- Location
- Lobster in Lake Tahoe
North Atlantic Chapter Bylaws
The Chapter seeks and exists to serve responsible XJ/MJ owners and enthusiasts who want to participate in XJ/MJ related events, and/or XJ/MJ owners who are looking for technical help/support in the troubleshooting, care, daily maintenance, repair, restoration or modification of their vehicles. It is a regional Chapter of the North American XJ Association ()
Membership Qualifications
1. In order to be eligible for Membership an individual shall satisfy the following requirements:
2. Shall be not less than 18 years of age;
3. Shall own or shall have regular use of an XJ or MJ vehicle.
4. Membership in the Chapter shall be open to any Member of in good standing that resides within the geographic region encompassed by the North Atlantic Chapter
Chapter Board of Directors
A. There shall be five Officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer/ Recorder, A Northern Events Coordinator, and a Southern Events Coordinator. The decision-making authority rank shall flow in the order listed above, with the President possessing the highest level. This authority rank is only applicable in decision-making circumstances where a Board of Directors vote is not feasible, such as during an Event.
B. Chairman of the Board: The elected President shall serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and shall preside over all Board of Directors activities.
C. The Vice President shall keep himself fully informed concerning the business of the Chapter with the active assistance of the other Officers and, in the event of the absence or temporary disability of the President or a vacancy in the office of President, shall assume and carry out the duties and responsibilities of the President. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board of Directors.
D. The Treasurer/Recorder shall be responsible for ascertaining that a complete record is kept of all activities of the Chapter. The Treasurer/Recorder shall have the care and custody of all funds of the Chapter. He/she shall receive all monies, pay all bills, and keep true and accurate accounting of all monies received and dispersed. He/she shall, at the conclusion of each fiscal year of the Chapter, render to the Board of Directors a full and complete written statement of the condition of the Chapter, as well as of all monies received and dispersed during the period covered by the report.
E. The Northern and Southern Events Coordinators shall be responsible for the organizing of all events occuring within their designated region. They will also be charged with planning and promoting events throughout the year to encourage particapation from Chapter members. The Northern Events Coordinator shall be responsible for Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Northern New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. The Southern Events Coordinator shall be responsible for Southern New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Northern Virginia. Each event coordinator must reside within their region at the time of nomination and the time of election in order to be eligible for the position.
Changes to Chapter Bylaws
The By-Laws may be changed by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. For the purpose of adopting a change to the By-Laws, a quorum shall be the full membership of the Board of Directors.
Nomination for Officers shall take place on November 1 of even numbered years. Elections shall be held on November 15 of the same year. The newly elected Officers shall assume their responsibilities on January 1 following the elections. Each office shall be held for a term of 2 years. A minimum of 1 year as a Member shall be required before election to an office can be made.
Chapter Events
- Each Event shall have an assigned Trail Master. The Trail Master shall lead the Event always with safety in mind.
- All requirements stated in the National Bylaws must be met by all event participants.
- If no Chapter or National Director attends a scheduled Event, that event is automatically cancelled as a formal Event sanctioned by the Corporation. Any further activity by Members or others shall not be affiliated with the Corporation.
- Each Attendee is ultimately responsible for his or her own safety. Members who choose to bring Guests on an Event are solely responsible for the safety and the behavior of those Guests.
- Alcoholic beverages and other controlled substances are prohibited while driving on or off-road. This includes consumption prior to an Event. Failure to comply will result in dismissal from the Event and shall constitute grounds for termination of Membership.
- Attendees bringing pets shall control them at all times.
- The North Atlantic Chapter expects each event participant to carry insurance and registration sufficient to meet the legal requirements of their vehicle state of residence and for the roads and trails traveled for the event. The North Atlantic Chapter is not responsible for assuring an participants vehicle is legal for the roads and trails traveled in the event.
- Event participants are solely responsible for acquiring and carrying required permits for access to trail areas, if applicable. (Example: State Land Permits Etc.)