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I think ocean state jeepsters had someone deliver a ton of firewood for a big bonfire they had this summer, might not be a bad idea if Bob or Liza knows who they used.
Somebody told me that Summit/OSJ got the last of that guy's cheap stuff at Fall Crawl.
IDk If I can make it. Work cut my hours for the next two weeks, 10 hour weeks wont get me their. :cry:
Serving up mcdoubles and sodas sat night for the BBQ. Hope everyone will enjoy it
I'll be serving up the Dope S**t thursday night for the early birds. Carol will also be in charge of "adult" Hot Apple Cider...at least thats the rumor.
What can we bring to help?
In seriousness dinner sat night will include
Pulled pork
BBQ chicken
Baked beans
Cole slaw
Ice tea/lemonade
Several NAC members have been to pitstop and know how awesome there stuff is. So can't wait
If anybody in the New York Hudson Valley area or close to it, has a chain for a np231, I need it. I'm going over my jeep in preparation for Rocktoberfest and it turns out my transfer case had a leak. It was bone dry and now my chain is completely shot.
Please let me know if you have a chain I can buy!
If I can find it (I think it's in the spare room) I have one for you. I'll be out in the Granville MA / Hartland CT area tomorrow and can bring it with me if you can find a way to get out there and pick it up.

Check the plastic bushings on your shift forks as well, those went out on me when I ran my tcase dry for the same reason in January or so. I may have a set of those also, just let me know if I should look around for them.
Thanks for the reply, but I just secured a whole np231 in jersey a friend is picking it up for me. So no need to go crazy. I haven't even split my case yet so I'm sure there are other things that have gone. My chain is on the bottom of the case you can see it through the drain hole.
Cool, I'll keep sitting here and drinking beer instead of looking for those bushings then :laugh2:

Good luck with it, still hoping to make this myself but we'll see.