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Problems with lift install... looking for help


NAXJA Forum User
Hi folks,

I started installing an RE 3.5" lift on my rusted and beat-up '89 XJ today. This is my first attempt at this sort of thing, so I started with the rear first, figuring it would be simpler.

Things went well at first - everything came off without too much fuss - but I cannot get the new spring packs on. They look to be at least 2" too short, and the shackle doesn't want to move. So, do I remove the shackle? Or do I BFH it into position? Or something else?

(Oh, and BTW the shackle is pointed towards the back of the Jeep at about 45 degrees.)

I've given up for the day now, but I'll be back at it tomorrow. Any help/advice gratefully received. Thanks :-)
lift help

You need to loosen the top bolt that holds the shackle. The shackle shoudl be able to move freely. If it doesnt' then it means its rusted up. Before you try and just Manhandle it. Use some liquid wrench or something like it and spray it down good and let it sit. Then try and brake it loose. The spring # should be on the spring. Make sure it matchs what RE says the pack should have for the lift you bought. Once the shakle is loose, Take the bolt out and grease it good then put it back on the car and then put the spring it the shackle.

You may want to spray all the bolts that you will need to loosen when you get into the front end and make life alittle easier when you get to that. If you haven't taken the upper rear shock bolts out yet then you want to spray those as well. If you live in a rust belt, it is always good to periodically spray with Liquid wrench to keep them from rusting tight.
Good luck.
For the rear leafs, also try using a hydrolic lift and your bottle neck to get the spring to flatten out. I used the hydrolic under the leafs and the bottle neck in between the leaf and the unibody.
Well, the springs went on fairly easily, and everything else bolted on just fine. Got the wheels back on and I'm stunned by the height gain. I did check the part number, and these are the right ones - RE1463 - 3.5" spring packs.


This is just shy of 6.5" on both sides - quite impressive for a 3.5" sping pack. And here's where things went bad...

I set off for a quick test drive and the second I started off there was an almighty "thunking" noise from underneath. UJs, right? So I removed the rear drive-shaft (which, by the way, did not come off at all easily and the rear UJ came apart in my hand), but then I couldn't get it into 4WD. I kept getting horrible grinding noises everytime I moved the lever. Finally managed to get it into 4Lo so I could park it.

Have I damaged my transfer case with the few seconds of "thunking"? Or could something else explain its unwillingness to shift? What about my drive-line angles? I specifically went for a 3" lift so I wouldn't have to bother with an SYE. Will I have to get one now, or maybe a t-case drop kit? Or will the springs settle enough to solve this issue?

Oh, and is 6.5" gain normal for a 3.5" spring pack?

Again, thanks for any help you can give.
Get the front lifted and then worry about the rest. Your driveline angle is to much and the yokes where probably hitting. Very common. Thats why its important to do the complete lift before you take it out anywhere. Be patient and get the entire lift on and then start asking questions on whats next. You may want to do a transfer case drop when you get it done to avoid any wierd stuff happening.
No you probably did not do damage to the transfer case. their pretty tough, Always remember that you can sometimes turn the motor off and shift the transfer case into 4 hi and then turn the motor back on. That avoids crunching it.
Good luck
First off,installing the rest of the lift will not change anything about the rear driveshaft/angles.Second I just took my 1463's off after 2 years,they netted 5" from the very beginning and never sagged/settled!
Thanks for your help. I guess I will fit the rest of the kit first, then I'll look for problems. Good to know how these springs will last. Also good to know that my transfer case is probably not mush :-)

As for fixing the driveline issues if I still have them, I can't really afford an SYE - so is a t-case drop kit just 4 spacers on the support cross-member, or is it more involved?
