NAXJA Forum User
- Location
- Indianapolis, IN
OK, I am a little confused right now. Gave my motor the Seafoam treatment today. Pulled the Vacuum line off the Power brake booster and poured the seafoam into that hose. Now on most cars I have had, pulling the vacuum line would normally make the idle drop and the car want to die. But on the Jeep, I had the total opposite effect. It revved up and ran a little bit better. So is my memory foggy, or do I have another problem? I have put new plugs in the jeep for a small miss, but have not replaced wires, cap and rotor yet. The Seafoam seems to have helped a little bit, but it is still there. It also gives a small backfire from time to time when shifting from 2nd to 3rd gear. And as I have said in a previous post, I have some lifter/rocker noise. Plan to replace cap/rotor/wires, timing chain,give it a oil change plus bottom end gaskets/seals. (Well maybe not the rear main, it seems to be the only one not leaking. But front seal definitely needs replaced.) Also will pull valve cover and try to adjust the valves. But for right now, my biggest question is why did the motor rev up instead of stumble? Motor is the 2.5 4 cyl with the 5 speed. Thanks!