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Overland Navigator - New Product

New England also isn't published. I'm looking for a laptop now to support this...
Yes, New England and Florida haven't been released. This release added NY/NJ, PA, NC/SC, WI, and MI. I'll announce it here when they are finished.
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Oh, you're list has New England on it :)
The California map-packs include 1:250k, 1:100k, and 1:24k maps. The US wide map only include 1:250k and 1:100k maps. The California maps are in 3 map-packs because they are a higher resolution scan than the rest of the US. This causes them to take up more room but they are also easier to read.

The US map-pack is intended to compliment state specific purchases. For example, I live in the PNW so I have WA, OR, and ID detailed map packs, then I have the US map-pack installed so I'll always have some sort of map if I travel outside of that area. The 1:250k and 1:100k maps rarely show enough detail to see trails. I also have the satellite imagery for zooming way out and showing the whole GPX track on long trips when my son asks me, "Are we there yet?" from the back seat. You can mix and match map-packs to get the coverage that bests suits your application.
I got this for Christmas along with the Utah Map Pack and got to try it out today and loved it. I am running the gps puck from his site as well and could not be happier. I can't wait to go out and use it again. Very user friendly.

Now please finish the New England Pack so i can use it when im back home.
The latest version of Overland Navigator has been released. It was supposed to be a minor bugfix only release but we wound up adding a few features anyway.

Overland Navigator is topographic GPS mapping software designed to be simple to use in the field. It has an interface that makes it easy to control with a touchscreen, keyboard, or mouse. Menus auto-hide to make use of every last pixel when displaying the map. You can learn more about it at http://spatialminds.com

Some of the new features include:

  • APRS specific NMEA support
  • Location specific Sunrise / Sunset times
  • UTM Coordinate Display
  • Continuous GPS Track Storage to Disk
  • GPS Output to external devices
  • NMEA logging
  • Display preferences
  • High end GPS support - Track up to 64 satellites
  • Bugfixes and performance enhancements

There is a more complete description on the webpage, but here is a brief explanation of APRS display support as it is the most significant new feature. NOTE: Overland Navigator remains as simple to use as ever for non-HAM/APRS users. APRS allows a GPS and HAM radio to be combined to broadcast your position over the airwaves. Others listen for these location beacons and can plot them on a map/GPS such as Overland Navigator. Repeaters repeat the signals so they can travel for a very long distance. Gateways take the locations and add them to a database that is accessible via the Internet by friends/family (E.g. http://aprs.fi). APRS can do much more, but this is the basic description.

The software supports the APRS specific NMEA sentences that the Kenwood D7xx radios, Tiny Tracker 4, Argent Data Systems, etc trackers output. This allows Overland Navigator to display APRS specific symbols on the map. The radio/tnc/tracker is still responsible for handling the beaconing of your location.

You connect your GPS to Overland Navigator for input, then connect Overland Navigator to your tracker as it's GPS input. The tracker uses this connection to send any stations it heard back to Overland Navigator. This is, for example, the same way that you'd hook up a Garmin GPS to a tracker. There are some advantages to using Overland Navigator over a regular GPS though.

In contrast to most GPS units, when new stations are heard, Overland Navigator will update the location on the map instead of adding an additional waypoint. This greatly reduces the amount of on-screen clutter and removes the need to manually delete waypoints.

The APRS waypoints automatically fade away and then expire on their own. This lets you visually see how long it's been since you last heard from an APRS station. You can set the interval. If you have it set to 40 minutes, and a symbol is just about ready to disappear then you know it's been about 40 minutes since you last heard from it.


Finally, we tried to redo all the APRS symbols to have a consistent look/feel , offer more contrast with the background maps, and to be distinguishable from regular Overland Navigator waypoints (square).

Primary Symbols

Secondary Symbols

Just want to do a plug for this product. I use a dell inspiron solid state drive netbook with a RAM mount in the XJ and Craig's software runs like a champ. I actually use this also for Search and Rescue work and being able to have seamless USGS maps is really handy. The software is really simple to use and while it does not have the nerd knobs of other products such as OZI Explorer it works well. Well worth the money. Can get a pic up next time I have the rig out.
I love it. It works great and it is SIMPLE to use.
Any plans for a Android version?