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pulled over for the first time in the XJ last night

Forgot to mention, the Sheriff also bought himself a white horse (with tax money of course) so he can pretend to be the Lone Ranger. I'm not sure if he has an Indian guide though...
The reason there are 9 cops at 2AM on a thursday is because the Tyler Police Department is in competition with the Smith County Sheriff's Department. Our Sheriff (who is an angry short man) likes to sell government property so he can buy more toys for the department. To give you an idea, Smith county only has about 200,000 people in it but the Sheriff's department has two tanks, two jetski's, a bass boat, fully outfitted off-road bronco's, more cars than I can count, and a fully trained and equiped SWAT team (complete with automatic weapons, grenade launchers, etc.). In case you are wondering, the tank's are used military APC's (named Bubba 1 and Bubba 2), the Jetski's are fitted with rovolving blue lights, a siren, and a shotgun holder on the side, and the bass boat has a blue light, siren, troling motor, fish finder, two mercury engines, and 1 M60 machine gun. I don't think we have to worry about terrorists down here.

:05of5: :laugh: :laugh:
Note to self: stay away from texas
Hehehe...... very true.

Most city and county cops that I have spoken to don't really like to write traffic tickets, however Indianapolis motorcycle cops, IN. state police, and small town cops are the exception.

bshaw said:
LOL. I will have to admit, IN has a lot less cops patroling! I went on a trip to WI here in Aug. and think I saw 1 cop on the way through and 1 cop on the way back through. Now for the rush hour traffic in Indianapolis :scared: . Lets just say I thought Columbus was bad! ;)
2offroad said:
that's the way it is in my town, if you live in town you have to be going something stupid to get a ticket. when i was younger i would get pulled over they would fuss at me "i don't want to have to tell your momma that you were killed going to fast", good law enforcement in those days.

We still have some 'common sense' policing here. It seems the younger guys have too much of that 'you have to be doing something wrong' attitude. The older guys just give you the 'don't get me called on you again tonight' speech.

IL law is pretty clear. ALL aux lighting must be turned off in the face of oncoming traffic. That includes the 'all the time' driving lights on new GM's. Kinda hard to turn them of, huh?

I showed the particular statute to our town police chief and he agreed that it also including ANY lighting the volunteer fire/EMS guys have on their PV's. Noone mentions my fog lights anymore.
Eagle said:
"Driving" lights should be considered high beams and used only on open highways with no approaching traffic. Most states require that they be wired so that they go off automatically when you dip to low beams.
Here's some interesting trivia for you: I bought a set of the "Blazer" brand driving lights a couple years ago and mounted them on my bumper. I originally wired them up to come on with the high beams, thinking (quite logically, I thought) the same basic thing that you stated above.

A few months roll by and I come due for inspection (NJ). I failed for the driving lights. The inspector tells me, and I quote, "fog lights must be wired to come on with the low beams only." I respond that these are DRIVING lights, not fog lights. I get the same response, now "edited" to state that the law forbids ANY aux lights (fog or otherwise) from being lit with the high beams.

A quick trip to the hardware store for some hookup wire, a pair of cutters, and some inline splices and I was compliant.

Ah, New Jersey.

Hey dan,
Took the jeep out after I got it home, I just got lots of goofy looks, especially from folks in the yakima valley area, and DEFINITELY from the WSP. they just stared and let me drive on by:) Dontcha love it when all the cops will do is stare at a chick drivin a jeep?:D
ladywolf said:
Hey dan,
Took the jeep out after I got it home, I just got lots of goofy looks, especially from folks in the yakima valley area, and DEFINITELY from the WSP. they just stared and let me drive on by:) Dontcha love it when all the cops will do is stare at a chick drivin a jeep?:D

Very Cool! So how is the beast doing? I am in the dog house at the moment for spending too much time on the XJ (as usual) and was stupid enough to tell Beth that I got pulled over. What the hell was I thinking?

Conversation went from lights, crazy angry cops, CJs, and now wives. Gotta love it.
Osprey413 said:
Little hint here, the cops where I am from wont get hired if they have an IQ above 100. That's a fact, I have inside sources (I know who does the hiring for the Tyler PD and they have told me this for a fact). A few weeks ago I was driving around at about 2AM on a thursday morning and I saw a guy who got pulled over by nine cops for speeding. The cops dont have anything better to do in Tyler.

What is the population there? Cant be too big if ALL 9 of them showed up. MAYBE someone decided to have a " Family Reunion." ;)
Osprey413 said:
Sucks for you guys. Texas doesn't really have any solid aux. light laws. I got pulled over for driving with my PIAA's on, and the cop had to call the station to find out what the laws were exactly because he didn't even know. Didn't get a ticket because the cops in texas rock.

Yes Texas Cops are cool with aux lights, too many pick up and jeeps have them, 90% of them are uncovered, 90% of them do not use them on main roads anyways..
crystalship1 said:
I figure that cops in Ohio were absolute Nazi Stormtroopers and that's why you all drive like psychos when you hit the Indiana state line!!!! :laugh2:
If you think where psyco in Indiana. Then stay out of central Ohio:greensmok