Ok so i have an 97 4.0 auto and ive had issues with the obd port for years.... when u plug into it with a scanner or anything it has no power... my check engine light was on for a while and just relized its off... but it doesnt light up at all anymore... thinking the bulb may have gone out from being on so long... but the port is driving me crazy and i need to smog on jan 4th!!! Any ideas guys? I wanna give it a try before i take it to a shop...
Using a strong flashlight, and a magnifying glass (for old fools like me), examine the DLC. There are 16 pin socket positions but only 7 are occupied. On the top row, starting from your left: The first pin socket is #3, and the next is #4, which is chassis ground, next is #5, it is PCM Sensor ground. Both of the grounds (4&5) are at the oil dipstick tube attach point.
On the bottom row, the last pin socket on the far right is #16; this is 12 VDC from fuse #17 in the PDC. This powers the scanner and pin socket #4 is the ground for the scanner.
Note: Fuse #17 in the PDC, also powers the headlamp switch.
After not being used for years, my pin socket #16 got corroded and wouldn't power my scanner. I cleaned mine using CRC Electronic Cleaner and got it to work.
Test for power at pin socket #16. Turn key to RUN (engine off). Using a Voltmeter, touch pin socket #16 with the meter + probe and pin socket #4 with the meter - probe, you should get battery voltage (12 VDC). Repeat with - probe at pin socket #5. Again, you should get battery voltage. Do not shove the meter probe into the pin socket, it will enlarge the socket to the point that the scanner pin won't make contact (which could be an existing problem).
If you don't get 12 VDC, examine the grounds at the oil dipstick tube for security and corrosion. Rectify as required.