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"Pottymouth" Earnhardt


Lifetime NAXJA Member
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Terra Firma
Seems like Dale Jr. got himself fined 25 points for saying the 'S' word during an interview after the race, and now he's trying to claim it's okay when he says it, but that's different from when the two guys who got the same fine earlier in the season were fined.

Earnhardt added that he wasn't promoting the use of that language.

"If anybody was offended by the four-letter word I said ... I can't imagine why they would have tuned into the race in the first place,'' he said.
Duh ... maybe to watch the RACE?


NASCAR is dead. Most of my racing buddies won't even go to the races anymore. Prices are too high, they won't even let you carry your own WATER into the seats, it takes hours to get out of the parking lots after a big race. And for what? They rig the rules and rig the races, and everyone knows it. NASCAR cup racing is becoming as big a joke as professional wrestling. The difference is that pro wrestling more or less admits it's more about entertainment than sport, whereas NASCAR still pretends they are legitimate.

Okay ... rant mode off.
I have to agree 100% on that. I used to sorta like Dale Jr. Since when does everyone who goes to a NASCAR race have to use profane language? Nowdays with restrictor plates and all the measurments, the cars are all the same just with different stickers on em. Whatever happened to being able to buy on Monday what you saw race on Sunday???
Eagle, I have a lot of respect for you, but I think your way off in thinking that NASCAR is comparable to wrestling. Yea, the drivers may help each other when needed, but thats all. NASCAR is far from dead.

I agree with you about Jr though. He's a little in the past. FCC would have to jump in if NASCAR didn't do anything about the language.
My brother and I used to crew on a stock car many years ago (not Grand National, which is what they used to call what is now Winston Cup), but short track Modifieds. The guy we crewed for is my brother's best friend and my Jeep guru. We get together for breakfast and race talk just about every Saturday. The discussion between bro & Joe is invariably centered on who's cheating the most, and who NASCAR is letting get away with what. NASCAR does not enforce the rules equally, they play favorites. And that's why I think it is comparable to pro wrestling.

I agree completely on the issue of "stock" cars. It's getting even more so -- NASCAR has for some time dictated what spring rate the cars have to run on the superspeedways. Seems there are (or "were") three or four suppliers of springs, and they've found that a 340-pound spring from Company 'A' isn't actually the same rate as a 340-pound spring from Company 'B'. So as of last week or so, NASCAR will be supplying the springs to all cars in order to further equalize competition. So much for "He's driving a Ford and that guy¿s driving a Chevy."

As to Dale Jr., my disgust wasn't with the language, it was (a) the hypocrisy that he didn't object earlier in the season when other drivers were penalized points for post-race language, but when HE got penalized he decided it's not fair; and (b) the idiocy of the statement I quoted. My brother hates Dale Jr. He watches the races to watch the racing, not to listen to Ironhead Jr. shoot off his mouth afterwards. Why ELSE would anyone watch a race?
He had just one a race with a crazy move on the last few laps and was excited. You can't say you havn't ever let your toungue slip when you are that excited and your adrenaline is pumping.
Beezil said:
anyone who is offended by the word "shit" is little P--SY.

I don't watch racing, but I'm likin' this earnhardt guy.


NASCAR is dead. Most of my racing buddies won't even go to the races anymore. Prices are too high, they won't even let you carry your own WATER into the seats, it takes hours to get out of the parking lots after a big race. And for what? They rig the rules and rig the races, and everyone knows it.

If that aint a reason to say sh!t then nothin is.
Name one other sport where points earned on the field of play are removed afterward for the actions or comments of a player. Should there be penalties? Absolutely, but to alter ones athletic accomplishments for a persons poor character or lack of good vocabulary is rediculous. I used to hear profanity on NFL games with regularity years ago. Now you can't hear the cuss words, but you can still see the coaches and players mouth their displeasures with specific plays or calls. NASCAR was wrong earlier in the season and they are wrong now. I won't even get into the facts that the points deducted earler in the season were both for drivers in the Busch series which runs an entirely different points system from the new Nextel cup. The deduction of 25 points has entirely different consequences in the two series.

I watch Rally Racing instead. Cars that go fast off-road. Ohhh Yeaa

IMO ... Earnhardt and those other NASCAR boy's are girly racers. They bitch-slap each other on the track like a bunch of babies.

NASCAR has been dead since the late 60's ... early 70's ... after they outlawed the Hemi winged-cars. Why do you think Chrysler exited the sport. The door slammers they race now are nothing but spec cars made from cardboard templates... and the only reason Dodge is in there now is due to Daimler.

And I agree, the "NASCAR" turn-left, and dosie doe with your partner is repetitive and boring ... not the most exciting motorsport on the planet. Professional skill level is about 5 on a scale 1-10.

NHRA was dead too until they finally pulled their heads out ... no pun intended.

Euro Rally motorsports ... well that's another subject. The drivers and spectators are clinically insane.

The fun begins.
I went to the Talladega race in October 2001, and the S-word is the least offensive thing there!

I was more shocked by the lady behind me (from Mississippi) asking "You boys mind if I spit down here?" Yes she was a 45 year old woman chewing, dipping, whatever. All I can say is "Good for her!"

That race also turned me off to the whole JR. frenzy. Talk about conformity. I was in a sea of read hats with my Robert Presley hat on (then the driver for the Jasper 77 car)!

In high school i had a teacher who used to use the expression "like reading lips at a hockey game." Even if they put a 5 second delay on it and did beep or mute it you can still see what hiw lips were saying. I believe in the cash fines but the points deductions i dont not agree with regardless of the series. I this all the retracted points should be reinstated. Why should a person be punished on the track because of what he did off the track?

I'm a huge Dale Jr fan, I've watched him since he was racing in the Busch Series. Although I think hes the man, I agree with NASCAR penalizing him. But the only reason I agree with it is because thats how they penalized drivers in previous instances.

I don't think the other drivers should have been docked points either, fine them, but don't take away points.

As far as nascar not needing any skill. With them making the cars more evenly setup, it takes more driver skill then ever, especially when the car isn't handling good.

And if you don't wanna sit in a parking lot for a while to leave the race, then don't go. It took me over 3 hours to get out of Pocono and New Hampshire this year and I didn't mind at all, it's expected. And don't complain about ticket prices, if you dont want to pay then dont, let someone else buy them that really loves the sport.


oh, and they do turn right (Watkins Glenn and Infineon)
What bugs me about the whole thing is the fact that they took points away from him, from the RACING series. This is not the NASCAR perfect american series. How can they take points away from him for something he did off of the track?

I agree with Skog fully, its lame to do what they did. I always thought it was about racing?! Talking sh!t has nothing more to do with racing then does with any other sport. Imagine if they took a win away from a baseball or basketball team during the world series or playoffs?

And the ass hat who setup all these new rules needs to be shot too. Brian France should keep his hands out of NASCAR and quit trying to wreck the sport with his half ass new ideas.

DDCxj said:
As far as nascar not needing any skill. With them making the cars more evenly setup, it takes more driver skill then ever, especially when the car isn't handling good.

If all the cars are setup the same, how is it that they can't set them up consistently to handle well?

Now a rally car with one of its 4 wheels trailing behind after an incident might qualify as not "handling WELL" But come on, NASCAR is a bunch of guys driving around in an OVAL, how hard can it be for someone who does it day in day out. (Not saying I'd be great at it, but I don't do it as my career either ;) )


P.S. I hope the sport does die, then maybe we can have SPEED channel back and they'll actually play something worth watching again.
If all the cars are setup the same, how is it that they can't set them up consistently to handle well?

Because no two tracks are the same and the handling changes as the race goes on. If they are racing in late afternoon and finish late at night, the car will change as the track temperature cools down. They don't take the same car to Daytona that they would take to race at Bristol.

When I said they were setup the same, I didnt mean exactly the same. But NASCAR has templates and and all kinds of stuff they measure on the cars before and after the race. They have to be within certain measurements. I believe it was last year that Dale Jr and his crew cheif were fined because during a post race inspection the rear quarter panel sat 1/8" too low.

Rally racing and nascar are two completely different things. I can't say anything about rally racing because I don't really watch it very much and I don't know how easily they are scrwed up but it doesn't take much to throw a stock car out of wack.

Yeah the WRC is more of a true motorsport and the drivers need more skill. I wish there was more American involvment and maybe someday an american driver will make the series. The sport is out of the main stream though, I haven't seen a race since I moved and lost the Speed Channel. NASCAR is not about pure driver skill, it is about strategy. I never liked watching it and made fun of it every chance I got until I actually watched a race, it's more of an 800hp chess game with wrecks. It might be a bastard auto sport, and cheap, fonie, entertainment but I like it.
I know NASCAR requires skill and I'm not saying for a minute that I could do it.....but when I watch WRC I can't imagine what it must be like having only your spotter to guide you, nothing is better than to watch that guy yell out the next turn, I know I would kill myself if I tried it.
Beezil said:
anyone who is offended by the word "shit" is little P--SY.

I don't watch racing, but I'm likin' this earnhardt guy.
He was interviewed on 60 Minutes II last week. He didn't use that word in that interview.


For the entire world: Formula One, must be something to it.
I like motorsports in general. Like most things, they do evolve. NASCAR will never again be like it was when Eagle was young in the 1800's. :D However, stating the sport is dead and then complaining about how long it took you to get out of the parking lot??? If it was dead, you coulda just drove right out, and not have been slowed down by the apparent tens of thousands that still enjoy it. :) Right?

Heck, looks like they may be building a NASCAR track within several hours drive of my place out here in Wa State. You can be sure I will attend, and that my sons will love it.

I also enjoy F1 racing, Rally Racing, etc...I have been to many races whil in Europe.... a blast. Each has strong points and weak points.

By the same token, I could proclaim Basketball, Football, and Baseball to be dead. I certainly do not enjoy it, and it is not as fun as it was when I was a kid. The sport must be dead. In fact, you will be hard pressed to see any of those sports on my TV ever. Yup, they are dead. :)