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Pair of tube doors for price of materials in Grand Junction.


NAXJA Forum User
Im wanting to make a set of tube doors for a JK,XJ, and a TJ. I no longer have my jeep and need someones jeep as a template to start making some tube doors. I dont really have a set idea of how theyre going to look, but itll be made of 1.5" od x .095 wall hot rolled round tubing. A 20ft stick of it cost about 45bucks. Im asking that you buy only your material and Ill make you a set out of it. And Ill make a set for myself using your jeep and my own material. I may need your jeep for a day or 2. Anyway anyone near junction that wants a set let me know, I only need one xj, one jk, and one tj. So the first ones to get here gets them.
I wish you were on this side of bfe. You have no idea how hard it is for some reason to get people to respond back. Ive posted this on about 4 forums and the only responses Ive gotten are and I qoute "how much would shipping be?"... and "Pics would help"... Haha. If your ever on this side of BFE let me know Ill get ya a set made up.
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Theyll look kinda like this but I may change the look up a bit and have less then a 180 degree bend on the top tube.