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nomination and election committee

A very good question. Some appropriate reading would probably include: http://www.naxja.org/html/bylaws.htm . NAXJA chapters for most part follow the national bylaws, although each chapter has the right to write their own bylaws and get them approved by the national BOD. As far as I know we are not planning to be so ambitious (I don't think any chapter is for that matter) so the national bylaws will more or less outline the duties :)

Hope this answers the question
Remi aka Kejtar
duties of officers

It will be up to the new BOD elected to determine those responsiblilites. Guidelines are on the NAXJA site under bylaws for chapters which include duties of the various offices now and I would assume that the new Board would adopt those in order to start moving forward and make changes as necessary to meet the SOCAL Chapter requirements.
If you have specific questions regarding a positon, please feel free to email or post here.
N&E Committee
What is the time line to release the names of candidates?