifically but should be applied to any person wishing to fabricate and sell products.

also i dont think this message board is becoming POR esque at all, in fact I think just the opposite applys. and its us members who take that and turn it into NAXJA.

oh yeah, Nay where the hell you been?
Please do me a favor and don't spend the $35........

Timb said:
Closed mind? Like the thread a while back on closed to open cooling conversion? When one well known person here was like thats a bad idea cause the fan dont work...... gimmie a break! Oh and that other yellow LA kit you all liked so much is way better huh?
As for Las not performing better on the trail what planet did you grow up on? I guess when the tire sucks under the fender and the factory super high clearence mount ripps off the frame that is much better.......Oh and espesially when at 6 inches of lift the droop is restricked by the arms/driveshaft length that is better too. Soo tell me why I should pay the $35 bucks to join?

Oh and Im a noob cause i have only 7 posts!! :cry:
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Scrappy said:
Tim, Listen. First please don't take what i say personal in ANY way. But there are just proven facts about the whole LA suspension debate that most people dont know about until they are told them. And one HUGE one, is that they DONT work any better than a stock type setup. Yes, they do make the ride on the street better, yes they look cool as hell. But does the good out way the bad? No one is really sure. I ran long arms on my Jeep, and on this next one, I prolly won't. They just get in the way. Honestly, the only thing I liked about them was the on road feel. There is no restrictions caused by the short arm suspension. In fact, If we compared pictures of XJs with the same setups, just one has LA and the other has a SA, I bet the SA would flex just as well or better.

Why should you pay $35 to join. Because we are the best JEEP XJ/MJ club PERIOD. I would be willing to bet that you couldn't find a organization that could even come CLOSE to the info that we have just in out members online archives. We have the best people that have great additudes, and we CREATE the trends in the cherokee world. When it gets to JU that it is "cool" a core member here prolly designed it and most of us can tell you what is needed to know about it. Maybe you shouldn't join. But I guarentee that you will WANT to join if you can make it on ONE run with a group of us. Trust me, you won't want to pay $35. You will want to pay $45 dollars for the two year membership.

Sorry for the semi rant.


He doesn't wheel with them because there are maybe two-three NAXJA guys up here that wheel!! and they are probably too cool for us.

If anyone actuall y read what I wrote they would know that the guy building them has been involved in rockcrawling comps and off-road fab for a number of years (most recently in a modded XJ).

What is funny about this BBS is the post about 2 threads down (sorry to bring you into this :D) with a set of LA that are not adjsutable and the brackets sit 3-4" down from the cross member gets minimal (if any) baggin.

Here is a better pic BTW:


I think as far as tech info there is some but alot of it that gets picked up late because too many people spend too much time sucking up on here or they are too smart to listen to anyone else. But as they say that is another thread!
Are you a friend of the builder? it's obvious from his post he'd like this thread to die, but you just wont let it......... :rolleyes:

cherokeekid said:
He doesn't wheel with them because there are maybe two-three NAXJA guys up here that wheel!! and they are probably too cool for us.

If anyone actuall y read what I wrote they would know that the guy building them has been involved in rockcrawling comps and off-road fab for a number of years (most recently in a modded XJ).

What is funny about this BBS is the post about 2 threads down (sorry to bring you into this :D) with a set of LA that are not adjsutable and the brackets sit 3-4" down from the cross member gets minimal (if any) baggin.

Here is a better pic BTW:


I think as far as tech info there is some but alot of it that gets picked up late because too many people spend too much time sucking up on here or they are too smart to listen to anyone else. But as they say that is another thread!
cherokeekid said:
What is funny about this BBS is the post about 2 threads down (sorry to bring you into this :D) with a set of LA that are not adjsutable and the brackets sit 3-4" down from the cross member gets minimal (if any) baggin.

not sure if ya noticed or not but, that kit is not for sale.

you guys outta check out my post at the bottom of page 2 also, good advice there. another piece of advice is saving face for a product. people tend to have better impressions of a product if they think of it as an inexpensive kit as opposed to a kit that had a thread 5 pages long continuously defending the product, continuously being argumetative, softly dogging out the BBS the thread was posted on initially, and trying to fuel their fire with other peoples personal work for their personal vehicles.

the product should speak for itself.

Hunter-Lynchburg said:
not sure if ya noticed or not but, that kit is not for sale.

you guys outta check out my post at the bottom of page 2 also, good advice there. another piece of advice is saving face for a product. people tend to have better impressions of a product if they think of it as an inexpensive kit as opposed to a kit that had a thread 5 pages long continuously defending the product, continuously being argumetative, softly dogging out the BBS the thread was posted on initially, and trying to fuel their fire with other peoples personal work for their personal vehicles.

the product should speak for itself.

Amen preach it brother!
There are some very "colorfull" personalities on these boards. They make it fun. :cheers:

I've been slapped right before by someone more knowledgable than I; it builds character damnit.

Pay to be a member for the tech you read and use. Period.
Sorry for my rant but dont worry I wont spend the $35.... As for the pics being posted up all over thats another story that is being delt with I am sure..... The bracketry is designed for ease of install, cause as you all know if the install is hard 80% of the people will bitch and complain and say it sucks and wont work....blah blah.... I will be sure to take pics of how well it performs. I have not tested it on the trail yet but will be sure to update you on the outcome, hell I might even ramp it to see the true poser ##s..... on road yes it is WAY better than ever before! WHen the FINISHED product is avail then lets talk till then I am sorry this topic is here.
First off, in reference to Billy's (jeepfreak21, the yellow long-arms), that is not a production kit, and several people told him to relocate the mounts higher, which it sounds like he plans to do. He received the same (constructive) critisism about the mounts that this kit did.

And about the long-arms still being prototypes, he clearly says in the link on the original post that he made 2 for R&D, and is SELLING 5. This is a production model. Yes it may change and evolve, but it is being sold to customers.

and this comment by itself means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING:
If anyone actuall y read what I wrote they would know that the guy building them has been involved in rockcrawling comps and off-road fab for a number of years (most recently in a modded XJ).
mad maXJ said:
they don't look so great to me, look like rock-anchors.

mad maXJ said:
yeah, how about the 4 inches they hang down past the frame rail?

I have leafs up front, so it doesn't really apply to me. But I know that if I were to ever build a long-arm setup, which I had contemplated for probably hundreds of hours including 3d CAD modeling, I would absolutely make a crossmember that tucks up higher and have the arms mounted to the front of it, not the bottom.
With "constructive" critisism like that, it's no wonder this place sucks. ;) If you don't know anything about a LA setup (which you obviously don't, since you don't have one ;) ) why are you even posting on this thread? Go buy a YJ so you can have leaves all the way around, why bother doing it on an XJ?
I feel bad for Ken cause his PROTOTYPE arm setup is being flogged on the web before it gets flogged on the trail, and that's not at all fair to him & his business. It'd be one thing if he were joe-shmoe asking for critique of his stuff.

I am all for another small business going after a piece of the XJ/MJ market, as long as they do the research and offer quality product and acceptable customer service.

Maybe there is a market for a mid-arm setup? Won't be me selling it though ;) I've had too much fun wheeling my Gen 1a (Ron-Built & trail-tested long ago) short arms to tear my junk apart again.

Based on this thread, I wouldn't blame Ken a bit for wanting to stay regional/local...but I'd encourage him to go after a bigger market if he's up for it.

For a web-wheeler, Nay makes a good point or two. I expect he'll see to changing the color of his name when he's ready to.

Along those lines...for most users, these are web-forums. OTOH for 500+- of us it's our club forums. We hope folks would choose to be helpful and polite, but few folks (member or not) uphold that high standard, all the time. Also I've learned to take EVERYTHING I read on the web with a big grain of salt. 13,000 posts on some web board doesn't automatically qualify anyone as an expert. Conversely, 2 posts doesn't make anyone a 'newbie' either.

It's all about FUN, people... remember FUN? :D