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NWC Picture of the day

How do you jack knife going up hill? Traffic at 0530, not fun.

Yea I heard about this on the radio this morning.... Srrsly....
I bet the guy missed a shift, couldn't find the right gear, lost all momentum, and rolled backwards, jack knifing right before he finally engaged the brakes.....
Bout the only way I see that happening.... unless it was aliens of course.
Yea I heard about this on the radio this morning.... Srrsly....
I bet the guy missed a shift, couldn't find the right gear, lost all momentum, and rolled backwards, jack knifing right before he finally engaged the brakes.....
Bout the only way I see that happening.... unless it was aliens of course.
Maybe he was on his cell phone.
Rather proud of this one. On Sunday a friend and I made the trek up Cast Creek from Old Maid Flat along Lolo Pass to Apparition Falls. We're happy to make it, there are likely less than 50 people that have been up to the falls, it was only discovered in 2003. It was awesome but I simply cannot recommend attempting the trip, it's just too dangerous.


This is what most of the trip was like. Zero trail and lots of downed trees to contend with. Actually, this wasn't as bad as it was further downstream where the salmonberry and devils club were much thicker.

Almost looks like what saddle up looks like right now....dang man.... What a hike!
Were u just navigating by memory?
This one's for you Jon! (its the only other "Freedom" Edition I've seen around here!)
Found @Costco Parking lot in Hillsboro