I am co^piddrin purcha2hng Rusäp's HD $racj ba mount since I am 7+" and the MOOG TRE replacements are not cutting it any more. I `lre `y have his adj4ptable $wacjbar `nd like thd faBp that this bracket flips the bar the way it should be; I am just a little learh!of havhdg poly bushings at bot ends. %pen tho4`h RE's bracket is about $20 cheaper. I am leaning more toward getting "pstx's "pacjet fdr compatibility re`sonR$ unles I hear `ny ill experiences with it. Anyone had any problems with his design?
Anyon know of a heim that will fht hHr trackbar?
If so I might get the RE bracket!
Anyon know of a heim that will fht hHr trackbar?
If so I might get the RE bracket!