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Mr CheapO's roof rack...


NAXJA Forum User
Ft Myer, Va
So I am a pretty thrifty (or cheap, haha) kind of guy. I don't ever seem to have enough money for the "cool" toys or parts so what I can't save for I tend to make from whatever I can. I guess in some aspects this could be considered a version of fabricating... but its more like repurposing or recycling I suppose. But whatever yo choose to call it... its cheap! And in some cases free!! :clap:
I try and swing by the recycle centers (fancy name for the dump!) here in Germany where I am based for now. There is a seemingly never ending source of things that can be used if one applies their imagination and isn't to proud to dive in a dumpster...haha! Being cheap helps deal with the pride issue pretty quick and since my imagination seems to be stuck on overdrive most days, that's hardly a problem either. :)
Last week or so I found some stuff in the metal recycle bin that I knew I could make work. It was one of those kind of epiphany moments where it just clicked. It was an old industrial rolling cart and some kind of weird bed frame looking thingy...I'm still not sure what the second thing really was but it would serve my purpose. The idea was then born to build my own roof rack to help carry some of the things that normally take up space inside but can be moved out pretty easy.
So today I got to spend some time cleaning off paint and powder coating, welding up the basic "basket" portion, and then had to call it quits. I still have to figure out how to make mounts for it as it sits to high and is only resting on the factory useless cross bars for now. More to come... :p
pictures no worky..
Yeah, OP used a link to another forum. I don't particularly want to get an account elsewhere, so OP, maybe drop those pictures in photobucket of imageshack.us? I'm always interested in cool cheap mods...
Ok... I'll easily admit that my skills with a computer are almost nil. It seems like every site has a different way of adding pictures etc and this one seemed to be like one I've done before. You click the little square with the mountain and then it says insert image url. While I don't know who url (earl?) is... I couldn't get it to pull one of those things from my computer.?. So instead I just clicked on another site where I had posted the same pics and used the url thingy from that. It's worked ok in the past and like I said... it shows up here for me??? I really don't want to start a photo bucket thing to be honest...I'm one of those that doesn't do facebook as well... :l
But I'll see if I can play with it later and maybe I can make something work..ok guys? Sorry.
The reason it worked for you is your a member of the other site and likely your logged into it. Unfortunately we aren't so fortunate. If you need you can email me the pictures and ill post em. Send me a pm if you need help.