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Sad Day In Johnson Valley

I am of the opinion that seat belts aren't ALWAYS the answer. He could have been strapped in, and still smashed his head against something on the roll which was caused -NOT By "Unsafe Driving" but a complete freak accident, and then what? Will he be crucified because he wasn't wearing a helmet? If Only he'd been wearing a helmet, right? Freak accidents happen. NOTHING You can do to stop that. I am also of the opinion that people have an expiration date. When its your time to go, its going to happen no matter WHAT you do.

This Holier than Thou crap is ridiculous. Maybe if the facts were released initially, and a news article hadn't been published stating it was a 3x roll over making it look more severe and avoidable than it was, people would have been more of the 'Wow that really sucks' than "oh what an idiot" mindset.

Am I the only one here who grew up drinking water from a hose, riding my bicycle in the street without a helmet? Was I the last person in Cali to ride home from school in the bed of an El Camino? Hell, I sat on an ice chest between the 2-front seats of our '72 Volkswagon Bus on a road trip from the Hesperia to La Paz to watch the Baja 1000. Made that trip another time in a motorhome. Wow, I guess I really lucked out, right?

Seat belts do have a place, but to try and make the guy out to be some kinda idiot because he didn't wear his seatbelt when he was going < 30 on a flat road for -maybe- 1/4 mile.. Sorry, I have to disagree. Reading his fathers post, getting the straight facts - This is just a crappy situation. That's all there is to it.
Of course, seat belts aren’t God Himself, but they do help and not wearing them is foolish, especially with your family in the car. Of course we all risked things and rode bikes with no helmets and sped down roads in the backs of pickups, but so what? That argument doesn’t hold an ounce of water.

Just because a few guys have smoked a pack a day since they were 14 years old and lived to be 89 doesn’t mean that happens to everyone, and it’s well-known that smoking is a big risk. Same with seat belts. Folks die every day with a seat belt on, but it’s a big no-no off-road, and it helps the people who are trying to close down trails and OHV areas.

[FONT=&quot]For the record, I never called the guy an idiot. I think he made a bad decision and is paying dearly for it. Give me the choice to roll over off-road belted and not belted, and I’m strapping in; it’s just common sense today. [/FONT]
I am of the opinion that seat belts aren't ALWAYS the answer. He could have been strapped in, and still smashed his head against something on the roll which was caused -NOT By "Unsafe Driving" but a complete freak accident, and then what? Will he be crucified because he wasn't wearing a helmet? If Only he'd been wearing a helmet, right? Freak accidents happen. NOTHING You can do to stop that. I am also of the opinion that people have an expiration date. When its your time to go, its going to happen no matter WHAT you do.

This Holier than Thou crap is ridiculous. Maybe if the facts were released initially, and a news article hadn't been published stating it was a 3x roll over making it look more severe and avoidable than it was, people would have been more of the 'Wow that really sucks' than "oh what an idiot" mindset.

Am I the only one here who grew up drinking water from a hose, riding my bicycle in the street without a helmet? Was I the last person in Cali to ride home from school in the bed of an El Camino? Hell, I sat on an ice chest between the 2-front seats of our '72 Volkswagon Bus on a road trip from the Hesperia to La Paz to watch the Baja 1000. Made that trip another time in a motorhome. Wow, I guess I really lucked out, right?

Seat belts do have a place, but to try and make the guy out to be some kinda idiot because he didn't wear his seatbelt when he was going < 30 on a flat road for -maybe- 1/4 mile.. Sorry, I have to disagree. Reading his fathers post, getting the straight facts - This is just a crappy situation. That's all there is to it.
If it was just him, oh well, natural selection, sucks to be him. But the issue is there were 2 very young children involved. This thread would have ended on the second page if they werent in the vehicle, or were restrained in a safe, legal way. I was never in any vehicle as a child without a safety seat or seat belt when i was old enough. I still do not operate a vehicle without a seat belt in any situation.
let's hope someone doesnt post up a picture of an attractive woman in a swimsuit just to piss Ted off :D
The article quoted the police as saying no one was wearing seat belts and the kids were sitting on the laps of the parents. Not only that but the parent's were sitting on top of 5 points. Sugar coat it all you want.
When I am on high mountain shelf roads I won't allow me or anyone riding with me to wear seatbelts. I figure, I'd my jeep goes off the edge the ONLY thing that will save them is the possibility that they are ejected on the first roll or two and thrown clear of the vehicle. Being strapped in will cause death every time. Sure someone might get ejected, hit a rock and die or they might tumble like a sock in a dryer to the bottom or they might get ejected and crushed by the jeep.

I wonder though how many of you seat belt nazi's would call me all kinds of names if I died but my kids were lucky enough to escape.

Also none of you should allow your family to ride in your lifted jeeps. When you put a lift and larger tires on you drastically change the COG making them totally unsafe. If you blow a tire on the freeway the chances of rolling and dying goes up considerably.

If any of you have lifted jeeps, drive them at freeway speeds and haul your kids you should burn at the stake for risking their lives in such a reckless act of stupidity.

It's all relative.
I think you kind of missed the point.

People take their families rafting every day, people drive on high, steep shelf roads with their families every day. They haul them around in dangerous lifted jeeps, climb stupidly steep trails, go for rides in fast boats. In short we do things all the time that in one way or another put people, including small children at risk that they don't need to do. Why does the lack of belts get people pissed any more than any of those other things?

Is hauling a kid unbelted across a flat lake bed statistically more dangerous than driving on that shelf road?

They could have stayed home. They also could have been belted in tight and been ejected anyway. It happens.
When I am on high mountain shelf roads I won't allow me or anyone riding with me to wear seatbelts. I figure, I'd my jeep goes off the edge the ONLY thing that will save them is the possibility that they are ejected on the first roll or two and thrown clear of the vehicle. Being strapped in will cause death every time. Sure someone might get ejected, hit a rock and die or they might tumble like a sock in a dryer to the bottom or they might get ejected and crushed by the jeep.

That's about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I'm sure you're being sarcastic though, right?
No. Not at all. Explain to me why you think it's dumb. Have you ever been on a shelf road a couple thousand feet above timber line?

If you were to go off the edge of this road and you were belted in your chances of survival would be pretty much zero. Unbelted you would probably die anyway but your chances would be slightly better than zero.
I think you kind of missed the point.
no, i think you made the wrong one.

Is hauling a kid unbelted across a flat lake bed statistically more dangerous than driving on that shelf road?

no actually, statistically much less. rolling over a couple of times on flat ground properly restrained is much less lethal than rolling hundreds of feet down a mountain.
I'm gonna wear a helmet and pads everywhere i go from now on....

This thread needs more Cow bell....
i'm going to stay home, at least if i fall out of my chair i have a pile of beer cans to cushion my fall :gee: