There has been several postings as to my motor woes. Scarred crank, spun rod bearing, several spun main bearings. Along with some blow by.
My question is what would you guys do? Replace the crank and spun bearings and deal with the blow by later? Replace the motor? or pull the motor and have it rebuilt at a machine shop? I have never had to deal with this before, and it doesn't have to be a daily driver so time is not of the essence. I am some what mechanically inclined but not to the point of doing the crank job myself. crank job at a shop comes in at the price of $1300. Where as i can get a Recon motor for $920 an have it installed for $400, and have not priced a rebuild yet. But was looking for some good opinions
BTW 88 4.0 auto 115K
My question is what would you guys do? Replace the crank and spun bearings and deal with the blow by later? Replace the motor? or pull the motor and have it rebuilt at a machine shop? I have never had to deal with this before, and it doesn't have to be a daily driver so time is not of the essence. I am some what mechanically inclined but not to the point of doing the crank job myself. crank job at a shop comes in at the price of $1300. Where as i can get a Recon motor for $920 an have it installed for $400, and have not priced a rebuild yet. But was looking for some good opinions
BTW 88 4.0 auto 115K